
Meet My Neighbor, Henry Lau!

00 Prolouge 

I'm not your typical Mary Sue girl. I'm ordinary, awkward, decent looking, clumsy, and have awful grades. I have three best friends, I live with my aunt, and my house is not a mansion but I love it anyway. All through my childhood I've always been a trouble maker. I had friends, but not many, still I wasn't a geek or a nerd or anything like that.

Simply, I was myself. Kim Shin Jae.

Sometimes I look pretty, when my friends force me to wear a dress. Even though I'm clumsy I would love being an athletic. I'm always running laps, doing hurdles or swimming- but usually it ends up with me falling on my face- did I mention I also love beaches? No? My bad.

Either way, this is my last day of school before summer comes and lasts for 55 wonderful days. I don't know why I wrote this school assignment when it well end up in the trash by the start of next year anyway. Apperantley or teachers wanted us to write about ourselfs before the summer break and after the summer break to see how we have changed. But I don't want to change, I like it like it is..

Maybe except for the part that I have a tiny crush on Byun Baekhyun, one of the school Kingkas. Out of them all he is the more social one and loves talking with people, but still I've never managed to hold a conversation with him that's longer than 2 minutes. Damn my social awkwardness. Dang.

His best friend Chanyeol, the happy virus is also always in the way. When I try to steal a seat next to Baekhyun he literally pushes me away and sits there instead. I hate Chanyeol.  I don't hate Chanyeol even if I wish I did some days. He's to kind and happy and playful for me to be able to dislike him.

School is over now and I'm going with my best friends to the Bubble Tea Café, gotta go! Bye!


"How many paraghraphs did you write?" Taemin asked, me. I shrugged and remembered that I forgot to count how many I wrote.

"Maybe like seven or six?" I responded.

"Seven or six? That's alot for you to write, I thought you didn't care about these assignments." Amber retorted and opened the door to her car for Taemin. "This one was unique, anyway I'll see you at the café!" I walked over to my own car.

Yes, I have a car. The only thing my parents left for me when they died were some money that they wanted me to use for school, getting a new car, and buying anything else that is nessecary. The rest went to all the loans they had left to pay. My aunt, who could never give birth to a daughter took me under the wing and treated me like her own daughter, so she's like my real mom I guess. My aunt is quite rich since her husband died and left her lots of money, we live in a nice area but it's not a mansion and will never be.

I drived towards the café that's only like 10 minutes away from school, so I arrived quickly. Jonghyun was already there so now we only had to wait for Amber and Taemin to arrive. I smiled at him as he opened my front door and helped me out. He's always been very sweet to me. All of his ex-girlfriends describe him as a player and a , but I've never seen a bad side about Jonghyun. He's really kindhearted if you take time to meet the real him.

"So, I heard you were getting new neighbors." Jonghyun confessed. "Have you met them yet? How are they?"

"I don't know, they won't arrive until tomorrow but apperantly there's at least a woman and a man. My aunt knows the woman." I explained. Jonghyun nodded. "I'd like to greet them! You know, welcome them to the neighborhood and stuff." Jonghyun chuckled.

"Alright, I don't mind." I smiled before turning my hear towards the road again. "Aish, where are they?"

"Taemin probably made Amber angry and made her crash into a truck." Jonghyun joked.

I stiffled a laugh and hit him playfully. "That's rude, Jjong!" I murmured before both of us burst out in laughter knowing it's not impossible.

When Taemin and Amber finally arrived we entered the café and ordered our usual orders. We're pretty well known at this café since we come here alot and it's been open since our childhood, so we know everyone who works here including the owner. We sat down at our usual table that was luckily not taken. The café is usually quiet with just a few guests. But it's summer break now so a lot of kids are here and our table was the only available left. Three boys entered, a blonde, a brunette and a guy I recognized as Baekhyun.

"Look who's here, Mr.Byun." Jonghyun snorted.

"He's so handsome! He's so cute! He sings so well! He dances so well!" Amber mocked me in a high-pitch voice.

"I don't sound like that, and if you don't shush they will hear--" I was interuppted by the brunette, Sehun's voice.

"Look, it's Amber, Jjong, Jae, and Taemin-ah from school!" Sehun shouted and waved at us. He came over to our table together with his two friends Luhan and Baekhyun, my heart was racing like crazy. Is this how love is supposed to feel? Because I don't like it. "Hi!" He greeted, "Do you mind if we sit with you?"

*Yes we do mind! Please go away and sit somewhere else, like out on the sidewalk! Just don't sit here!* I thought nervously.

"Sure, the more the merrier!" Taemin made space for at least two of the guys, so Luhan and Sehun sat down. The only chair left was between me and Amber and I saw how he looked at the chair as well. *Don't sit here, don't sit here..* I silently prayed inside my head and un luckily Baekhyun plopped down on the seat beside me. *This wishing inside my head thing is really not working!* I sighed.

"So, what are you guys doing during the summer?" Baekhyun asked, curious.

"We're going on a one week vacation." Amber revealed. "To the States."

"You speak english well?" Luhan asked.

"I'm fluent, and Jae is conversational." Amber responded.

That is true, honestly English is my only good subject in school but I still prefer P.E and I always will. And one day, I will hopefully run a lap without stumbling over my own feet or tripping. "That's so cool.. We're also going on vacation, to the States." Baekhyun confessed.

"You are? Great.." Jonghyun sounded sarcastic and I was quite confused why he suddenly sounded so upset when he was happy and smiling just a couple of minutes ago. *Maybe he doesn't get along with Baek, but that would be sad.* I frowned. I want my crush and best friend to get along, otherwise things will be complicated.

"We're going to L.A, where are you going?" Taemin asked.

"L.A too! What a coincidence! Maybe we will meet there?" Sehun smiled.

"When are you traveling?" I opened my mouth for the first time.

Everyone seemd surprised that I joined the conversation but Baekhyun was the first one to respond, "We're going tomorrow."

"Bummer. We're going in 2 days." I murmured. 

The rest of the table except for me and Baekhyun engaged in another conversation. I was happy that Chanyeol wasn't here so he can't ruin our moment. "If we meet in L.A, we should go to Disneyland together. Then you can teach me english." Baekhyun blurted.

"S-sure.." I avoided his firm gaze.

Our conversation died out. "Erhm, Chanyeol-ssi didn't come.." I said.

"Yeah, his sister has a performance today and it's takes around an hour to travel there. He left school earlier." Baekhyun explained why his best friend was not present. "I hope she does good." I fumbled with my fingers.

"She will! Both Park siblings are talented." Baekhyun complimented them.

*Unlike me, do you like talented girls, Baekhyun-ssi?* I wondered.

A/N: More drama in the next chapter! This was more of a introduction.

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Ninjachick #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this story!!!
Chapter 9: OMOOOOO. Ugh cliff hanger... ::::::((((((((
loraworld #3
Chapter 5: Please update! !!!!
I love it♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 5: Updatee soooonn x)
vcjqshinee #5
Update soon~~