Characters: SoulM8s

Heaven's Plan

Admin CC: Okay since we have a lot of characters since we have an 8 member girl group called SoulM8s, we've made a chapter to explain a little bit about the characters before you dive into the story~ We hope you enjoy!! By the way some of the formatting is completely wrong for some members- //cries Thanks a lot Strawberry Panda- //WHEEZES

Admin Strawberry Panda: HEY, I TRIED- //SHOT BY ADMIN CC// Oh! Just a little note, the ages aren't international ages, but Korean ages. If they're inaccurate.... well..... I tried- //crawls into corner of shame

SoulM8s, Your Match Made In Heaven 


Stage Name: Hei
Real Name: Choi Heiryung
Birthday: March 30
Age: 24
Height: 175 cm/5' 7"
Personality: She's the most stern, commanding, mature, and leader type. She's the "bodyguard" of SoulM8s and does everything she can to protect them. She's also mysterious and likes to keep her information classified. But can she really protect them whens he has issues of her own to deal with?
Ideal Type: Her ideal type is someone who is manly and mature. Someone serious and can pull his own weight. Also someone tall and preferrably around her age or older. But ideal types change... don't they?
Interesting Facts:
-She can imitate a man's voice
-Strongest out of all of SoulM8s
-Has the most obvious muscle mass
-Trains a lot
-One of the four former idols in SoulM8s
-Debuted in only one year, but with intensive training

-Is secretly learning how to cook/bake under Yun Hee's guidance
-Rooms with Hyesu


Stage Name: Minnie
Real Name: Oh Minjee
Birthday: June 5
Age: 24
Height: 173 cm/5'6
Personality: She is a proud and vain girl who loves getting compliments. She never forgets to mention how great she is or how experienced she is compared to the other girls in SoulM8s. She's usually like this, which makes her hard to like, but it's those walls around her that make it difficult to get through her.
Ideal Type: She likes a mature guy who will only look at her. He has to obsess over her and compliment her all the time. He has to make her feel beautiful no matter what and can deal with her possessiveness.
Interesting Facts:
-She is an only child
-Has a bad history with Heiryung, they used to be inseparable, but not they don't talk to each other
-Admits to being a possessive girlfriend
-Is one of the former idols in SoulM8s
-Debuted in three years
-Rooms with Yunhee


Stage Name: Tia (Not to be mistaken for Chocolat's Tia)
Real Name: Choi Myunghee
Birthday: Feburary 14
Age: 20
Height: 167 cm/5'4
Personality: Myunghee is a bubbly girl who loves playing around with everyone. She is very childish, but also a very sensitive girl. She cries very easily because she has some sort of empathy problem she cannot control. 
Ideal Type: Her ideal type is someone who understands her. She wants someone friendly and easy to talk to. Someone older than her and loves to give her piggyback rides. She wants him to carry her stuff when she's shopping and carry her when she's tired.
Interesting Facts:
-Used to be part of the popular YG Entertainment duo, Angel's Joy, before being bought by SM Entertainment
-Self taught make up artist, she loves make up and fashion
-Has a younger sister (10 years younger)
-Debuted in 5 years and is one of the idols in SoulM8s
-Has a very close relationship with Jooyun, like inseparable sisters
-Rooms with Jooyun


Stage Name: Joy
Real Name: Yeon Jooyun
Birthday: November 28 
Age: 19
Height: 163 cm/5'3
Personality: Jooyun is an emotionless girl and has trouble revealing her feelings, but not quite as bad as fellow member Eunmi. She cares deeply for her members and is very mature, especially more mature than Myunghee. She gets attached very easily once she likes someone or something and isn't afraid to call you out on your faults. She also has a cussing problem, which leads to her being punished by leader Heiryung.
Ideal Type: Her ideal type is someone smart and kind. He has to be taller than her, but not too tall. She prefers someone around her age, but it doesn't matter much to her. She cares more about personality than looks. He aslo has to be able to tolerate her at her worst. If their personalities click, then she's good to go
Interesting Facts:
-Has two younger siblings, a boy (3 years younger than her) and a girl (7 years younger than her)
-Very close to YG Entertainment trainee, Kim Changhyun (Also an OC)
-Very close to former AJ and now SoulM8s member Myunghee, they knew each other before creating AJ
                                                                                                                                                                                       -Very flexible

