
His Shadow



Sehun was sleeping during class again. He was falling behind and each day the pile of overdue work would increase. He didn't feel like doing anything anymore. It was like he lost his will to live. The barriers he built left him in solitude. He couldn't focus either.

"Oh Sehun!" He was awoken by her loud voice and the sound of a ruler hitting his desk. Mrs. Nam was just about through with him. She was tired of him sleeping in class and spacing out, not even making an effort to listen to the lesson. "If you're not here to learn then I suggest you get out," she scolded and pointed to the door.

He muttered a simple sorry and pretended to pay attention for the rest of the period. When it was all over, he made his way out for lunch break. He wasn't hungry though. Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to see who would want to have anything to do with him. It was a male with dark brown eyes, plump lips, and slightly dark skin.

"Hey, my name's Kai," he introduced, flashing a bright smile.

Sehun nodded in acknowledgement, not showing much interest and continued in his way to the library to find some peace and quiet.

He heard the sound of footsteps. "Wait!" It was Kai again.

"I'm kinda new here so can I hang out with you for today?"

"Do whatever you want," Sehun muttered. He hasn't been paying much attention lately because he didn't realize that Kai transferred a mere two days ago and shared many classes with him. He also failed to notice the many glances that Kai had sent his way.

"What's your name?" he asked.


"Sehun. Oh Sehun."

Kai kept quiet and followed Sehun to the library. He wasn't hungry either. Sehun felt annoyed being followed and he wasn't exactly the most friendly person. He was straightforward and blunt. . . except when it came to Luhan but he didn't like thinking about him much. It hurt. They both entered the library and Sehun went over to one of the numerous shelves, looking for a book that he probably wasn't even going to read or finish.

"Could you please leave me alone?" He hissed at Kai who stared at him with amusement. Exasperated, he heaved a big sigh. "What do you want from me?"


"Let's be friends," Kai grinned.

Sehun looked at him like he was a lunatic. "Excuse me?"

"Let's be friends," he repeated, extending a hand for the younger to shake.
Sehun backed away until he hit the bookshelf, refusing to shake his hand. He didn't understand why someone would even want to be his friend.

Kai retracted his hand and smiled. "It's just a handshake."

Sehun shrugged and took a book off the shelf. "You won't want to be my friend."


"Because I'm boring."

"I think you're interesting."

"Tch, you're weird."

"I know. See you around," Kai said, saluting with two fingers as he walked away.

At least he admits it. 



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lalicesarang #1
Chapter 14: Luhan is so passive aggressive in here. Im really rooting for Kai here but i have the impression you want sehun back into luhan's life.
Echo-tan #2
Chapter 14: Sekai! Omg they are so cute <3
Chapter 14: i hope kai can fix sehun and he will open up to kai more than he is right now i mean tell kai the truth and everything gosh i cant stand seeing him like this
Chapter 13: it's the beginning sekai!! ♡
SteamingSehbooty #6
Chapter 13: <33333 sjkhfakslhfasd this chapter.
was perfect. <3 <3 <3 Update soon!!! ^3^/
lightstick #7
Chapter 12: I'm so happy for sekai! ;AAA; but things are still confusing to me, I hope you update soon! Fighting! (^o^)9
Chapter 10: hunhan ;~;

i want to knoe what exactly happebed that caused luhan to leave... and if he still loves sehub he shouldn't let him go >__<
podongie #9
Chapter 9: it's okay hun, and talk to kai
lulu oh lulu you should have told sehun what's in ur mind,
Chapter 8: Yes, butterflies are fluttering in my stomach right now. I face hurts from smiling. I drown in a pudding happy KaiHun goo...oflol