
Meet My Neighbor, Henry Lau!

A/N: Oh god. I haven't updated for ages, sorry, my bad! :( 

Here's the sixth chapter! Enjoy, and please leave a comment! :D




"We're here, tadah!" Jae announced and parked at the first available spot she saw. "I thought we were lost for a second there," she fidgeted in her seat.

Henry laughed and quickly got out of the car along with her. She drives really wildly. It's a miracle that the police hasn't caught her. It's actually a even bigger miracle that she received a driver's license from the beginning. But wait..., what if she doesn't have one?


"Jae, I have a question," he confessed. If he knows Jae right, she's going to rage on him for asking her this, but it's worth a try. "You do have a license, right?"


Jae snorted and placed her hands on her hips, cockily, tapping her foot on the ground. "I would never drive illegally. Are you stupid? I'm not. I passed my driver's license, believe it or not."


"Yah, no need to get defensive! You drive like a gorilla! I was just asking for our own protection!" He defended.


Jae giggled and shoved her hands inside her pockets. I'm not going to protest. I just want to enjoy. She thought with a smile plastered on her face.


Henry felt his cheeks burning when he saw how happy Jae looked. He feels like he really owes her after pretty much ruining changing her vacation plans. If he had known that she's usually so clumsy there's no way he would have let them have that stupid running competition. He didn't mean for her to get hurt, and now that she did, he wants to make sure she still has as much fun as possible.


"Hey, Henry. About the whole thing where you got hurt and stuff at the beach. I really—"


"KIM SHIN JAE!" He cut her off in a loud voice. "How many times do I have to tell you that it's OKAY? Sheesh. You're such a worrywart, stop apologizing"


"I am not," she protested.


Henry laughed and patted her head. "Sorry, but you are."


"Am not!" She persisted, swatting away his hand. "I'm giving you the silent treatment until you admit so!" She frowned.


Henry resisted in laughing further and just calmed himself down. He's not giving up easily, and she'll break eventually. Without exchanging a word, they entered the market area and began walking around. 


Jae's plan to give him the silent treatment didn't work certainly well. Like he figured, she completely failed. After five minutes she started chatting like crazy, asking Henry to take lots of pictures with her so she could send them to her friends.


After walking around for what felt like hours, Jae's still minorly injured ankle started aching. They decided to sit down in a restaurant and have a late lunch so they could rest a little.


"Let's eat there!" Jae stood on her toes and pointed towards a small, cozy looking, restaurant.


"Sure," Henry agreed. It looked like a decent restaurant. Besides they're not looking for luxurious food, just something to stuff inside their stomach and give them some energy so they can explore some more. "I bet I can get there before you!" He challenged.


"Nu-uh. I ain't falling for that again!" Jae wildly shook her head and stomped on the ground. "I'm walking in my own pace, and nothing can change my mind."


"I was just teasing you!" Henry winked and ruffled her hair.


Jae blew her bangs and organized her hair again. Aish. Stupid, Henry ruined my hair again! She couldn't restrain from smiling a little though. She hasn't known Henry for long, but she already feels very close to him.


"Hey, Henry," she called. He cocked an eyebrow and waited for her to continue talking. "I know it's an out of the blue question, but I was wondering…, We're best friends, right? I mean, I feel like we've known each other forever!"


"Aish, I'm not sure. According to me we're not even friends." He bit the inside of his lip. Jae's face almost fell to the floor, but Henry just burst out laughing and poked her stomach. "I'm messing with you again, clumsy. If you want us to be, I'd be honored to call myself Kim Shin Jae's best friend."


" you, Henry. That wasn't funny!" Jae hit him lightly with her slender arms.


Henry pretended to be hurt and grabbed the arm where she had hit him. He cried out in agony, accusing her of breaking his arm.


"You're such a drama queen!" She pouted and hugged his arm. "I don't say this often to anyone, but if you stop being a crybaby, I will call you oppa for the rest of the day."




