
Meet My Neighbor, Henry Lau!

04 Chapter, 13th of June


Waiting. That's what Jae occupied herself with the following day. She just waited for Henry to come, but after waiting until 12 o'clock she grew bored. She didn't send him an official invitation or anything, but they have spent so much time together lately she just thought it would be natural of him to come over without her asking him to do so. But he's probably occupied with important things like packing, or maybe he's visiting someone else? It's not like she owns him and he can't hang out with anyone else.

The thing is, without him she's bored to death. All of her friends are in the States and she's stuck in South Korea. Jae texted Henry, Taemin and Amber but none of them replied. She had other friends as well but she really didn't feel like texting them, so she spent the day watching Korean dramas instead.

14th of June

Henry didn't come over the following day either, Jae pondered if she did something rude to offend him cause she can't remember doing anything wrong that would upset her new friend. She texted him, but she didn't get any replies. I'll just have to go over there then! She decided and prepared herself. When she was finished she said goodbye to her mother and left her house.

Jae knocked three times on the door and waited a few seconds before Henry opened. He was wearing a green hoodie with a chicken face on it, a red and white cap, and a pair of dark blue jeans. He smile when he caught sight of her and leaned against the door frame. "Hey, Jae."

"Hey, Henry! Where have you been? I sent you text messages but you didn't reply to any of them," she frowned. "And by the way, that's the cutest hoodie I ever seen."

Henry chuckled. "Thanks." He grinned. "I'm sorry I didn't reply, I've been super busy. My parents have some bussiness to do in China so they're going back there for a couple of days," he explained. "And I kind of have to go with them.."

"Are you abandoning me?" Jae gasped. "Henry Lau, you should be ashamed!" She pretended to scold him. Henry just laughed and shook his head at ther childish behavior. "....can I come with you?" She asked.

Henry cocked an eyebrow. "Are you serious?" She nodded. "Well that depends on if you're willing to see boring China. You do don't speak Chinese as well, right?"

"Nah, but you can translate for me, and I know how to say ni hao! And I think that's a word... and I can also say wo ai ni." Jae had some problems with pronoucation and she wasn't completely sure if she said it right or not, but she really doesn't care.

"Woah, I'm impressed. You can say I love you," he smirked. Jae stuck out her tongue.

"Can I come with you or not, jerk?"


16th of June

China's a whole lot sunnier than Seoul, that has been rainy and cloudy the past days. Jae really enjoyed the fresh air when she woke up the next day. Henry and Jae shared hotel room, but they had separate beds. Besides, Henry's parents had the room next to theirs so if Henry tried any funny bussiness she could just scream- not that she thinks Henry is a funny bussiness guy.

Jae's aunt, Qri, hesitated about Jae going to China on her own, but Qri knew that Jae would be devastated if she had to stay at home alone the whole day. Jae's not an attention freak but she's very active and prefers having someone to entertain her. She woke up around 9.20, breakfast didn't close until 11 so they had plenty of time but Jae decided to get out of bed and get changed.

Henry woke up around twenty mintues later and got dressed as well before they headed down to the hotel restaurant. Henry's parents had already attended their 'job', so Henry and Jae were left alone to fend for themselves. Not really a big problem though. Jae can drive if they need to go anywhere by car, and Henry knows the native language.

They ordered their breakfast before they engaged in conversation. "So, what do you have planned for today?" Jae asked, curiously. Henry shrugged. "Well, it's sunny! We should go to the beach."

"Sounds good, I can't swim though.." Henry admitted, shyly. Jae laughed.

"So you, the perfect guy who knows everything, cannot swim?" She smirked. "Well, I knew you couldn't be good at everything. I mean you speak like a hundred languages, you can play like a thousand instruments and your cupcakes are delicious, you need some flaws!" She .

Henry rolled her eyes. "You're not bad either, you know. You might be clumsy and obnoxious at sometimes, but your always open-minded, spontaneous, a little wild and very stubborn, but still very kind and fun to hangout with." Henry complimented her. Jae smiled, thankful for having such a nice friend.

"Thank you, people don't compliment me often." She nibbled on her lower lip, eye-smiling happily. Henry flashed a grin in return.

"You're welcome, anyway, we should hurry up when we get our food so we can get to the beach quickly!"


One and a half hour later Jae and Henry were at the beach, having fun. First, they just sat and built sandcastles and silly stuff. Some looked at them like they were odd but they didn't mind that they were different or a little weird, that's what makes them special! However, when Jae and Henry started disagreeing on which one of them should be the leader of their castle, they started arguing.

Arguing went from sand throwing which lead to a water fight. Since Henry can't swim they went no longer than knee-deep. People around them were staring at them even more by now but they still didn't really mind. If people wanted to waste time looking at their silliness, it's not their problem.

"You can never catch me!" Jae taunted and started running along the beach. Henry started chasing her and soon enough he was right behind her, for a minute he forgot he's a lot bigger than her and she's much more vunerable. He tackled her, yes, and very harsh. Jae groaned in pain, she turned around and looked right into the eyes of Henry's.

Their noses were pressed against eachothers. Their lips were only like a centimeter away from eachother and they were panting hard from all the 'excercise' and running they had gone through the past minutes. Jae's cheeks flushed deep red in realization over what was going on. They were nearly kissing! The pain in her back was suddenly forgotten and replaced by embarassment.

"I'm sorry.." Henry pouted.

Jae laughed and pushed him off her with all of her strength. "I've heard it before, it's alright." She rubbed her cheeks, hoping the red would go away. "I should have been more careful, I'm sorry too," she apologized.

"I have to go to the restroom," Henry excused himself.

Jae returned to their previous spot where they had left all of their things. Jae pulled her fingers through her hair and watched other pepole swimmng while waiting for her friend to return. A pair of fingers tapped her shoulder, she turned around and expected it to be Henry trying to startle her. But instead, it was some random chinese dude.

"Ni hao," she greeted. She didn't know any other words so when he started blabbering Chinese she had no idea about what she should respond, all she could do was hope that Henry would return soon. "I-I don't speak Chinese, I am korean." She said in korean, she tried explaining things but of course he didn't understand. "I don't understand, sorry." She tried again.

The man scoffed and grabbed her wrist, pulling her up and dragging her with him. Jae was going to rip her hand away from him but someone else placed a hand on her shoulder. It was Henry. "I think you should leave, my friend isn't interested." He spoke, calmly.

"She agreed to come with me," the man replied and his grip on Jae's wrist tightened. She groaned in pain, it really hurts!

"Really, because to me it looks like you're trying to kidnap her, and I can't let you do that. Sorry." Henry spoke again, still in his calm tone even though the man was rude and fumed with anger. He pulled her again and started yelling at Henry, people were to occupied with playing around and listening to the music blasting from the speakers.

Henry looked pissed by now and continued arguing with the man, Jae just stood in the middle and tried to figure out what they were saying. Henry said something again, and the next thing you knew he threw a punch at the dude's face.



Haven't updated in a loooooong while so I made the chapter longer than usual! ^^


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Ninjachick #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this story!!!
Chapter 9: OMOOOOO. Ugh cliff hanger... ::::::((((((((
loraworld #3
Chapter 5: Please update! !!!!
I love it♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 5: Updatee soooonn x)
vcjqshinee #5
Update soon~~