
Meet My Neighbor, Henry Lau!

03 Chapter



From: Jjong

Too: Jae

11:27 AM

Guess who's here.....


From: Jae

Too: Jjong

11:29 AM

Baekhyun? ^3^


From: Jjong

Too: Jae

11:34 AM

Ding dong ding dong! You hit the jackpot!


From: Jae

Too: Jjong

11:37 AM

Could be less of a dork? Haha. I miss you, have a nice trip. 


Jae put away her phone and tried to fall asleep, but something about tonight stopped her from doing so. She wishes she could rent a spy or something to keep track on what Baekhyun and the rest of Exo do in The States. She smirked. *But why rent a spy when I have Lee Taemin?* She quickly typed a message too her bestfriend.



Jae woke up earlier than usual again the next day. She hates it when she does that! She sighed and got up of bed, her ankle still hurt so she had to be careful when walking. Since the weather today is a little cloudy she dressed herself in a pair of light blue jeans, a white top, pink-ish beige flats and a matching cardigan. She brushed her hair back into a messy bun. She admits she's a little boyish at sometimes- but blame Amber and her aunt's awful fashion sense -but when she puts some energy in to it she can make herself look really so called pretty. All that was left was makeup, but she didn't care about that and went straight downstairs to get herself some breakfast. But she was surprised to see Henry.

"What are you doing here?" Jae asked and walked over too her fridge. She started digging after her favorite yougurt but she must have finished it yesterday. "Aish.." she mumbled.

"Your aunt was being a friendly neighbor and invited me over to eat breakfast," Henry explained. "And I agreed because I wanted to hang out with you," he added. Jae nodded and flashed him a smile. 

"Well, do you know how to drive?" He shook his head. "No problem, I can drive! Let's go to the supermarket I don't have any food at home," she frowned. "Besides I want to eat cupcakes~!"

"Then let's make our own?" Henry suggested. Jae nodded and grabbed a glass of water meanwhile she was waiting for Henry to finish his breakfast.


"This is the town's best supermarket. Cheap, good quality, and close." Jae laughed. "Let's go grab a cart."

"Yes~" Henry said in english.

Jae and Henry grabbed a shopping cart and went inside the supermarket. Mostly they were playing around and didn't get much done, however they had to stop fooling around when one of their elders started scolding them for not thinking about how their playing can disturb others. Both of them were ashamed but couldn't stop giggling. The halmeoni wouldn't stop glaring at them until they left the market.

"Oh my god, did you see the halmeoni's eyes? They were like a hawk!" Jae joked. Henry burst out laughing and nodded.

"I know right! I thought she was about to jump forward any second and strangle me to death," Henry agreed. "Hey, I have an idea. Jump into the cart." Jae gave him a are-you-serious? look. He nodded. "Just do it, I'll help you." Jae sighed and let Henry help her into the shopping cart. "There you go!" He smiled.

"Now what?" Jae asked.

Henry didn't answer and started running. Jae stretched out her arms and started singing. "I believe I can fly~ I believe I can touch the sky, think about it everynight and day," she sang. Henry stopped running and grimaced. "Hey, Henry! Why did you stop?" She switched back to korean.

"I was right," he said.

"About what?" She asked, confused.

"You sing even worse in English!" He teased.

"Yahhh!!!" She yelled at him. "That's so rude! Friends are supposed to encourage others! Not mock them and crush their dreams," she frowned. "Besides you at Death's Duty."

"Says the one who lost," Henry rolled his eyes and continued pushing the cart. He pushed it towards Jae's car where they stopped and started lifting in the two bags that they had. "I'll go leave this shopping cart and try not to get eaten by halmeoni," Henry laughed. Jae giggled and mimicked him by rolling her eyes. 

While Henry was gone another person suddenly approached her, and she recognized him as Byun freaking Baekhyun. His reddish brown hair fit him so well, and he smiled when he caught sight of her and waved. She waved back but stopped waving when she saw that he was waving at the halmeoni. Not her. *Should I be jealous?* She wondered and shook her head. *No. That would just be wrong.*

"Oh, hey Jae! Didn't see you there," he greeted and smiled. His car was the car right next too her. Her heart was beating really fast and she didn't do anything but bow. "No need to be formal," he laughed. "We're friends, right?"

"Yeah, friends." She smiled. "So what were you doing at the supermarket?" She asked but instantly felt stupid. In his hand he was holding a plastic bag and ice cream. Of course he went shopping. *I feel so stupid he probably thinks I'm dumb.* She blushed but he didn't notice.

"Shopping, and my halmeoni works there. She's a little scary and strict sometimes but she has a big heart," He smiled proudly while complementing his grandma. Jae thought it was very cute, and nodded. "Anyway, you want some ice cream? I have more!" He grabbed one from his plastic bag and handed it to her. Jae gladly accepted it.

"Thanks," she shyly said and started eating.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the States?" Jae asked.

Baekhyun shook his head. "Family problems came in the way. Aren't you supposed to be in the States?" He asked her the same questions and she as well responded by shaking her head.

"I hurt my ankle," she gestured at her foot. "It's not so bad but my aunt insisted that I stay home and rest."

"Did you trip while running?" He guessed, she responded by a quick nod. "The same as usual then, I see." He laughed. Jae started laughing too, Baek's different from other boys. Jae is usually comfortable around boys and has always had a lot of guy friends, but around him she's shy and girly.

At first she hated it but know she sort of likes it. She's so used to it by now, you know. She wondered though how Jonghyun could have met Baekhyun in the States if he's still here in Seoul. *He lied too me, didn't he? Probably mocking/teasing me.* She frowned and picked up her phone, *One new text message from Taemin*

From: Taemin

To: Jae


Ehh, sure! I'll spy on him if we meet~

*Jjong...* She was pissed. He had lied to her! But why? Jonghyun often teases her and jokes with her, but so does Taemin, Amber, Henry and even Baekhyun. Like even her own aunt! But this was over the limit. He obviously knows her feelings for Baekhyun, and now he's playing with them. What was he planning to do? Tell her that Baek kissed another girl? She's going to strangle him when he gets back to South Korea.

"I have to go now, Jae! But it was nice seeing you," Baekhyun winked and got inside his car. Just a minute later after he had drove away did Henry come back.

"Sorry for the wait, there were problems with the carts." Henry explained.

"No problem. Let's go home and make those cupcakes now!" she beamed.


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Ninjachick #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this story!!!
Chapter 9: OMOOOOO. Ugh cliff hanger... ::::::((((((((
loraworld #3
Chapter 5: Please update! !!!!
I love it♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 5: Updatee soooonn x)
vcjqshinee #5
Update soon~~