You Can't Be Tired Already!

Heaven's Plan

Admin CC: WOOT WOOT CHAPTER FIVE AWWWW YIISSSS. WE IS ON A ROLL. //happy dances// Anyways, we hope you enjoyed the last four chapters! Thanks soooo much for sticking with us. Saranghae~<3


Admin Strawberry Panda:  WHOA! Chapter 5 already! Anyway, thank you all so much for reading up until now. I hope it hasn’t bored you too much =/. It gets better, I promise. And about this chapter, I’m soooo sorry. We have no clue how people usually record songs, so I apologize if it’s not accurate. We try to make this story as legit as possible~. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


Chapter Five: You Can’t Be Tired Already!


(Oh Min Jee)


Bodies moved back and forth and complicated steps were done. Min Jee wiped the sweat on her forehead with her sleeve and kept on moving, twirling, and what not. She was so tired, exhausted, but she’s been through this routine so many times that her body wouldn’t quit.


“Okay! That’s enough!” Min Jee finally rested her aching muscles as she made her way to the benches before collapsing unprofessionally. She caressed her arm and gritted her teeth. It was throbbing uncontrollably and the pain was almost unbearable. She's been through more rigorous training, but she's still just as exhausted as everyone else. Even Hei Ryung looked like she was almost going to pass out. Her leader's chest was heaving and she was patting her face with her towel.


"Are we done yet?" Hye Su moaned and Yun Hee was handing everyone their water bottles. Myung Hee was on the floor and she couldn't get up, too exhausted. Her muscles were aching terribly. She was heaving and having a coughing fit before Jooyun rushed to her side and begged her partner to drink some water. Thankfully, the girl managed to find some strength to lift up her head and take a sip.


“We’ve been training from dawn till dusk Hei Ryung-ah,” Yun Hee said softly, tending to Soo Jin and Hye Su, who were almost passed out on the floor. The rigorous training was too much to bear for these trainees. For once I have to agree with these people, this is way too much. We’ve been practicing too early in the morning till late at night. Did we even have lunch? She couldn’t remember, she was too overwhelmed by the throbbing in her arm. Hei Ryung nodded automatically, thinking of their well being.


“I think it’s time we should head back to the dorm. Ramyun for everyone,” Hei Ryung rasped and walked out the door, slinging her towel over her shoulder. The others followed sluggishly, their feet clomped on the ground.


“Just think of it this way everyone. Two more weeks and we’d be able to see how much our work paid off,” Myung Hee tried to lighten the mood, but immediately cowered when everyone shot her glares.


“I don’t think now is the time,” Yun Hee said sympathetically, patting her band mate’s shoulder and Myung Hee slumped. Hye Su moaned, holding her stomach.


“I can’t wait to get back to the dorm,” she mumbled. “Ramyun have never looked more tantalizing in my life.” The others agreed simultaneously and when Hei Ryung unlocked the door, they all burst in and made a mad dash to the pantry. Min Jee noticed that Hei Ryung stayed in the back though, waiting for them.


“Yo,” Min Jee surprised herself by calling out to her. Hei Ryung’s eyebrows shot up and her expression mirrored hers. “You eating?” Hei Ryung shook her head. Min Jee raised an eyebrow. What? How can she not eat after all of that training?


“Waiting for the others to finish taking their stuff first,” Hei Ryung explained and Min Jee nodded. Looking back at the pantry, she grimaced. “I’ll just eat tomorrow morning though, if we manage to have time.” Min Jee furrowed her eyebrows together. She can’t go hungry.


“Want to share with me then?” Min Jee asked and it was silent between them. The chatter and laughter of the others were drowned out to them as they stared at each other. Min Jee scowled, feeling an embarrassed blush creep up her cheeks. “I was just asking. If you don’t want it then-”


“Thanks,” Hei Ryung cut her off, offering the girl a small smile. Min Jee simply deepened her scowl and blushed more, turning away. To be honest, she hadn’t expected to be so sweet to her leader because of their history here at SM. While she poured hot water into the noodles, she thought to herself. ...This group surprises me more than I thought. Tch.


