
My love for You

Your pov,

I woke up with the sun shining on my ace, my eyes were squinting from the brightness and my night gown was all wrinkle from all the moving. I was getting ready to go to school, until I heard a knock on my door, " come in" i said without any hesitation," YOUR AWAKE" my mom beamed, ' of course mom, do you want me to go to sleep" I asked sracastically, " ANIYO, by the way ________ah B2ST (including Yoseob) ARE HERE, AND THEY BROUGHT A GROUP OF BOYS CALLED U-KISS I can't remember there group name so just go down stairs and eat breakfast with them arasso" she addressed.

I quickly curled my hair and went downstairs to eat breakfast, but on my way I remembered what happened last night.....



Me and Yoseob hugged and stayed in the position for a while, my hands where on his muscular chest which gave of warm cozy body heat that compressed violently on my chest, I couldn't tell if what Yoseob felt, but as we stayed in the position for a while, I felt my eyes get heavier, soon enough I fell asleep on Yoseob's arm without knowing. I heard him chuckle then picked me up in bridal style, i felt his presents in my room for a while until I felt it... he kissed my forehead then chuckle again, he whispered something to himself then left me peaceful sleeping in my room, *what is this feeling I'm getting, I don't know if I'm sick or not, but for some reason whenever I see Yoseob smile or hug me, it feels like my heart skips a beat then start beating rapidly in my chest. Is this love I'm experiencing or is this just some type of nervous break down. uh- uh it can't be love, me and Yoseob are just really close friends that's all and if I do love him, I don't think that he has the same feeling for me, am I inlove? RIDICULOUS! CAN'T BE!

~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~


I entered the dinning hall and found U-KISS sitting by oldest to youngest "how cute is that" i thought while smiling softly, I found Yoseob smiling at me, beside him was an empty seat which i sat in. "I HOPE THAT ALL OF YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY AND GET GOOD GRADES THROUGH OUT THE SEMESTER, PLEASE LET NO HARM GO TO THESE KIDS WAY AND LET THEM LIVE A PEACEFUL AND HAPPY LIFE" my mom said with excitment,  she finish talking and signaled us to eat, i could tell every member of each group kept staring at me especially Kevin woo from U-kiss, gikwang oppa just kept giving me smirks, but he always has the brotherly soft side for me. breakfast ended and it was 6:45am, school as you know doesn't start till 8:30am so we had plenty of time to waste before going to school. I decided to lead everyone to my secret loft where i compose music do all stuff I want, to me this rooms is very sacred and I have only shown it to Yoseob and my parents, everyone else..... NO!

To get to my loft, you have to go 6 feet under water at our private pool which is 10 feet below water, then there's a glass hallway underwater that leads to my private loft. We reach my loft which looked like this




we entered it and all of them except Yoseob were stunned by the equipment and furniture I had, Kevin wasn't shocked about the room, but was surprise when I had a glass hallway underwater. The maknaes and the leaders were at the recording studio and the rest were at the game room playing pool, " _____ah can we come back here after school" Dongho asked hesitantly, " sure why not, me and Yoseob usually come here and record some of our songs we composed, maybe all of us can do that to, but it'll be our secret alright guys" I answered happily, on the other side I caught Yoseob smiling at me, then without know he pulled my waist leading me to come closer to him, " AISH OPPA LET GO, I HAD CRAMPS YESTERDAY OPPA" I whinned like a little girl, " AHHH SO CUTE ______AH, YOU AND YOSEOB MAKE A CUTE COUPLE DONGSAENG" Gikwang teased playfully, I blushed from his comment then went straight to the recording studio where I grabbed my laptop, " Yoseob oppa, I think we can get another electric guitar for the studio and sell the old at an auction, my parents agreed on the idea, but they told me to tell you about it" I said, but little did I know Kevin was eavesdropping the whole conversation, " sure _______ah, but what electric guitar do you want" he asked while wrapping his arms around my waist, " hmmmm, well i really want a electric guitar that my bestfriend likes so...... anything as long as it's a electric not an acoustic" I beamed with a cute smile, " well then how about this one" he pointed at the screen, " YEAH" I replied pressing the order button and filling in the required information, "DONE" i beamed cutely, " CUTE" he chuckled while pinching my cheeks.


I have nothing really to say soooooooooo............................................






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