
Meet My Neighbor, Henry Lau!

02 Chapter, 12th of June


From: Jae

To: Taemin, Jjong, Amber

9:47 AM

I'm sorry, I can't come with you guys to the States.


From: Taemin

To: Jae, Jjong, Amber

9:51 AM

What? Are you serious? 


From: Jae

To: Taemin, Jjong, Amber

9:53 AM

Yeah, I'm serious.. I'm really sorry but I hurt my ankle running yesterday, and it hurts so f*kkin much. Qri would kill me if I tried coming with U guys, I hope you have fun and this really . T__T


*Stupid ankle!!* Jae groaned. What's going to happen if Baekhyun, Luhan, Sehun and the rest of EXO happen to be in the same hotel, and Jae isn't there? Maybe he falls in love with a pretty latin-american girl? Or some flawelss blonde? Jae was pissed. She's been looking forward to this trip in months and now it's cancelled!

Jae's phone plinged, meaning she has gotten a new message. Jae expected the message to come from one of her friends, but she was surprised when she saw the name;

From: Henry

To: Jae

9:59 AM

Are you feeling better? I'm sorry about your ankle! :(

Jae smiled, it's very cute of him to worry about her. She quickly replied, and lied that her ankle is a little better. She explained that she would miss her trip to United States, but that he shouldn't feel guilty.

From: Henry

To: Jae

10:04 AM

Really? Wow, this makes me feel even more guilty. Are you alright with me coming over? Keeping you company? It's the least I can do, and I don't really know anyone else in the neighborhood.

Jae considered her options, she could either stay here at home and be bored to death or hangout with Henry and let him entertain her. The choice is quite easy, isn't it? Jae texted Henry to come over in an hour.


"So, what you wanna do?" Henry asked and plopped down next to Jae on the sofa.

Jae grinned and handed him her Xbox control. "You're going to help me win this stupid video game called 'Death's Duty'."

They customized their characters. Henry named his Henry The King and Jae named hers Jae-The-Grim-Reaper. Henry laughed at her name, "Jae the grim reaper?" He spoke english. "That's not a girls name."

"So what? This isn't a girls game," Jae rolled her eyes and started playing.

Henry didn't really do well the first two of his life's in the game, his first death he walked to close to Jae's character when she was in combat mode and died. His second death he was engulfed by a zombie, and let's just say it was one of the ugliest sights they've ever seen. Henry sighed when he was on his final life, he better not blow it.

Luckily, he started getting a hang on the game and was doing really good. Until Jae was killed.

"Damn! To win the game you have to make it!" Jae said.

"What?" Henry got nervous. He at this game!!

"No pressure, but if you don't make it I'll strangle you." Jae smiled.

"Thanks, that helps alot," Henry sighed and started playing.

He passed 2 levels and entered the final boss level, where he has to slay the main villain of the game, Mr.Doom.

"Mr.Doom? The names on this game !" Henry complained.

*Says the guy who named himself The King,* Jae scoffed. "Just focus on the game!"

Henry was intruiged with the game, and Jae was beside him yelling and screaming like crazy. She didn't care if she looks stupid, she wants to win really badly. Mr.Doom only had one life left, and now it's Henry's chance to take charge and kill him. Jae was crazily nervous, he can't lose now!

"You can do it Henry! Figthing! Alright?" Jae encouraged.

Henry bit his lip and shot Mr.Doom again. "I WON!" He yelled.

"We won!" Jae laughed, completely random they hugged each other, but quickly pulled away embarrassed.

"Sorry, reacted out of impulse," Henry apologized.

"No, it was my fault," Jae patted him on the shoulder. "So, you wanna sing karaoke next?"

"That depends on, can you sing?" Henry asked.

Jae shrugged. *I sound like seals having *, "Not really. But I still think it's fun and I want to hear you sing!" She laughed. Henry rolled his eyes and got ready for a game of karaoke.


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Ninjachick #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this story!!!
Chapter 9: OMOOOOO. Ugh cliff hanger... ::::::((((((((
loraworld #3
Chapter 5: Please update! !!!!
I love it♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 5: Updatee soooonn x)
vcjqshinee #5
Update soon~~