(Seo Yun Hee)


Yun Hee sat in the kitchen alone, wiping down the table and throwing away the empty cups. Her aching muscles were crying out in protest, but she ignored it. She was used to being up late at night and taking care of some housework before drifting off to sleep. She had siblings back at home and many of them. They were all younger than her, so she was responsible for taking care of them. She didn’t mind, her parents were both working so that made her the “mother.” However, even when their real mother came home, she was too tired and Yun Hee found herself working even more. She was quiet, she didn’t want to make her parents think that she was ungrateful for what they’ve done for her.


“Good night everyone!” She heard Myung Hee call out and then she caught a flurry of pillows from the corner of her eye. Myung Hee screeched and everyone laughed. Everyone had crowded into Min Jee’s and Yun Hee’s dorm because they were all too tired to get to their own dorms. Another sleepover basically.


“Yah! Everyone go to sleep or else I’m making you all do the same thing tomorrow!” Hei Ryung threatened and cries of protest followed the statement. “Then go to sleep!” Yun Hee chuckled. Hei Ryung... she acts so strong and harsh sometimes, but she really cares for all of us in her own way. She definitely saw through her leader’s threats since day one. The soft padding of feet caught her attention and Yun Hee turned around, surprised to see her leader standing at the doorway of the kitchen.


“Don’t worry, I’ll be going to sleep in just a few,” Yun Hee spoke up before Hei Ryung could say anything. “Thanks for coming in to check on me though.” Hei Ryung closed and nodded. It was silent between them again and Yun Hee hung the towel on the kitchen sink.


“...You really act like a mom.” Yun Hee smiled softly. “Taking care of us in a gentle way and always making sure we’re alright.” Laughing lightly, Yun Hee washed her hands.


“I should say the same thing to you Hei Ryung-ah, you take care of us too,” Yun Hee replied and Hei Ryung shook her head.


“I don’t think they appreciate my actions like yours,” Hei Ryung replied and Yun Hee couldn’t decipher her tone. It was complicated and guarded. “You have more of a motherly, heartwarming touch while my hand is coarse and rough.” Yun Hee shook her head.


“Someday they’ll understand your way as well. After all, if you were like me and babied them all the time, we won’t be able to make it as idols at all,” Yun Hee explained and Hei Ryung simply ducked her head. She caught a glimpse of her leader’s smile. It was a beautiful smile and lit up her face, but it was so rare, even onstage. Yun Hee was a fan of Hei Ryung back in her trainee days and not once has she seen her smile genuinely. Many called her an ice princess, similar to Jessica of SNSD, and others called her heartless. Many were certain that she had no emotions, but now, Yun Hee knew better than all of them. Her leader, she had to be strong, she had to keep her emotions guarded. Why? She didn’t know that yet, but Yun Hee was hoping that someday she’d know.


“I’ll be going to bed now, you should too,” Hei Ryung lifted her head, nodding to Yun Hee. The smile vanished and was replaced with the typical cold stare. Yun Hee smiled briefly and nodded. Hei Ryung left the kitchen, leaving Yun Hee alone once more. She stood on the kitchen, her feet growing cold because of the kitchen tiles and the nighttime air. She stands alone most of the time... But now that she’s in a group, I hope she can rely on us as well.


(Jeong Soo Jin)


Crossing out one day on the wall calendar (which Soo Jin had taken it with her from her dorm), Soo Jin stepped down from the mini chair and looked proudly at her handiwork. “One week and 6 more days before the concert AKA our debut,” she cheered. She had decorated the main day with stickers and some scribbles that Myung Hee had drawn with crayons.


“Chaarrrggeee!” Soo Jin immediately yelped. She then found herself sprawled on the floor with two people weighing her down. “We’ve got you now!” Recognizing the familiar voice, Soo Jin flailed, kicking the air.


“Park Hye Su! This is not funny!” Soo Jin shouted, but she shrieked with laughter when she found a pair of hands start to tickle her on the side. “Myung Hee unnie! Is that you?!”


“Oops! Caught me guilty,” Myung Hee said in a sing song voice and Soo Jin tried to turn her body. It was early in the morning and they had just finished breakfast. Hei Ryung had agreed to let them stay in for a few minutes before heading off to the recording studio. Yesterday, before their dance lessons, they had memorized the lyrics to three songs that were written for the mini album. After that, dance practice would follow, but Hei Ryung promised that this time they would get out of the room for lunch and dinner on time. SNSD had invited them to join them in the cafeteria along with f(x). After lunch, they would be off to take photos for the front and back cover of their album.


