Without You



"Unnie... here's the book you've asked for" I heard Min-ji shouting as she enters 

"Thank you do much ... Min-jiah.."

"Are you not coming home today Bom Unnie?"

"ah ... I want to go home but I need to finish today's music video shoot for my solo project and by the looks of it ... I'll be here till tomorrow noon."

"Don't worry Unnie...  Dara send this for you... chung!" she stretched her arms and pass me a big plastic container.

"What's this? OMO! waahhh ....it's corn... waahh... I'm so touched" I hugged Minji and I immediately open the container and start eating.

"Bom.. get ready we will begin in 30 minutes" said to me by one of the production crew.

30 minutes more, just enough time to read the last chapter of the book I'm reading.

As I reached for the book that I asked Minji to bring. I was really eager to finish it today .. thankfully Minji is on the way here.

Oh no... she got me the wrong one, hmm.. this was is one of my favorite old books. 

Well better just browse this to kill time, anyway it's been quite a long time since I read this.

"wahh Unnie.. what's that.." said Minji who's sitting across me.

She reached down the floor and look at what have fallen off from the book I was reading.

"weehh.. who is this unnie?" she said as her eyes widen.

She then handed it over to me, it immediately brought a smile to my face when I saw what she handed over.

"ehem.. spill it out .. spill it Unnie.. who is he!?" ask Minji sounding so excited

"ah.. he's..." but before I can said something, somebody called Minji. It seems like our big boss is looking for her.

"Unnie ... you have to tell me ok.. I got to go now, I'll see tomorrow ... Unnie Fighting!"  she waved her hand to say her goodbye and ran away.

I look back at the photo in my hand as my mind starts to run with thoughts of him.

So many things have changed since then. Who knew I'll make it as a singer just as I dreamt of.

It's been almost 3 years now since the last time I've seen him but there was never I day I have not thought about him.

There are times that I feel I won't even survive a day.

No matter what I do ... no matter what I achieve.. I still feel so empty without him.

And I only have myself to blame. When i came back he had already left... I was just too late.

" Will you even forgive me? I miss you so much.. so much that everytime I sing... I think about only you...

how I  sing you to sleep when you're sad.. do you know my heart is still suffering for you?

I wish you can hear me... I wish you're here beside me so I can tell you how much I care about you... how much I need you... 

please comeback.. I'm sorry I doubted you... I'm sorry to cause you pain.. 

Comeback to me Tabi.. cause I don't know if I can still go on without you...."

And just like that, just like a prayer that have been answered...

"Hello? Aunty? I'm fine Aunty and you. I miss you to Aunty .. I'm sorry I haven't come for a visit lately. Yes Aunty as soon as my I have free time in my schedule I'll come and see you... promise" I responded to Seunghyun's mom over the phone.

She still treat's me like her own daughter, even though she know what happened to me and Seunghyun. 


"Yes Aunty..?"

"his coming back... Seunghyun he called me last night and he said his coming home?"

I kept silent.. I can't belive it.. I wanted to say something but my head went blank..

"Bom? Bom are you still there?" 

"Yes.. yes Aunty I'm here.... did he tell you when?" 

"No, he said he will call me again when everything is confirmed"

"thank you so much for telling me Aunty... thank you" 

"No.. dear.. don't thank me.. all these time I know you've been trying to reach him and you've been patiently waiting for him.."

"Aunty... I - " 

"It's alright I already know.. I just hope that this time what ever happens it would be the best for both of you"

"Do you think he will be willing to talk to me this time?" I asked her as I tried to hold back my tears.

"only time can tell ... all we can do now is try"

"I know Aunty.. I know.." 

"I'll call you again soon my dear... Take care"

"Take Aunty"

My mind is spinning, I wanted to jump and shout for joy but at the same time my heart is started to be filled with fear. What if he won't speak to me? What if he won't even see me?

Oh get a grip Park Bom, this is your chance. You have waited long enough. It's now or never! Fighting! .... I told myself over and over again.

Just then I noticed that some of the staff (mostly girls) are giggling in front of the televison.

"yyyyii.. my goodness ... look at him... his not human... his so handsome his like a God sent on earth" I heard one of them say.

"Yah! who is that? you girls going crazy again with Gdragon or is it Taeyang ... ah I know is it Se7en?" I curiously asked as I started to approached them.

"No... no... not this time ... come ...come look... Bom... it's that famous Motocross Rider from America  ...TOP.. he back from America..lllloookk he soooo gorgeous... " told one of the staff as she pull me close to see.

At that very moment I felt my whole surrounding has gone in slow motion... 

NO! .. it can't be ... is it really ... is it really him...

"Motocross rider superstar Choi Seunghyun also known in the sporting world as TOP arrived at the airport today..."

I felt like all the blood in my body have left me as I heard his voice...

"It's good to be back home..."

That deep.. y.. flirtatious voice... it is really him he is really back.

"Unnie .. you ok? You look pale" someone asked me.

"ah..I.. I- just need some fresh air"

I struggled to get out of the room, my knees are getting weak .. I quickly opened the door that leads out side..

He's here .. he is really back home....

HEY GUYS ... sorry if I wasn't able to post this yesterday ^_^

But it's going to be double update today.. may be even triple....*^_^*

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seoinae #1
Chapter 12: Omooo im so in love with this fanfic!! Ahhhhh topbom why so sweet?!?!?!?!???
ChiramKoreana #2
Chapter 12: so sweet and romantic for TOPBom. How I wish they'll both end up together. <3 thanks to the author of the story.
auroramikaela #3
Chapter 12: why so fast to the end....???? `_^
Well done....authornim....
mikoh_lim #4
Chapter 12: wwwwhhhaaaaahhh THAT WAS LIKE BAM SO FAST HAHAHA BUT I love it!!!! wanted to see seunghyun go through 2ne1 and yg though mwahahahaha but this was beautiful just grab onto the happiness ^_^
Lyca_Myx #5
Chapter 12: LOVEY DOVEY!!!!! WAHAHA!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
iloveftisland #6
This turned out really nicely, a great story!
loveisfree #7
bom and top looks good together!!
charlottelehnsher #8
aww, fluffly, i like it :D
charlottelehnsher #9
i have already watched the video, it's so beautiful and amazing! <3