
Meet My Neighbor, Henry Lau!

05 Chapter, 17th of June


Grey/Silver IS ENGLISH


Henry slowly woke up from his slumber, he rubbed his eyes and to his right side. Jae was asleep on the bed next to him, she looked so serene. Henry tried to remember what had happened the earlier day, he punched that digusting ert who thought Jae was a prositute or something, and then he remember himself getting hit.

He doesn't exactly remember what more happened, but after a while some people came inbetween them and Jae and him went back to the hotel. He got out of bed, and hurried up with getting dressed. Usually, he doesn't bother with showering, but today he decided to take one, just a quick one though.

Jae was slowly waking up in the room next to Henry's. It took her around two minutes to properly see her surrondings. Henry wasn't lying in his bed, and Jae guessed he probably went to his parents room. Jae decided to take a shower and headed towards the bathroom. Everything else went in slow-motion. She turned the door knob, opened the door, and found herself standing face-to-face with Henry.

Her cheeks turned red as she stared at the pale boy, luckily he wasn't , at least he had a towel wrapped around his face. Jae took a deep breath and resisted to let her eyes stare at his chest. "Sorry," they said in unision. A few moments of silence passed before the both of them burst out laughing. "I'm done in here, so you can just take your shower," he left the room.

Jae laughed, things will never be awkward with Henry.


Jae, Henry, and his parents sat at their breakfast table, enjoying their food. "So, Henry," mrs.Lau spoke, "Care to explain why you came home from the beach with a black eye?" She asked, eyeing the two teenagers. Mrs.Lau really didn't want to have to ask this question, but she's worried about her son!

"I-I got into a little trouble..." Henry hesitated.

"It's my fault," Jae interjected. "I'm very very sorry for the trouble I've caused, Mrs and Mr Lau. A man was disturbing me yesterday at the beach, and Henry saved me, but got hurt in the process."

Mr.Lau smiled weakly. "It's alright. I'm glad my son had the bravery to help you, usually he's such a baby."

"What? Dad! That is not true!" Henry protested in english.

"But don't you remember when you were young and you would always w"

"Mom!" Henry interupted her with a glare.

Jae decided to speak up before anyone else had the chance too, "I understand English."

"Oh, you do? What a clever friend you have, Henry!" His father complimented.

"Thanks," Jae replied with a little grin.

"You people are so embarrasing," he murmured in Mandarin. 

People around them starting staring at them in confusion since they were switching between many different languages. He smiled at them and people returned to what they were busy doing previously.

"Anyway, what are you teens doing today then?" Mrs. Lau asked.

"Me and Jae were planning on visiting a Chinese market, and I was thinking we could go around a little," Henry said.


Half an hour later, Jae and Henry sat in the car. They barely spoke at all, only when Jae needed help with instructions. They just focused on the music blasting from the radio. Jae felt sort of happy she broke her ankle, she still got to go on a trip, she got to learn more about Henry and Baekhyun gave her ice cream!

"Your parents are so sweet, they seem like such a nice couple," Jae complimented, breaking the silence.

Henry laughed. "My parents are a little weird, and they often embarrass me, excluding that I guess they're pretty awesome. They're my parents, of course I care about them" He grinned sheepishly.

"It must be nice having parents..." Jae murmured, a little sadness in her voice.

Henry's grin faded away. "Right, you don't have any parents.." He remembered.

He wondered how it felt not having a mother to comfort you and tuck you in at night when you were little. He wondered how it felt to not have an over-protective dad who always protected his daugther from making the wrong decisions and going on dates with boys.

He's a guy, so it's a little different, but Jae's a girl and she lost her parents when she was very young. She only had her aunt, who had to work hard to take care of them. Is that why Jae's always so tough? She doesn't even have any siblings! He suddenly felt bad, he loves his parents, but he rarely shows how much he really appreciates them.

He felt un grateful and spoiled. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I pretty much had stuff served in a silver plate my whole life, and here you are and don't have any family except for your aunt."

"Don't say that, I have my friends, and you've worked harder then I ever had in my life. You speak lots of langugaes, your quite athletic, and you play the violin and piano. The only things I can do are driving and running, and I'm good at neither of them!" Jae chuckled, he didn't respond, but smiled. "Left turn over here?" She asked. He nodded.



Sorry for the short chapter! ;3;

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Ninjachick #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this story!!!
Chapter 9: OMOOOOO. Ugh cliff hanger... ::::::((((((((
loraworld #3
Chapter 5: Please update! !!!!
I love it♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 5: Updatee soooonn x)
vcjqshinee #5
Update soon~~