"So, what are you going to order?" Henry asked.

"It's a secret," Jae smirked. 

He brought his glass towards his lips and let the water run down his throat. Jae flashed him a genuine smile and her gaze flickered back towards the menu. Fortunately, the menu is in both english and chinese. She knows Henry can always translate for her but she would feel like a burden if she kept on asking him about every other thing on the menu.

Henry's eyes were still focused on the menu, and his eyes never left. Jae, on the other hand, let her gaze flicker between the menu and him. The first day they met, she had thought he was super cute, but when he looks like this, in his focus mode, she must confess that he is as handsome as cute. *I can think that my friend is hot, right?*

"I've made up my mind, what do you want? I mean, if you're ready," he asked.

Jae flushed and looked down at the menu. She had been lost in her own thoughts and forgotten what she was really doing. "I'll take this!" She pointed at a random dish and showed Henry.

"You're ordering squid?" He grinned.

Her cheeks got even redder as she looked at where she had pointed. "Uhh. You know what. Surprise me, oppa, I can't make up my mind."

Henry surpressed his laughter and waved over a waiter. Jae sighed in relief that he didn't about it. 

She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. *A new message?* She shoved her hand inside her jeans pocket and pulled out her phone. The light on her phone was flashing, indicating she had a new message. A text from Taemin. *Hmm. I wonder how their trip has been going..*

From: Taemin

To: Jae

Turns out that we live at the same resort as Baekhyun and his friends (what a coincidence, huh?) So I did like you wanted and spied on him. He wasn't hanging out with any girls if that's what you were curious about. He was only with Chanyeol (they were like glued to eachother the whole day! I mean, they are inseperable) He asked about you too! Anyhow, if you're wondering how things are going, they're going great. How's your ankle? Are you bored back in Korea? :(

Jae didn't feel like typing in a reply, so she shoved her cellphone back inside her pocket. She knows he's lying. Baekhyun didn't even go to L.A because of his mother. *Both Jonghyun and Taemin are betraying me*

Henry had finished ordering food when he caught sight of Jae's stern face. She didn't look angry. Not at all. Her eyes were what answered his question. Her eyes looked emotionless, as if all the life had been out. *Did I do something?* He wondered.

"Jae, you're making oppa sad. You're acting like a downer," he whined.

"Ah, sorry," she smiled half-heartedly, but even though she tried sounding happy, her voice was faint and weak.

She turned her gaze towards the masses of people walking around, checking out the market. She was lost in deep thoughts, her eyebrows furrowed, sighing multiple times, and shifting un comfortably in her seat.

"Did something happen?" He asked and brought his glass to his lips once again. Jae started talking about how everything is fine and how overreacting he's being. He didn't pay attention, though. He was busy with finishing his drink. When Jae suddenly stopped talking, he payed attention to her again. "I don't think everything is fine, as you say, but I won't ask—"

"Omg, Henry! Since you're literally forcing me to tell what's wrong, I'll tell you," Jae said.

"But I didn't—"

"— I don't have the energy to explain in detail, but my friends lied to me about something very important and I feel really betrayed now. I mean, they're my closest friends and I trust them with my deepest secrets, but now I'm not so sure that I can really trust them anymore..." she exhaled.

"I don't know what happened exactly, and I don't know how to make things better. But what I do know is that you're always supposed to be able to trust your friends, because afterall, they are your friends."

Jae nodded. That's what she thinks! She doesn't lie to them, so why can't they be honest to her? She tapped her fingers on the table in irritation. *When they come back to South Korea, they're sooooo dead.*

"I know something that will cheer you up!" Henry smiled.

"What?" Jae asked.

"It's a secret. Shhhh."




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Ninjachick #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this story!!!
Chapter 9: OMOOOOO. Ugh cliff hanger... ::::::((((((((
loraworld #3
Chapter 5: Please update! !!!!
I love it♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 5: Updatee soooonn x)
vcjqshinee #5
Update soon~~