
My love for You

Yoseob's Pov,

School doesn't start till 40mins, but ______ah's mom decided that we should go to school, we didn't ride the lamborghini because all of us wouldn't fit, so we decided that we should just take the limo to school since it can fit all of us in without having to be squished into a marshmellow, ______ahhas her sweet smile back which made me happy that she wasn't upset anymore. But what bothers me is that all of B2ST and U-KISS are chit-chatting about school, while U-kiss Kevin keeps staring at me and ______ah. Eventually he turned around and just sat in silence looking gloomy than before..... something seem's fishy, I thought to myself with a puzzled look.

I turned to _____ah seeing her puzzled face looking at me, " is something bothering you" she asked, " a-aniyo ______ah, it's just...*think quick Yoseob, think quick* I never got a chance to d-do the rest of my h-homework" I suttered nervously, " ahh okay Oppa! "phew that was close" I thought panting quietly.

______ah pov,

An awkward silence build between me and Yoseob, but while i starred out the window looking at my reflection, I took a glance to see what kevin was doing, to my surprise a soft smile was plastered on his face, *every time I look at Yoseob, I get large butterflies in my stomach, my heart beats rapidly skipping a beat every time I find him hugging me from behind, and giving me the softest smile you can ever see, but when ever I catch Kevin stealing glance from me , I feel something different. UGH WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT UP FEELINGS AND CHOSE ONE, IT'S A BURDEN FOR ME TO HAVE THE SAME FEELINGS FOR  TWO PEOPLE AND YET I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I HAVE FEELINGS FOR THEM!

We arrived at school before the bell rang, U-kiss and B2ST sperated from each other, so it was me, Yoseob, Dongho and Kevin heading to our classes. I arrived at my locker thinking hoping that the queenka's weren't going to show up.... but I guessed wrong, " HEY "  she snapped at me, " I FORGOT TO ASKED FOR YOUR NAME" I asked her politely making her squirm with frustration, "HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW ME YOU , I'M THE FAMOUS AND BEAUTIFUL HEE-YOUNG"she yelled at me signaling her friends to give me death glares, " ______ah, let's go, classes are about to start" Yoseob yelled from the hallway, making Hee-young go to her friendly side again, "I'M WARNING YOU _______AH, IF I SEE YOU TAKE MY KINGKA'S AWAY FROM ME, I'LL MAKE SURE THAT YOUR GOING TO REGRET DOING IT" Hee-young whispered in my ear.

I enter the class and found it way different than before, instead of having an old fashion class, we had an advance technology class right before our eyes, I  was surprise that my parents were there to tell me that they've upgraded the school, but I was more surprise when I finally found Kevin smiling again. My parents thought that the school needed to be upgraded since they saw how bad the condition is, the class now looked much better, but i don't understand how fast they finished it!


"OMO ________AH, IT'S SO COOL, YOUR REALLY RICH AREN'T YOU, WISH MY PARENTS COULD BE HERE RIGHT NOW, WE SERIOUSLY NEED TO BE MORE CLOSE RIGHT" Kevin beamed, "WE" Yoseob said while clutching my hand tightly, sending signals to my brain that he must be worried," JUST FRIENDS YOSEOB, CALM DOWN IT'S NOT LIKE I'M GOING TO DO ANYTHING TO HER" Kevin confessed while rasing his hands in defeat.*but as I can see, your hiding something for me and Yoseob aren't you Kevin*


Sorry if I made this chapter really short, kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke!!!

but just to let everyone know, that I might make a collection on U-KISS,INFINITE, B2ST,EXO, AND SJ. I MIGHT

so just let me knowwhat you think at the comment box below ok


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