-Memorizes dances like it's nobody's business
-Is very hard working, but has the lowest stamina out of all of them, also is the shortest
-One of the current idols in SoulM8s
-Rooms with Myung Hee

Ice Princess

Stage Name: Eunmi
Real Name: Seung Eunmi
Birthday: August 12
Age: 23
Height: 170 cm/5'5
Personality: Eunmi is an emotionless girl who doesn't express her feelings. She's very quiet and it's rumored that her death glare made some boy cry during her high school years. She's actually a very kind person once you get to know her, but doesn't really know how to make friends easily. 
Ideal Type: Her ideal type is someone who is kind and caring, someone who understands her. He has to be easy to talk to and be able to keep her secrets. He has to be outgoing and fun to combat her introvertness.
Interesting Facts:
-Has a younger sister, Hyerin, who is a trainee at CUBE Entertainment, they are very close to one another since they are only one year apart
-Loves animals
-Has the worst aegyo anyone has ever seen, but she is very pretty
-Scouted by someone who was at a party she was at and heard her singing at a karaoke machine
-Debuted in only 2 years, one of the new members in the group
-Rooms with Soojin


Stage Name: Yunhee
Real Name: Seo Yunhee
Birthday: October 6 
Age: 22 
176 cm/5'7
Personality: Yunhee is a very kind and motherly girl. She's always taking care of her members. However, she is quiet kind type which makes her underrated as a member, but she works very hard. She is a dancer, always has been and always will be. She does not get much screen time since she's very shy, but she's also scary when her "mother" mode comes out.
Ideal Type: Her ideal type is someone who can match her motherliness. Someone like a father basically. He has to be good with kids and be respectful to her family. It doesn't matter if he's younger or older, taller or shorter. Like Jooyun, she cares more about personality than looks.
Interesting Facts:
-Oldest out of 7 siblings
-Came from a poor family
-Enjoys cooking and baking, does most of the housework in the dorm
-Kids love her, she was a teacher aid for a kindergarten class before
-Scouted when she went to her school's talent show and danced sang to something she created 
-Debut in 5 years, one of the new members in SoulM8s
-Rooms with Minjee


Stage Name: Hyesu
Real Name: Park Hyesu
Birthday: April 29
Age: 21
Height: 166 cm/5'4
Personality: Hyesu is a very innocent and sweet girl with an affinity for food. She loves food, like a lot. She's relatively kind, but is crazy when it comes to food. She's scary when she's hungry, but that's just Hyesu. She's a lovable, squishy girl. She's often considered the "fake maknae" because she looks so young.
Ideal Type: Her ideal type is someone who can cook delicious food. He has to give her food somehow and if he can cook, he's a keeper. He also has to be kind, but every girl wants a kind boyfriend.
Interesting Facts:
-An only child 
-Came from the countryside
-Can't cook to save her life, but she likes to eat



Stage Name: Soojin 
Real Name: Jeong Soojin 
Birthday: January 5 
Age: 18 
Height: 170 cm/5'5
Personality: Being bubbly, fun loving, and cute, she is kind of the typical maknae, who everyone dotes ever and cares for. Due to her young age, she sometimes can take things too literally and can be clueless at times. She wears her heart on her sleeve, so she gets hurt easily and is really sensitive. This girl has an unnatural obsession with skin and does everything possible to keep it as perfect as she can. Sometimes, she tries to force her obsession on others, giving them sunblock, acne cream, etc. 
Ideal Type: She doesn'e have a definite description of her ideal man, but she wants someone who can lead her and is capable of taking care of her. He can't be too mature, though, because she'd still like to have fun with him.
Interesting Facts:
-She has an obsession for skin products
-Has an older brother (older by three years)
-Doesn't like cats, but loves puppies
-Is the aegyo princess of SoulM8s, could even beat Myunghee's famous aegyo if she tried

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Chapter 4: Wuah!!!! Just found this and im in love with it xD i dont really check fics with a lot of OCs cus i get confused but i took the time to keep checking and matching their name and faces xD

Please keep up the good work authors! Looking forward to thr next update ^^