
His Shadow



“Why don’t you ask Sehun yourself instead of coming to me?”


Kai ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “That’s the thing. He’s keeping everything to himself.”


“Well, it’s not my place to tell you anything.”


“But at least tell me this; the reason Sehun is acting this way is because of Luhan, right?”


Baekhyun stayed silent and slowly nodded his head, crossing his arms. He didn’t think Kai would know about Luhan. He knew Kai was close but Sehun wasn’t the type of person to voice his problem to others. “How do you know about Luhan?” He narrowed his eyes. Kai didn’t know whether or not to mention that one accident where Sehun almost killed himself in the process of pursuing Luhan. “I-I just heard him mention the name before and it was a wild guess,” he responded. Baekhyun wasn’t buying it but he gave him the benefit of the doubt.


“I see. . . Let’s just say they were in an uncommitted relationship.” 


“Wait, they were dating?”


“That’s all you’ll get out of me,” he smiled and patted Kai’s shoulders. “See you around.” 


He was a good few feet away until he stopped and turned around. “And I just want to say thank you. . . Sehun hasn’t been himself lately and you were one of the only people who even bothered to approach him since he became so antisocial.”


“It’s nothing really.” So apparently Sehun wasn’t always like this. Perhaps it was because of the break-up between him and Luhan since they “were” dating. But what went wrong? Why is he always so worked up every time Luhan is mentioned? He would have to find out for himself if he was going to try and help him. 


Kai thanked him and went to find Sehun. He checked the classroom and found him sitting in his seat, staring into space. Sehun’s gaze landed on Kai and he fidgeted in his seat. “I’m not going to badger you about telling me something you don’t want to,” Kai said and took the seat next to him.


“Thanks, Jongin.” 


Kai’s eyes widened. It’s been so long since anyone has ever called him by his real name. He used to hate it but with Sehun, for some strange reason, he didn’t seem to mind as much. The teacher came in and the daily lectures ensued. A little pink post-it note folded in half was passed to Kai and he unfolded it.


Let’s hang out tomorrow.


Kai took out his black ballpoint pen and turned the post-it around so he could write on the back of it. He grinned stupidly whilst writing his response. Once he was done he passed it back to Sehun.


Is that a date? ;)


Sehun blushed, but it was faint and he doubt Kai would notice. He took out a clean post-it and wrote down something hastily before passing it back to him.


In your wildest dreams.


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lalicesarang #1
Chapter 14: Luhan is so passive aggressive in here. Im really rooting for Kai here but i have the impression you want sehun back into luhan's life.
Echo-tan #2
Chapter 14: Sekai! Omg they are so cute <3
Chapter 14: i hope kai can fix sehun and he will open up to kai more than he is right now i mean tell kai the truth and everything gosh i cant stand seeing him like this
Chapter 13: it's the beginning sekai!! ♡
SteamingSehbooty #6
Chapter 13: <33333 sjkhfakslhfasd this chapter.
was perfect. <3 <3 <3 Update soon!!! ^3^/
lightstick #7
Chapter 12: I'm so happy for sekai! ;AAA; but things are still confusing to me, I hope you update soon! Fighting! (^o^)9
Chapter 10: hunhan ;~;

i want to knoe what exactly happebed that caused luhan to leave... and if he still loves sehub he shouldn't let him go >__<
podongie #9
Chapter 9: it's okay hun, and talk to kai
lulu oh lulu you should have told sehun what's in ur mind,
Chapter 8: Yes, butterflies are fluttering in my stomach right now. I face hurts from smiling. I drown in a pudding happy KaiHun goo...oflol