The Sleepover



"Ple..please turn to the 3rd right after exiting Cheongparo, there you'll see this ap..apartment called Prugio. Take the left and turn inside to the carpark, yep."
"Okie~ got it! Oh Yuri you mentioned you have a pomeranian? Is it friendly? Does it bite?"
"Erm to me, nope. To you, I d..don't know? I haven't invited any of my friends to my new rented ap..apartment ever since I moved away from my parent's."
"Oh. I am a little afraid. Yuri ssi please shield me from your doggy if it ever want to attack me?, arraso?"
"Of co..course I will. Oh we've reached. I live on the 9th storey."
Yuri took lead and they both entered the lift. It was actually quite awkward as it's late and there's a policy to make minimal noise after 11pm (in such apartments). Silence followed them until they've stepped into Yuri's apartment. 
It's rather small and cosy, with two rooms at the end of the stretch. One of them is Yuri's bedroom while the other is her music & study room. The latter consist of a black classical piano body, a pink acoustic guitar lying near the windows as well as two sturdy shelves filled with books, albums and magazines. There's a mint conditioned cream coloured table across the piano and  a portait of yuri & her family on the wall. Meanwhile Yuri's room consists of her pink wooden framed bed,  white closet & Hani's bed on the floor. Not to forget, the room's filled with at least 3 giant posters and many smaller ones of Tiffany. Her kitchen & living room's rather simple with mainly white decor and she has a mini balcony overlooking Hoehyeon-dong and glimpses of bustling Myeongdong, which is also the place in which she does her laundry & yoga every morning. A simple, neat & cosy place, that's how I'd describe Yuri's aparment.
"Arrfff arffffff! * Yuri's right ankle*"
"Oh hey Hani baby, mommy's home! Say hi to Tiffany too. Arfff Tiffany ssi arfff! I'm Kwon Hani nice to meet chu~", Yuri carried Hani and imitated his barking while introducing him to Tiffany. She made Hani "high fived" with Tiffany. This scene is really cute.
"Oh hey Hani ssi, nice to meet you too! Arffff~ ㅋㅋㅋ. Yuri, you do have a pretty home with a lovely family member too! It's lovely." 
"Ahhh aniya it's nothing. I'm glad it isn't too shabby for you." Yuri said shyly while putting Hani down.
"Why would you say that? I think it's awesome and thank you for letting me crash for the night!"
"Keke okay. I guess I should say,'re welcome Tiffany ssi? Please take a seat while I get you a drink & prepare the room. Please wait a moment."
"Thank you once again. Let's please stop being formal & use banmal instead since we're of the same age. Plus, I need to use it whenever I'm doing my schedules. It's actually quite tiring. Just call me Tiffany from now on, arraso?"
Seems like someone's getting quite comfortable already. Well this isn't exactly a bad thing, or is it? Without saying a word, I simply nodded to myself while walking towards her with a mug of warm honey cinnimon. A health freak that I am, I drink it every other night before bed to induce better & deeper sleep. It'll surely be beneficial to her.
"Drink it while it's warm. You'll sleep better."
She grabbed the mug from me and mouthed the word 'thank you'. Her hands accidentally touched mine & I can't help but flinched a little. She's a tad shocked at my actions and gave me a questioning look.
"Oh the mug is a little hot for my hands."
I lied, obviously. Then, I rushed towards my room, locked the door and proceed to clear my walls within 5 minutes (without tearing them). Hid them into my wardrobe, changed into my favourite pink VS tank top & shorts as PJs and handed a new set to Tiffany. It's pink as well. Ohhh I see what you did there Kwon Yuri, couple PJs with the girl of your dreams eh? Okay I seriously need to stop thinking about weird stuffs. I'm already very extremely unbelievably lucky. 
Tell me, which fan gets to spend so much one-to-one time with their idol? It's just like a perfect movie, which I prayed to happen in my mundane life ever since I started fangirling over her four years ago. This film has started its reel, but will it be a long or short one? What about the ending? Will we pull off a happy-ever-after Disney flick (Yes I hope so, I love Mickey. I want her to be my Minnie. Wait...but we're both Minnies? Oh no I'm not thinking straight.) or Titanic? For both situations, I wholeheartedly prayed for the former. I took a deep breath and marched out of my room...