“Guys! Be quiet!” The trio looked up to see Min Jee hovering over them, her hands on her hips and glaring at them. If the saying ‘if looks could kill,’ they would all be dead by now. “I was trying to catch some z’s for a few more minutes, but then I was woken up by some juvenile laughter.” She folded her arms across her chest and tapped her right foot. “Well?”


“Sorry Min Jee Unnie!” they all chorused in unison and bursted out in laughter again. Obviously, they didn’t care and Min Jee rolled her eyes before retreating to the kitchen in search of some peace. Min Jee-sshi is such a party pooper.


“Okay everyone, we’ve got to get going,” Hei Ryung announced, eyeing the clock. “We have to be there in 15 minutes.” In a flash, everyone was up and ready to leave. She opened the door and they all crowded into the hallway, following behind Hei Ryung, except for Min Jee, who thought herself so important that she stood beside the leader. The tension between them was still there, though it loosened a bit. Tch! Min Jee-sshi is so conceited. Soo Jin shook her head and Hye Su nudged the younger girl, giving her an understanding look.


“Her ego is bigger than the size of her closet,” Hye Su whispered and Soo Jin giggled.


“Don’t say that! That isn’t nice!” Yun Hee scolded them and the duo pouted, but muttered apologies. It’s not my fault that Min Jee thinks she’s sooo much better than we are. Soo Jin sighed, but continued to follow her band mates down the hallway into the recording studio.


(Park Myung Hee)


Walking into the SM building, Myung Hee looked around, trying to take in the sights. Although she’s been in here quite a few times in the past three weeks, she was still excited to be there. She believed she still had a lot to see left. Passing by busy employees who were chatting on the telephone, filing papers, or rushing about to get straight to work.


“There you are!” A familiar woman came rushing to them, smiling as she was holding a packet.


“Min Jung unnie, it’s nice to see you again,” Hei Ryung greeted politely and bowed at a 90 degree angle to her. The others followed suit and murmured their greetings as well. Min Jung laughed and handed Hei Ryung the packet.


“This is the schedule for today, I’m sorry I won’t be here. I still have things to take care,” she said apologetically, “I’m sure you can follow this though. I’ll be with you by 4 pm.” Flashing a smile, she quickly walked in her high heels and was swallowed up by the mass of people. Hei Ryung sighed and looked down at the schedule, pointing over to the right.


“Let’s go. We already know the first thing we’re going to be doing. To the recording studio,” Hei Ryung announced and the rest of the SoulM8s followed closely behind. The hallway was less crowded and they all had a comfortable amount of space to move around.’s so nice in here... The plush seats and the smooth, ivory walls were nothing short of luxury. They passed by many rooms. Dance studios, practice rooms, vocal sessions, and other recording studios. Myung Hee was excited and peered into one of the dance studios, seeing SNSD was practicing as well. She managed to catch one of their eyes, Seohyun’s, and the girl’s exchanged brief smiles before Seohyun had to get back to dance practice and Myung Hee had to move on.


“And here we are.” Hei Ryung opened the door to one of the recording studios and inside, a man and a woman with headphones were waiting for them. “Time to work your butts off everyone.” Myung Hee groaned. Tell me something I don’t know.


(I need to add more to Myung Hee’s part but basically it’s supposed to be of them getting ready to record a song. Just pick a song from the mini album in the KPOP Story Planning)


Ummm.... how about the title track? Guilty as Charged, right? Or was it Guilty Love... something along those lines... and sorry for not typing for a few days, I was watching a drama Vincent recommended to me. And do you still wanna write, or I can start my part?


(Seung Eun Mi)


"Eun Mi, why don't you start?" Hei looked expectantly at the girl who had her jaw on the floor.


"Wha- why me?" Eun Mi asked, trying her best to not sound whiny. "I don't know how all the recording thingies work-"


"It's pretty simple," Min Jee cut in. "You just go into the room, put on the headphones, go up to the mic, and sing. Honestly, you should be able to do it, that is, if you're up to it," Min Jee smirked as Eun Mi wrinkled her nose at the statement indirectly questioning her competence.


