
Unseen Connection

"Thanks for today." The tall young man spoke as he had realised they'd reached her door. "No problem. Was fun!" Chaerin gave him a small smile before turning around to open the room to her door. "Ah." The male spoke again, trying to say something to have her talk to him a little more. " uh..." He was finding this horribly awkward. "How do you make her stay with you a while longer?" He mumbled to himself in chinese. Chaerin just stood there looking at the blonde-haired figure's face get contorted to all these different expressions. It was kind of cute. She let out a laugh. "Seems like you're going to be a while trying to figure what you want to say...want to just come in and have some coffee?" She offered him opening up her door for him. "That...would be nice." He flashed his charming smile, feeling somewhat relieved that he'd have more of this day to spend with her. As he made his way into her room, he saw it was pretty nice of a room as his own, except his was slightly bigger with more...features? She seems well off to afford this room he he looked around. "Take a seat...I'll get us some coffee." Chaerin gestured him towards the couch, switching on the T.V for him while he waits for his coffee. It was the news channel that came on, thank god for the fact that it was in english, cause otherwise it would be awkward and terribly annoying, as he'd keep cursing himself of not paying more attention when it came to his Korean classes. It wasn't long before Chaerin came out with the coffee in two cups. "Here you go." She put his cup down on the sofa table and sat on the other side of the couch holding her own. "So...?" She spoke realizing Kris was just looking pretty dazed staring at the television. Slightly amused and confused she called out to him again. "Kris?" That broke his eyes off the T.V and towards her. "You okay?...Pretty into the news..." She chuckled. "Oh no...sorry I was just thinking about something." He awkwardly pushed himself further into the couch and looked at her. "Chaerin..." He said looking at her. "I realize, that I know nothing about you...really...yet you know alot about me...I was wondering if..." He stopped when he saw Chaerin's face turned a bit sour. "Oh. Uh there's nothing much." She cut him off. "Normal girl, normal life...pretty much..." She avoided looking at him and focused on the T.V. Somehow feeling a bit hurt my her sudden tone, Kris decided perhaps he should call it a night and leave. The air was getting tense, and looked like Chaerin had given up on the fact of actually talking to him. Getting up,and drinking as much of the coffee he could, he looked at the girl that finally was looking at him again. "You...must be tired. sorry if I said anything wierd, let's call it a night. Thanks for today." He said as he made his way out the door. Chaerin was about to open to say something to him, when her phone rang. She tore her eyes off the leaving figure and looked to her phone.

Her face turned dark. She answered the call, without saying a word to let the caller know that she'd picked it up. But it wasn't necessary as the caller had already figured she was listening. "Hey." a voice from the other side of the line was heard. Still no response from Chaerin. "Don't you think it's a bit rude to ignore me?" the voice stated rather shaky and annoyed. Still no response from the girl. "YAH!" A loud yell was heard. "What?" Finally the girl spoke, with hatred in her voice. "You only answer if I yell or curse is that it?" the voice retorted. "I don't find it necessary to really talk to you. If that is all, I will then be hanging up." She said as she was about to cut the line. "Don't you dare hang up on me, Chaerin!" The voiced boomed. "I don't know what you're thinking, making your way back to Korea, without telling me." "When the hell did I have to tell you anything JIHO?" Chaerin yelled. "My life is not your concern!" She yelled at him through the phone. "That isn't true, if we weren't married maybe, but since the day we got married, your life is my business." He gritted "Hah. Oh really, I don't think of our marriage as a real one, with an husband like you, get real! You ask me not to meddle in your life, yet you dare to meddle in mine?! Go to hell!" She hung up and threw her phone to the otherside of the room. "! !" She teared up. Everything good that happened today just dissapeared and now the day felt just awful. Dragging herself back to pick up her phone and seeing if it was broken or not. She decided to make her way to her bedroom. She just needs to sleep it off. When she wakes up things will get better again. So she thought till she saw her phone buzz with a text message. 
From :

Chaerin, stop acting like a . Get yourself home , before I come and make you. I let you go to Paris, for a while, don't you think you're pushing your limits. Don't you dare make me loose face infront of people. I'll cut of all the money, I've given you access to. Don't push your luck. Get home, and stop staying at a hotel. I'll give you three days. 
Night Baby.

Chaerin scoffed. First he calls me a , and then baby? Is he that ing bi-polar. Ugh. She sunk into her bed, trying to recall her moments with Kris. She hadn't enjoyed a male's company this much till before she was married. "Ugh..." She closed her eyes, realizing that her sudden coldness towards Kris was not justified, as he just wanted to know about her, as much as she found out about him. "I should apologize to him tomorrow..." She murmured as she fell into a deep slumber. 

Kris was pacing up and down his bedroom, when he saw Luhan appear. "What's wrong with you?" he raised his eyebrow. "Nothing...Nothing..." Kris sighed. Luhan rolled his eyes. "Clearly...Anyways I'll leave you alone, just came to remind you that you have a meeting with the local stockholders first thing tomorrow morning." "I got it..." Kris sighed as he watched Luhan leave him alone. "What did I say so wrong...?" he ruffled in his hair in frustration. Not being able to figure out how suddenly something that was going so good turned so sour... "Maybe I should just apologize to her in the morning..." He fell back down on his bed and closed his eyes, till he fell into deep slumber.

Woah, We can't have a story without that highlighted drama can we?
Were you all surprised. Jiho a.k.a Zico makes his appearance. O.O
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xuka0608 #1
Please continue this story....
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
Chapter 9: Omg!!! Zico is the husband!
Is he older or is she??
raska23 #4
Chapter 10: please continue this story
Chapter 5: this is so interesting. I loveee itt.. Kris and chae meeting are so cutee
i just realized chaerin's a painter/artist in this fic, meanwhile in exo land, kris thinks he can draw lololol
Chapter 9: Wow i barely know who Kris is but you made me ship him to CL.. Your story is Daebak! Update soon :)
xNarya #8
Chapter 9: Same reaction to CLassi ! OH F********CK ! Why did he have to be the bad guy huh ? ( even if Zico has the 'bad guy' look ahahah )
M A R R I E D to him was sooo unexpected ! I ship CL & Zico together but also CL & Kris.. Argh I guess it will be better to choose Kris & CL in this FF. Btw thank you for the great chapter :D
CLassi #9
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL
CLassi #10
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL