
Meet My Neighbor, Henry Lau!




"Oppa, we're done with dinner now! So seriously, bring me to that surprise you were going to show me!" Jae pleaded.

"Fine, fine, I will show you!" Henry grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "Just follow me and I'll show you."

Jae could barely contain her excitement through dinner. She whined through the whole thing about seeing the surprise Henry had promised for her to see. After a few minutes he stopped outside a store, told Jae to wait for him and went inside. She stared at the people passing by while waiting, and fortunately, Henry didn't make her wait long.

"Finally, you're back," she said although he took less than four minutes, "Where's my present?"

"Here." He handed her a bracelet. A very simple bracelet, yet pretty. "I have a matching one." He showed of the bracelet that hung around his wrist.

She smirked. "Is this a love confession, Henry? I don't know if I'm ready for couple bracelets yet," she teased.

"Oh, shush it and put it on or I'm taking it back." She laughed and received the bracelet. She's grateful for Henry, really.


The next day, around late afternoon, Henry and Jae had returned to Seoul. Mr and Mrs Lau had some emergency affairs to take care of, therefore they had to stay another day, but Jae offered for Henry to sleep at her place instead of home alone.

"China's fun, but it feels good being back home in a country were you understand the language." Jae smiled.

Henry nodded. "I guess I'm a -ish translator, no?" She nodded her head while laughing. They grabbed their luggage and waited outside the airport for Jae's aunt to come and pick them up.

Once inside the car, Jae's aunt began bombarding them with questions about their trip like; did you have fun? How was the weather? Are Henry's parents doing good? Jae just stared out of her window and let Henry reply to the questions.

"Jae, did you write in your diary? You know the assignment?" Qri asked.

*. I totally forgot about that!* Jae let out an awkward laughter and shrugged. "I missed a couple of days, but it's cool! I'll just write on it later today, you know."

"What assignment?" Henry wondered.

"It's a stupid assignment where you're supposed to write a diary about your summer life, and when school stars you're supposed to compare yourself then and now and how things has changed, blah, blah blah," explained Jae. "It's boring, you're lucky you don't have to."

Henry snorted and ruffled her hair. "Clumsy, clumsy girl. You don't like homework either? You're lazy."

"Jae's dream is to become an athletic, she's not very good at it though. I've tried to convince her that she'll be better of learning how to cook and marrying a rich guy, but no, she has to earn her money herself," Qri frowned. 

Jae rolled her eyes. She's going to have to talk with her complaining aunt later. Right now she's not in the mood to make herself look like a fool in front of Henry, so she kept shut and blushed whenever Henry glanced at her.


"I'm gonna pack my stuff, and I'll be over in half an hour." Henry had said before he hurried inside his own house.
Jae had nodded and ran to her room in a hurry. She only has half an hour to make her room look less messy! Her aunt ha scoffed and told her that no maid in the world would be able to clean Kim Shin Jae's room in half an hour, so how could she, the worst cleaner in the world, do it?
Jae surprised herself though. After twenty minutes, her room looked tidy enough for a person to breath in the air without suffocating. *huh, so hard work really does pay off!* She smiled, proudly. This would be clean enough. Henry's a guy, and he's messy too, so he won't mind that she's not as clean as the queen of England.
From: Jonghyun
To: Jae
Hey, we're back! Wanna hang out? :)
She turned off her phone. No way she's hanging out with Jonghyun, he's a jerk. Taemin's a jerk. Amber's a jerk. All three of them have lost her trust, do they have no dignity? They lied to her about Baekhyun, the guy she's head over heels over. She's known them for almost forever and now they're betraying her!
"And the amazing Henry Lau has arrived!" Someone threw a bag through her open window and next came Henry.
"Oh, ! You scared me don't do that again!" She yelled. She put a hand over her heart in a failed attempt to make it slow down. "There's a door you know. And you can use it, you know."
"I know, but I thought the window would be much more efficient and fun! And I was right!" He flashed a proud grin. She rolled her eyes for the second time that day. Henry's confident side is irritating. "Anyhow, whatchu wanna do?"
"I don't know," she shrugged.
Henry glanced around her room. "Your room is way much cleaner than mine." He sounded impressed. She smiled, now it's her time to be proud again. "Your aunt is right, you should marry a rich guy and be a housewife."
"Ha-ha, very funny." She narrowed her eyes.
"Hey! Wanna hear me play the violin?" He offered.
She nodded her head eagerly. Henry, or maybe it was her aunt, mentioned that he plays both the piano and violin. She's a little jealous that he's so epic and awesome at almost everything. She likes a lot of stuff, but she's barely good at any of it. She loves singing, but she sings off tune. She's addicted to running, yet she always hurts herself.
And let's not even start talking about her driving.
Henry had pulled a violin out of his bag. She awaited for Henry to play half-good, half-sloppy. However, she was surprised when he stood with his back straight, his eyes showing a hundred precent concentration, and his movements were gracious. Jae listened carefully, her head nodding in approval while hearing the beautiful sound.
Her heart was filled with emotions as she listened to the wonderous tune, gracing her ears. She closed her eyes, and the next time she opened them, Henry had finished the song. She stared at him intently, waiting for him to play some more. But he only blushed and looked away. *Why is she looking at me so intently?*
"Is Henry Lau shy?" She woke up from the trance his music had put her in, and returned to her normal self.
Henry's confidence returned too when her intensive gaze turned to normal. "I-I'm just a little rusty. I haven't practiced or played since I met you," he explained. She frowned. *I feel like I'm in the way of his practicing.* 
"Are you going to be a professional violist?" Jae wondered. "The way you play is very relaxing and soothing."
"Thanks, I'm not sure though. I might seem good to you, but the competition is very hard," he explained.
She nodded, understandingly. "I don't want to be in the way for your practicing though. I feel like I'm wasting your time."
"What are you talking about? It's nice to take a short break now and then. I've had lots of time to practice, I just didn't feel like it so don't think you're something special." He stuck out his tongue.
"I'm not going to argue with you anymore, seriously. Let's just go downstairs and play video games or something."
Henry didn't reject her suggestion and they headed downstairs. She the TV and turned to ask Henry what game he wants to play when she heard a knock on the door. "Jae, can you open?" Her aunt hollered.
"Okay!" She shouted back. "Henry, you pick a game." He nodded and she headed to the door. And she were surprised to see who stood outside. "Jonghyun... Amber... Taemin.... What are the three of you doing here?"
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Ninjachick #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this story!!!
Chapter 9: OMOOOOO. Ugh cliff hanger... ::::::((((((((
loraworld #3
Chapter 5: Please update! !!!!
I love it♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 5: Updatee soooonn x)
vcjqshinee #5
Update soon~~