"Let's do this," Eun Mi said as she marched into the recording room with her head held high. There's NO way I'm going to be psyched out by Minnie Unnie. She held one of the headphones to her ear and left the other one hanging. She always thought that it was more practical to just put it on completely, but she's seen almost all idols hold one headphone against their ear, so who was she to question their methods? Looking at the sheet music n the stand, she breathed a sight of relief. Well, at least I know this. We've been working on it for days.


"Eun Mi-sshi," the lady sitting in the booth called. "I believe you know this song, Guilty as Charged. You girls have been practicing it for the last couple of days, if we have heard correctly. We'll let you all listen to the scratch vocals again so you have the melody and rhythm fresh in your mind," Then, the song started playing through the speakers. Eun Mi closed her eyes and swayed her head to the soft piano intro and smiled softly as she heard the first singer start singing. "This voice is going to be all the parts you sing, Eun Mi-sshi, pay close attention to it," the lady behind the glass instructed. When a different person started singing, the lady told the rest of the members who voice was supposed to be whose and what part they would sing, but Eun Mi blocked all that out of her head. The vocalist for her part sure was talented, and the pain in her voice was evident. Of course, Guilty as Charged was supposed to be a sad song, but the pain in her voice wasn't directed to the supposed boyfriend who broke her heart, according to the song. No, it was another pain, a pain Eun Mi was far too familiar with back in her trainee days. The company liked to use aspiring trainees to do the scratch vocals for the soon-to-be idol songs. On Eun Mi's second year of training, she was chosen to do one of them for SNSD sunbaes. She remembered how excited she was hearing Sajang-nim tell her she was going to be a part of a project for SNSD, only to have her spirit crushed to find out she was supposed to be singing a new song to be a scratch vocal. Those people never have their voices heard because the famous people just scratch it out and sing over it. The pain the singer, and Eun Mi a while back, was feeling was hopelessness, the fact that one in a million actually make it big, and the fact that the world would most likely never hear their voice.


"Um... Eun Mi Unnie, you ok?" Joy asked awkwardly as she tapped the glass and Eun Mi's eyes snapped open.


"Eh? Unnie, why are you crying?" Tia asked, panicing when she saw the tears flow down Eun Mi's cheeks. The rest of the girls looked over at her, eyes clouded with worry.


"Hm?" Eun Mi asked as she brushed her hand across her cheek. Sure enough, tiny crystal droplettes were felt underneath her fingertips. "Oh!" She exclaimed, hastily wiping the rest of the tears away and sniffing a little bit. "I was just so into it, you know? It's a really sad song," she laughed little to ease the tension in the room. Everyone looked at her suspiciously, but didn't press the matter anymore.


"Eun Mi-sshi, are you ready to start recording?" The man asked, breaking the awkward silence. She nodded her head as the instrumental started playing and she closed her eyes to get in the mood. Person who sang in the scratch vocal, anybody who wants to be a singer at all, I hope your dreams will come true...


(Choi Hei Ryung)


Hei furrowed her brows as Eun Mi randomly started crying in middle of listening to their song. Sure, the song was sad, but Hei didn’t expect it to be that sad. Naturally, she questioned Eun Mi’s reason for the sudden waterworks, but she decided to push it to the back of her mind when Eun Mi started singing. Dang, she really can sing. Hei never really heard her voice during practices because everybody was sort of busy doing their own stuff. Well, their practice sessions aren’t really practice sessions, as in they’re not practicing for debut, it’s more like conditioning; making sure everybody’s voices are in good condition and whatnot. Now that she heard Eun Mi’s voice by itself, she understood why the SM scout talked to her in the first place, and why her training period was shorter than most. Hei gave each of the members a once-over again. It became a habit of hers ever since she was given the position of the leader. She would analyze the members and try to see if they were doing ok, or if they had something on their mind. She noted the way that they all looked like little kids as they marveled at their band member’s voice. Except Min Jee. She was too proud for that.


"Good job, Eun Mi-sshi. It wasn't that hard, was it?" The man asked. Eun Mi nodded enthusiastically as she went out of the recording booth. "Who's next?"


