Chapter 2

Love at War

  "Didn't you try to stop him?" Jongup asked. Youngjae looked at Daehyun and said, "Well did you?"  Daehyun looked at Youngjae then put his arm around his shroulder and said, "No, why."  Jongup looked at Daehyun and put his hand up then stopped.

  "Yongguk I have a date tonight and I don't want to be bothered right now." Chun Hei told him loosening Yongguk's hand.  Yongguk stared at his hand. "Okay," Yongguk said and walked off. "I'll talk to you later." Chun Hei said from behind him. 

  "Yongguk, we have to go," Youngjae said. "Yongguk."  Yongguk looked up at him then said what. "We have to go." Himchan said. 

 "Tomorrow," Yongguk said. Jongup touched Yongguk's shroulder. "What?" Jongup asked. "Why?" Yongguk turned and looked at them then walked away.

 "We still have to pick up Zelo." Himchan yelled as Yongguk walked off. "We still are picking him up right?" Himchan asked. Jongup hung his head then slapped Himchan. "Stop slapping me!" Himchan yelled. " Start being smart." Jongup said getting into the car.

 They got into the car. "We are just gonna leave him?" Youngjae asked grabbing Daehyun's hand. "I have no idea." Himchan said. "Maybe he went home." Daehyun told them. "Its 95.5 miles away." Jongup said. Daehyun rolled his eyes.

 They got home soon and noticed he wasn't there. "Where is he?" Zelo asked.  He looked at Himchan. Without Yongguk there Himchan was the leader until he got back.

 "I don't know." Himchan left to go to his room.

 It was 11:35 and he still wasn't there. "I'm going to look for him." Himchan said. He went into Daehyun's room. "I should knock next time." Himchan said putting his head down.  "You think," Daehyun told him.

 He left and took Zelo with him. "Where do you think he is?" He asked Zelo. "Maybe right there." Zelo pointed to the sidewalk.

 They drove up to it and raised down the window. "What are you doing here?" Himchan asked. "I don't even care just get in." Himchan got out the car and opened the door for Yongguk.

  "Missed you so much." Zelo said when he got in. Himchan looked at Zelo and pushed him a little. When they got home Himchan  went to take a shower. 

  "Jongup are you coming?" Choon Hee asked through the phone. "Something happened and I had to stay home." Jongup told her. "I'll give my present to you tomorrow." Jongup said sorry.

  Jongup hung up the phone and went to check on Yongguk. "Hey Yongguk you okay." Jongup asked. "Yeah," Yongguk was on his bed shirtless. "Where were you?" Jongup asked.

 "No where just took a walk."Yongguk said sitting up. Jongup nodded and left.

 "Hey,Jongup you okay." Daehyun said. "Yeah, I just missed my date with Choon Hee and its her birthday. Jongup shook his head.

 "Its nothing though." Jongup told him leaving.

 " Jongup okay?" Youngjae asked. "Yeah, he's sad though." Daehyun said lying next to Youngjae. Youngjae smiled then gave Daehyun a kiss . Daehyun rubbed Youngjae's body and pulled him in close. Youngjae kissed him again.



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