
His Shadow



Sehun’s eyes slowly fluttered open. He found himself in an unfamiliar room and in an unfamiliar bed. He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. It seemed that he had forgotten last night’s occurrences. All that he remembered was seeing Luhan and that was all he cared about. Luhan. He had a huge headache for some reason and groaned in pain. He slowly managed to get out of bed, still clad in yesterday’s clothing. He looked around the small but neat bedroom and walked out into the living room. Kai was there. He was shocked for a moment until he remembered that he had stayed at his place for the night. But everything besides that and the incident with ‘Luhan’ was a blur. Kai was sleeping on the couch, covered only by a thin blanket. He brushed away some of his bangs and was surprised when Kai grabbed his arm. “You’re awake,” Sehun said.


Kai got off from the couch and stretched. “I heard your footsteps.” Sehun raised a brow. He didn’t know Kai was such a light sleeper. There was something off but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Did he forget something that happened last night? If he was crying in Kai’s arms then that would have been quite embarrassing.


“So are you okay now?” Kai asked. Sehun blinked. “What happened last night?” It’s not like they did anything with each other since they were both still in their clothes but he didn’t remember much. “You don’t remember?” 


“If I remembered what happened last night then I wouldn’t be asking you now, would I?”


“You were freaking out over somebody so I took you to my house to calm you down and. . . after that we just . . . got some beer and yeah.” He bit his lip and decided it was best not to say anything else. 


“And yea?” Sehun narrowed his eyes.


“And you— nothing.” He didn’t want to continue. Sehun glared at him and grabbed his shoulders. “And?” The memories were coming back to Kai. He had given Sehun some beer because apparently Sehun wanted to ‘drink his feelings out’ and as much as he opposed, Sehun ended up raiding his fridge. It’s not like Kai drank often, he just had some beer stored there for certain occasions. He tried stopping him but in the end he got drunk and was beginning to mutter incoherent things. Things got to be too much.




“Tell. Me.” 


“You kissed me.”


He remembered Sehun pressing his lips against his and wrapping his arms around his neck, whispering how much he wanted him. He didn’t know what to do and pried Sehun off of him. It took a while for him to calm down and he passed out so Kai just let him sleep in his bed.


But what bothered him wasn’t the kiss.

It was the fact that he liked it. 


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lalicesarang #1
Chapter 14: Luhan is so passive aggressive in here. Im really rooting for Kai here but i have the impression you want sehun back into luhan's life.
Echo-tan #2
Chapter 14: Sekai! Omg they are so cute <3
Chapter 14: i hope kai can fix sehun and he will open up to kai more than he is right now i mean tell kai the truth and everything gosh i cant stand seeing him like this
Chapter 13: it's the beginning sekai!! ♡
SteamingSehbooty #6
Chapter 13: <33333 sjkhfakslhfasd this chapter.
was perfect. <3 <3 <3 Update soon!!! ^3^/
lightstick #7
Chapter 12: I'm so happy for sekai! ;AAA; but things are still confusing to me, I hope you update soon! Fighting! (^o^)9
Chapter 10: hunhan ;~;

i want to knoe what exactly happebed that caused luhan to leave... and if he still loves sehub he shouldn't let him go >__<
podongie #9
Chapter 9: it's okay hun, and talk to kai
lulu oh lulu you should have told sehun what's in ur mind,
Chapter 8: Yes, butterflies are fluttering in my stomach right now. I face hurts from smiling. I drown in a pudding happy KaiHun goo...oflol