
His Shadow



Sehun waited for about thirty minutes before Kai showed up. He would’ve planned something except Kai had told him that he already had everything planned out. His lips twitched into a small smile as Kai ran up to him, sweaty and out of breath. “You’re late,” Sehun chuckled. He wasn’t mad at all but rather amused at the scene in front of him. “Sorry, I woke up late today,” Kai apologized and rubbed his nape sheepishly. “But I’m here now so let’s go!” Before Sehun could utter another word he was dragged by the energetic male to who knows where.


The two of them stood outside the movie theatre. Sehun frowned at their misfortune because the movie theatre was closed. “Oh I thought it was open on Saturdays,” Kai laughed nervously in which Sehun responded with a glare. “Did you even bother checking to see if it would be open today?” When Kai didn’t respond he concluded that the answer was a no.


Kai had offered to go clubbing instead, something that Sehun was reluctant to do but he agreed nonetheless. As an apology, Kai had paid for the taxi. He passed a drink to Sehun and spoke softly, “cheer up”. Sehun took a sip and sighed, resting his head on the bar table. Kai clicked his tongue and dragged the younger one out to the dancefloor, determined to lighten him up. He didn’t understand his problems but the least he could do was try to cheer him up.


Moving their bodies to the beat, their eyes met and Sehun was sure he saw a spark of lust in his eyes. Immediately he looked away from Kai’s strong gaze only to have him grab his chin and kiss him. He blinked, slowly registering what was happening at the moment. He kissed back.


Kai parted his lips, allowing Sehun to glide his tongue in and ran his fingers through Sehun’s hair. They parted for air and that was when he felt someone’s gaze on the both of them. His eyes widened when he recognized the familiar male staring at them. He had seen him somewhere before. Sehun furrowed his brows and turned around, wondering what his friend found so intriguing.


“Luhan?” Sehun looked at him as if he just saw a ghost. “What are you doing here?” That was when he noticed that Luhan wasn’t alone. The tall brunette standing besides him looked just as surprised he was. Sehun’s eyes immediately narrowed when he recognized him, his fists tightened as the memories all came back.


Without responding Luhan dragged his friend out of the club. Sehun would’ve ran after them too but he was just so tired, so tired of trying to reach out to him.


After walking away from the club for five minutes or so, Luhan stopped. He stood there lifelessly and leaned against the building. “Why didn’t you just talk to him?” His friend’s deep voice went from one ear to another because Luhan was too dazed to think straight. He waved his hand in front of Luhan’s face, “snap out of it.” Luhan grabbed his wrist and stared back at him.


“What was I supposed to say?” His grip on his wrist tightened. “What could I have said to him, Chanyeol?”


“Anything other than running away like a coward.” Chanyeol pulled his hand back and pulled Luhan close. “You said you don’t care about him anymore and here you are crying like a little kid,” he chided.


He choked back a sob and shook his head. “I’m not crying.”


“Just how long are you planning on running away?”


“I’m not running away.”


Tears started rolling down Luhan’s cheeks and he wiped them away. Chanyeol leaned against the wall beside him and broke the silence that ensued. “I’m sorry for what happened that night.”


“We were both to blame. Don’t act like it’s all your fault.”




a/n : 
i'm so sorry i've haven't updated in so long. i am certain i will finish this fanfic though. i just felt like taking a break due to writer's block and personal reasons. 


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lalicesarang #1
Chapter 14: Luhan is so passive aggressive in here. Im really rooting for Kai here but i have the impression you want sehun back into luhan's life.
Echo-tan #2
Chapter 14: Sekai! Omg they are so cute <3
Chapter 14: i hope kai can fix sehun and he will open up to kai more than he is right now i mean tell kai the truth and everything gosh i cant stand seeing him like this
Chapter 13: it's the beginning sekai!! ♡
SteamingSehbooty #6
Chapter 13: <33333 sjkhfakslhfasd this chapter.
was perfect. <3 <3 <3 Update soon!!! ^3^/
lightstick #7
Chapter 12: I'm so happy for sekai! ;AAA; but things are still confusing to me, I hope you update soon! Fighting! (^o^)9
Chapter 10: hunhan ;~;

i want to knoe what exactly happebed that caused luhan to leave... and if he still loves sehub he shouldn't let him go >__<
podongie #9
Chapter 9: it's okay hun, and talk to kai
lulu oh lulu you should have told sehun what's in ur mind,
Chapter 8: Yes, butterflies are fluttering in my stomach right now. I face hurts from smiling. I drown in a pudding happy KaiHun goo...oflol