"Tippani, here's a new set of PJs for you to change into & my room is ready for you." 
why does it sound so wrong?
"I..I mean, it's ready for you to rest."
To my astonishment, she's no where to be found in my living room. I saw light emitting from the other room and I went inside. I saw her staring at my family portrait.
"Tippani... Here's for you to change into."
"Thanks Yuri ah. *sniffs* Thank you for accomodating me tonight."
Wait, are those tears I saw? Why is she crying? Is she afraid of Hani? With quick instincts, I got a few pieces of tissue paper for her from my study table.
"Hey what happened? Please don't cry. Your beautiful eyes will become reddish and they'll swell up like fishes' eyes tomorrow morning. Broop broop~"
 I ended my sentence with a funny face similar to that of a fish, attempting to cheer her up. Instead, I got a pretty hard slap on my left arm, followed by a tight embrace. That escalated REALLY quickly. I don't know what to do. Should I return the hug or should I stand still?
"YAHHHH I HATE FISH EYES! DON'T TALK ABOUT THEM!",  slaps Yuri's arm, "I'm tearing because..... Because I miss my family, Yuri. I miss my family."
Tiffany pulled Yuri closer, wrapped her arms around her and sobbed profusely,
"It's been almost a decade since I last saw my family. I came over to Korea for training 9 years ago. I was young and reckless, I only wanted to fulfill my dream. Now that I'm considered quite successful in archiving what I wanted then, I also have much less personal time. In times when I'm feeling really homesick, lonely and stressed, I really have no one to turn to. That's when I think about my family. It's always been my family for the past 9 years. I came in and saw your family portrait, I felt too overwhelmed, hence I cried. Sorry I didn't mean to trespassed into your study room too. I was looking for you... *sniffs*..."
The way she hugged me, she feels so fragile. I held her head close and repeatedly but slowly pat her back with my other hand. This feels so right. A sudden surge of overwhelming urge filled my brain, that is to do something more to her. I can't. My heart started racing. 
"Okay cry it out. I promise to listen."
Tiffany continued.
"Sorry if my outburst gave you a shock Yuri yahh. Sometimes a newly met friend outside the media industry is probably the best person to confide in. I can never tell my managers or idol chingoos my inner feelings, it's never safe as long as you're in the industry. On schedules, I'm YT's artiste Tiffany Hwang. Off schedules, I'm just me, just Miyoung or Miyoungie, which is what my family calls me, since I'm the maknae."
I simply can't describe whatever my heart's feeling when she said "Miyoungie". That's how I address her whenever I'm being delusional, which is most of the time when I'm alone at home or I'm with Yoona.
Chapter 4's ready y'all~
This chapter, we'll hear more of Tiffany's confession of her inner struggles. She's a really strong girl, isn't she? It's really hard to live on your own, without family around to support you. Yes, in real life Tiffany does have her members to confide in. But what if she's a solo artiste like BoA or Hyori? It must be difficult for them to. Just my thought on how she'd probably feel when she's tired and feeling alone. That's how I'd feel, I guess~
Please help me promote my fic & give me more comments so I can improve and write better.
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You will continous this story right?? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 11: Pleaseeeee update... I really love this *-*
I hope Yuri don't start to avoid Tiffany or something like that... This is surelly hurt Tiffany more, Yuri have to stay by her side and protect her no matter what....
I hope you update soon
maomao88 #3
Chapter 11: i've just finished reading it and i love it,please update soon.. :)
imusayo #4
writer please update your story
I've been waiting for you and yulti T.T
Chapter 11: wtf, don't over analyzed the situation, not all the things that you knows best was the best things for others also XD
Chapter 11: it is a nice chapter
please update
hiotmihagiwara #7
Chapter 11: i hope yuri not leaving tiffany. she already lonely. if yuri doing that she will be more devastated.
KwonStephanie #8
Chapter 11: Jessica is a strict person, no wonder cause she just do what she has to do..
And i love YulTi sweet little moment here ^^
Chapter 10: :) tiffant-ssi was something hehehe
hiotmihagiwara #10
Chapter 10: what did fany means by "let's just continue from where we left off"?