“I’ll go,” Min Jee volunteered as she walked into the recording booth and took the headphones from Eun Mi. “Watch and learn,” She smirked as the song started playing again. Hei scoffed at her immature behaviour but she couldn’t deny that Min Jee had a great voice. She also has the delivery down too. Min Jee was talented, but it would be a lot better if her attitude was as good as her skills. Soon, everyone was done recording their own parts, with a couple of people who had to do it over again because “the emotions weren’t good” or “your voice needs to be more powerful/soft at this point.” Hei sighed as she watched her members all gulp down at least two bottles of water. I forgot how tiring recording could be. Hei Ryung hasn’t been active for a few months, so she had a little more free time on her hands. But with the sudden announcement of a new group she was going to be a part of, she worked harder than she ever had in her life.


“Unnie,” Soo Jin whined as she tugged her sleeve like a little kid. “Can we go back to the dorms now? I think everyone’s tired and I just want to SLEEEEPPPP!!!” she fell to the floor dramatically to prove her point. “I think I see the light...” Soo Jin wheezed.


“Get up. The floor’s dirty. It’s full of dirt and oils that can clog your pores,” Hei Ryung teased, and then rolled her eyes as the maknae squeaked and immediately ran to her bag for her face wipes. “Besides, we have to work on the choreo in about ten minutes.


“But we’re all tired!!” Hye Su exclaimed, trying her best to convince their leader with her aegyo. Hei felt sorry for her members, but she had to be strict in enforcing the laws rules.


“We have to work on the dance. Besides, we’re a girl group. The dance shouldn’t be that hard. If you look at the big picture, we have it easy.... sort of...” Hei Ryung finally managed to herd all of the girls to the dance room without too much resistance. I hope they don’t die on me during dance practice...


(Park Hye Su)


Dance practice.... ugh... I really don’t think I’m cut out for the idol life. Hye Su groaned inwardly as she allowed her leader to push her to the dance room. The room looked like any other dance room, wooden floors, mirrors for walls, but the only difference was that there were eight signatures in a corner of the room next to the mirror written in invisible ink. Tia thought it would be a cute idea to make them all sign their names somewhere in the dance room so they can look back and see how far they’ve come. It was sort of a childish idea, but when Soo Jin mentioned that it could also be like a pact: they all sign the wall as sort of an agreement to not give up on SoulM8s, no matter how ty life gets. That was a cheesy, but good idea, so they all finally agreed. Hye Su smiled fondly at the little corner. She came there a lot of times at night with her little ultraviolet flashlight when she couldn’t sleep and stared at the signatures for hours. Although training was really, really hard, she didn’t want to let all her bandmates down.


“Hello girls,” Their choreographer greeted. The girls bowed and greeted her back. “So, as you all know, the song is sort of a gentle song, but not exactly a ballad, and not exactly a pop song. It’s... somewhere in between. Usually girl groups don’t dance to songs like this, but we decided it would be a little more exciting than just standing there and singing, don’t you think? So the dance sort of reflect the depressing feel of the song. There are a lot of smooth movements. And a good example is going to be sort of like TEENTOP’s ‘Missing You.’ Of course, it’s going to be more feminine and...maybe have more layers,”


“What do you mean by ‘more feminine?” Joy asked, eyeing the choreographer suspiciously.


“Oh, you know. More simple and gentle movements and more sadness. That TEENTOP song I just told you about, it’s about a guy with an internal war with himself for not loving a girl. He’s the offender. But your song is about a girl being cheated on by her boyfriend. Therefore, she’s the victim. Get it now?” Joy bit her lip and numbly nodded. “Ok then, shall we start?”


The rest of the day was just dancing, dancing, dancing. Eun Mi made the most mistakes, Tia and Soo Jin were the slowest at learning, Hei Ryung wasn’t as fluid as the choreographer wanted her to be, due to her very toned arms, Yun Hee and Hye Su were too timid with their movements, and Joy and Minnie just had bad attitudes.  


“Ok then,” The choreographer announced after about three hours of nonstop dancing. “I guess that’s a wrap for today. You all were better than when you first walked into here, I can give you that. Just... work on it a little more, ok? I’ll see you all tomorrow,” Hye Su took Soo Jin’s bottle -her own bottle ran out- and drank it all.


“Hey!” The maknae whined. “That was the last of my water!”


