
My love for You

Yoseob's pov

We finished eating and went to _______ah's loft where she's going to sleep, usually I would be sleeping here while she sleeps in her room upstairs, but I figured that she might be playing video games while everyone's asleep.... ' AIGOO, _______AH, ULTIMATE GAMER YOU ARE HUH"  I thought to myself while chuckling. We scanned are fingerprints and headed to her room, she took out some blankets and ordered the maids to bring out more pillows. Everyone excepted me and _____ah didn't bring there pj's so the only solution to that is, to wear her brother's sleeping wear (yes you have a brother!! he'll be mentioned later on). " hyung, this is really comfy, it's like sleeping on a cloud" Gikwang whispered as he snuggled into his blanket and fell into dreamland. I heard everyone's snores except _____ah since she doesn't snore. I quickly stood up to check up on her and found her sleeping peacefully under the moonlight, her lips were calm as she breathed slowly and lightly, but all I stared at was her beautiful rosy.....lips. If only Eli didn't interrupted the moment then everything would have gone great. I pecked her lips then brought her to my chest, I hugged her until she whispered something that made my feelings go up, " YOSEOB OPPA, I LOVE YOU, NOT AS A FRIEND, BUT AS A GUY WITH FEELINGS" She whispered in her sleep, I quickly broke the hug and look at her surprised, I found her opening her eyes slowly reveaing the glistening eyes looking at me shocked. I leaned towards her and pressed my lips on to hers. We both closed our eyes and kissed passionately not caring of what's going on, I brought her to her bed and kissed her, she tried to pull apart from the kiss, but my grip on her back didn't let her go off so easly.... Minutes came and we both fell asleep on the bed. She snuggled into my chest as we were sleeping, leaving me feeling her soft breathing pounding on my chest.



Your pov,

I woke up, and found myself cuddled in Yoseob's arms, He moaned softly and breathed slowly, the memory of what happened last night made me feel uncomfortable in his embrace. I got up and found everyone sleeping soundly, but finding them cuddling with each other or nearly kissing, amost made me burst into laughter!! I found all the maids getting the food ready for everyone, "NOONA, WHERE'S ALL MY PJ'S!!!!!!" Min Kyung came rushing in the kitchen holding up his only PJ left in front me and the maids, "dongsaeng, Some guy guests are here, and they forgot there sleeping wear" I answered only caring on the plates that are going to be served, "NOONA, DID YOU KNOW THAT, UMMA IS GOING TO KILL YOU ONCE I TELL HER THAT THERE'S GUESTS HERE" He threatened me " they already know, so if your going to tell them, than might as well get embarrass" I said while patting his shoulder, leaving him dumbfound on the spot.

3hrs went by, and it was time for me to wake up everyone. The maids would do that work, but since I had nothing to do I volunteered on doing it.... I quietly entered the loft and went straight to the bedroom, finding everything cluttered everywhere. Soohyun was the first person to wake up, then went straight to the bathroom. " Dongho oppa, wake up or else everyone's going to eat all the food" I whispered in his ears, causing him to shot up awake "I'M AWAKE, JUST DON'T EAT ANYTHING WITHOUT ME" He exclaimed. I woke everyone up except the last two boys, Kevin and Yoseob. There faces were so peaceful, yet so handsome!!! I went to Yoseob first to wake him up, but before I could even should him, He pulled me to the bed causing me to fall beside him, giving him the chance to cuddle with me even more.

I blushed rapidly then.........."_______ah, stay here for a while, I'm still sleepy" he said in a husky voice causing me to kick him from behind. "AISH _____AH, YOUR NO FUN, I'M YOUR BFF, I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING TO YOU" he moaned while getting up. "KEVIN OPPA, PLEASE WAKE UP, WERE GOING TO GO SOMEWHERE TODAY AND I DON'T WANNA BE LATE FOR IT" I announced trying to pull him up in a sitting position, " JUST LET ME WASH UP, THEN WE CAN IT ARASSO" HE replied with one eye open while the other still close...

I found Min Kyung glaring at me for letting them wear his PJ's, especially the puppy, so the only thing  could do was to glare at him back.... I don't wanna glare at him, but if he's like that to his NOONA, the by all means, I"LL DO IT!! No one dared to talk during breakfast since, everyone got there eyes on me and Min Kyung "eye conversation glare", Gikwang oppa kept doing the dialect for us like "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE", " I AM YOUR SISTER, NOW DO WHAT I SAY, OR ELSE YOUR GOING TO FACE THE PUNISHMENTS'..... We finish our breakfast and went to the living room wear my parents called us, " so kids how would you like if we go to Suwon for fun" my mom questioned us with a smile..........

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