
Meet My Neighbor, Henry Lau!

01 Chapter

(A/N: Silver/gray is in english) 

11th of June

Jae woke up earlier than she planned the next day; someone whom she assumed was her aunt knocked on the door like a thousand times. She looked at her clock, *Only 8:45!! Why does she need to wake me up this early? Aish!* Jae groaned and got out of bed. She hovered her hand over the door knob for awhile, could she pretend that she's asleep? But then her aunt will just barge into the room!

"Why are you waking me up this early?" Jae asked.

"Why are you being arrogant?" Her aunt, named Qri frowned.

"Sorry." Jae apologized. "But I'm so sleepy.." She rubbed her eyes.

"You're not sleepy, you're just lazy!" Qri accused and scoffed. "Anyway, the new neighbors moved in last night and I invited their son over. I hope you don't mind."

"Why did you invite someone without asking for permission?" Jae frowned making Qri rolled her eyes.

"I ain't gotta ask for anyone's opinion." she said in english.

"Whatever, when is he coming?" Jae asked.

"I don't know, maybe like in.." Qri checked her clock.. "Twenty minutes?"

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" Jae complained.

"First you were nagging about me waking you up early, and now your complaining about how I woke you up late. Jeez, make up your mind already!" Qri rolled her eyes and sassily left the room.

Jae was panicking, but then again, why does she give a about what that guy thinks about her anyway? She shrugged and threw on a pair of jeans and T-Shirt. She put some eyeliner around her eyes and quickly brushed her hair and pulled it back into a messy bun. Jae stared at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. She's blaming her poor fashion taste on her friends. Their advice .

According to her clock she still has 5 minutes left before this guy arrives, so she rushed downstairs and grabbed an apple to eat. She's not planning on spending much time with him, they'll talk for awhile and then she'll say goodbye and they will never meet again, no problem! "You look all dolled up." Qri stiffled a laugh and 'complimented' her niece.

"Thanks!" Jae responded sarcastically.


"Hello!" The boy that greeted Jae was really cute. His cheeks are so squishable and he lookes very kind, and like a fun type of guy. A guy that Jae would befriend. "Hey! I'm Jae," Jae introduced herself.

"I'm Henry, Henry Lau." He bowed.

"You don't have to be polite, I'm cool and you're probably older than me anyway. And if your name is Henry, does that mean you're english speaking?" Jae asked the last question in english. She wants to speak alot of english so she can improve it before her trip to L.A. She needs to impress Baekhyun, if they meet while there.

"Yeah, I moved from Canada too here.. Do you ask everyone who has an english name if they speak english?" Henry asked, his voice was filled with curiousity.

"No, just you because you seem interesting." Jae admitted.

"I like you already." Henry chuckled.

"Same here, welcome to the neighborhood, want me to show you around?" Jae asked.


Jae was showing Henry around the neigborhood, introducing him to all of the nice neighbors and warning him about the rude neighbors that will yell at you if you anger them. At the same time Henry was telling her about his life in Canada, all his interests and things like that. They are already getting along great and Jae is thrilled to get a new friend who lives so close, they can be partners in crime, very cool.

When they both found out that both of them are interested in athletic sports they clicked. And soon a debate about who's the best runner begun. Jae insisted that she's more flexible, meanwhile Henry thinks he's faster because he's in good shape. It didn't take long before they decided to race back to Jae's house. Jae was leading at first but rather quickly Henry managed to pass her. Jae was losing and she is a sore loser, she started sprinting and before she knew it she was leading again, untill she fell and twisted her ankle.

Yes. Her foot stumbled over a rock and fell with her face first. She managed to protect her face by repressing the fall with her hands. Her foot somehow ended up in a weird situation and her ankle was twisted. She's always been so damn clumsy.

"Are you okay? That looks like it really hurts." Henry looked at her with a worried expression, he was panting after air. 

"Of course it hurts! But big girls don't cry, and it's not that awful." Jae hid the pain by smiling painfully.

"You really look like you're in pain, let me help you home!" Henry offered.

Jae wanted to deny his offer but soon he lifted her up in his arms and started walking to her house. They weren't faraway and by the time Henry returned with her she had fallen asleep. He helped her up into her bed together with Qri and smiled at her cuteness. She's not the most good-looking girl, but her inner traits are those who matter.

"Oh, it's not even lunch time! Are you sure I shouldn't wake her up?" Qri asked and Henry nodded.

"She needs rest. I'll come by tomorrow, but thank you for your kind offer!" Henry smiled.



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Ninjachick #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this story!!!
Chapter 9: OMOOOOO. Ugh cliff hanger... ::::::((((((((
loraworld #3
Chapter 5: Please update! !!!!
I love it♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 5: Updatee soooonn x)
vcjqshinee #5
Update soon~~