“Respect your elders, Soo Jinnie,” Hye Su teased and threw her the now-empty bottle. Soo Jin pouted and went over to whine to Eun Mi to share her water. Hye Su smiled as she watched all of her members from the corner of the room and then she looked over her shoulder to eye the spot on the wall where the signatures should be. Training is hard, but I won’t let you guys down...


(Yeon Jooyun)


Simple? Feminine? Great, I just totally love my life right now. Joy inwardly grumbled as the choreographer explained their concept. The movements were simple enough, but Joy was in such a bad mood, she half-assed the entire dance.  


"More energy guys!" The choreographer ordered, scrutinizing every move. "Sharper movements! Min Jee-sshi and Jooyun-sshi, I don't believe you girls are mourning for your failed relationship! Eun Mi, it's spin left, step open, close, not the other way around!"


"How do we dance the second verse again?" Soo Jin asked the person next to her: Tia. Tia shrugged and poked the person in front of her: Minnie.


"Unnie, what's the next step?" Min Jee rolled her eyes as she effortlessly (but emotionlessly) danced, leaving her dongsaengs struggling to mimic her movements.


"Less talking, more dancing!" The choreographer barked, shocking the girls into stopping. She sighed and turned the music off. "Ok then, I guess that's a wrap for today.You were all better than when you first walked in here, I can give you that. Just... Work on it a bit more, ok? I'll see you all tomorrow,"


“Well girls, it’s getting late. We should get back to the dorms and go to bed,” Hei Ryung instructed. They were the only ones in the dance room at the moment. Usually, idol groups live with their managers, but in this case, Min Jung and a couple of the other cordi-unnies live in a nearby dorm just in case the girls need anything. They don’t live with them at the moment because the band was still new and they didn’t want to intrude in the bonding process between the girls.


“I’m so disgustingly sweaty, I think I’m going to break out. I’m going to shower first,” Soo Jin announced as she walked into the bathroom.


“Wait, Soo Jin-Ah, you’re the maknae, shouldn’t you-” Yun Hee’s words were cut off as the door slammed in her face. “Oh- ok then, the rest of us can wait,’’ she whispered shyly. Soo Jin was a curious type of person due to her young age and always wondered what it was like to live in other parts of the world because she’s never been outside Korea. When she found out that Joy lived in America for a few years, she wouldn’t stop pestering her about their customs and way of life. When she found out how some teenagers typically treat their superiors, she decided she want to live the “American way” for a little bit.


“You,” Hei said pointedly at Jooyun. “Are such a bad influence,”


“Hey, at least she didn’t start talking like Joy!” Tia giggled, imagining their maknae spewing... colorful words at everybody. Joy smiled a little and plopped down on the couch, looking at the ceiling.


“Well, she is the maknae, she needs more sleep than all of us, right?” The others nodded in agreement. “Next time, let’s just to rock paper scissors to determine the order,” Everybody nodded again and went back to their own business for the time being. Maybe... being in a band isn’t really as bad as I thought it was before... Maybe... I’m starting to like it?


Admin Strawberry Panda: ASDLKFJWOEISHGN OMG, I’M SOOOOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!!!!! I was taking a two week vacation and I couldn’t really work on the story because I was on a ship and wifi was so freaking expensive and being the cheap Asian I was, I DIDN’T WANT TO PAY FOR IT!!! Well, I didn’t want my parents to pay for it. Anyway, the chapter is finally done. Whew! Finally! Thank you so much for being patient and look forward to Chapter 6! Comment please~ I love reading them! Ok, you can all kill me now for being late with this update. //bricked


Admin CC: Whew! Chapter five was finally done! I have to admit I am proud for coming this far! Thanks to all those who stuck with us~ Please subscribe and comment! Every little bit means a lot! And perhaps tell your friends about this fanfic as well? Hee hee~ Anyways! On with comment replies!


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Hey there! It’s Admin CC speaking! Thanks so much for commenting omg you are sooo sweet! Thanks so much again! I really appreciate this comment~ We’ll do our best to update as often as we can~ Thanks for commenting and subscribing!

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Chapter 4: Wuah!!!! Just found this and im in love with it xD i dont really check fics with a lot of OCs cus i get confused but i took the time to keep checking and matching their name and faces xD

Please keep up the good work authors! Looking forward to thr next update ^^