Apology Accepted

His Shadow

Apology Accepted


The both of them sat next to each other in silence. Kai didn’t say anything, partly because the teacher was already mad at him and partly because he knew that Sehun would not reply. He didn’t expect to receive a note in the middle of lecture from the one person who has been ignoring him. Kai didn’t know what had triggered Sehun’s sudden change in attitude.


I’m sorry.

- Sehun


His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he looked at Sehun but the guy was too busy writing in his notebook and he looked like he was actually paying attention for once. It’s not like he ever copied down notes anyways. Something was amiss. Instead of writing a note back to him he leaned closer to him and whispered into his ear, “For what?” Sehun shivered and bit his lip. “For being a jerk.” 


“Kai and Sehun do you two need to go to detention?” An old lady with bright red lipstick and many wrinkles on her face slammed her ruler onto the desk. She was known as Ms. Park. She was almost never satisfied with anyone and would frequently punish students for the littlest things. Kai and Sehun were no exception.


“No,” Kai lowered his head in shame. Sehun on the other hand, glared at her. Ms. Park glared back. “Is something the matter, Sehun?” He scoffed and twirled the pen in his hand, “No.” She kept an eye on the both of them and resumed writing on the board. 


“ she’s so annoying,” he hissed. Kai blinked and nudged him with his elbow. “What if she hears you?” The younger shut his notebook and looked out the window. “She can kiss my .” Kai shook his head and covered his mouth to keep himself from laughing. “Oh and umm. . . apology accepted,” he nodded.


“That’s it! Kai and Sehun you have detention after school!” 


Both of them groaned simultaneously and that finally shut the both of them up but not before Sehun muttered a soft thank you to Kai. It was almost inaudible. It didn’t seem like Kai had heard it but he did and with that a smile made its way onto the face.


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lalicesarang #1
Chapter 14: Luhan is so passive aggressive in here. Im really rooting for Kai here but i have the impression you want sehun back into luhan's life.
Echo-tan #2
Chapter 14: Sekai! Omg they are so cute <3
Chapter 14: i hope kai can fix sehun and he will open up to kai more than he is right now i mean tell kai the truth and everything gosh i cant stand seeing him like this
Chapter 13: it's the beginning sekai!! ♡
SteamingSehbooty #6
Chapter 13: <33333 sjkhfakslhfasd this chapter.
was perfect. <3 <3 <3 Update soon!!! ^3^/
lightstick #7
Chapter 12: I'm so happy for sekai! ;AAA; but things are still confusing to me, I hope you update soon! Fighting! (^o^)9
Chapter 10: hunhan ;~;

i want to knoe what exactly happebed that caused luhan to leave... and if he still loves sehub he shouldn't let him go >__<
podongie #9
Chapter 9: it's okay hun, and talk to kai
lulu oh lulu you should have told sehun what's in ur mind,
Chapter 8: Yes, butterflies are fluttering in my stomach right now. I face hurts from smiling. I drown in a pudding happy KaiHun goo...oflol