
Unseen Connection

Dragging himself towards where Luhan was waiting. Kris slowly made his way towards the lobby. He was recalling the little incidents he's had the whole day that included Chaerin, and her reactions and attitude towards everything was so entertaining. He hadn't realized that as he was smiling the whole time. Girls that were walking by literally fan girled at the image. His jawline was so prominent when he lips curled into smile, showcasing his brilliantly shaped teeth. "Oh my gawd. He's soooo hotttttt..." The staff females were flailing at his moves. The males were rolling their eyes in jealousy, as much as they would have liked to cuss the guy walking passed them out, even they knew that he was no ordinary man, he was damn goodlooking. Kris was so into his thoughts he hadn't realized that he had reached the lobby, he looked around but there was no sight of Luhan anywhere. "Where the..." He started to curse in Mandarin. When he felt someone poke him from the back. "Lu, where the..." He turned around about to curse at the thought that his friend was perhaps pranking him, until he realized who was infront of him. Tongue-tied he stood there for a good minute, trying to comprehend what was going on. The girl could see the confusion in his expression. "Your friend...has left with my friends..." the blonde awkwardly spoke. "Ah...I was asked to bring you along to the fair...since you know...your first time...and things..." She grew nervous and began to play with a strand of her hair. Realizing that this moment was indeed real Kris, coughed in attempt to hide his embarassment. "Ah I should have figured...girls and Luhan and food...he forgets all else." Kriss muttered irritated by the fact Luhan chose to dissapear on him now of all times. " friends too...guys and food..." She sighed. They both looked at each other and broke into a laugh. "We should get going then, why let them have all the fun." Kris spoke slowing down the laugher. *grumble* Chaerin's stomach began to make its voice heard as well. Embarrassed she brought her hands on top of her stomach, hoping that perhaps that would stop the noise. "You must be hungry." Kris chuckled amused. " could say that...didn't eat any lunch...guess it's added up..." Chaerin laughed awkwardly. She felt so embarassed. So far all she's been doing infront of this god-like figure is make herself look like a fool. "Ahh...ahhh...Let's go" she spoke up trying to rid herself of the awkwardness. Kris nodded as he followed along beside her. She's definitely cute. he thought to himself as he saw the girl try to blow the hair that kept falling onto her face, whilst muttering some jibberish. I guess for this, I won't kill you Lu. 

"Ahhhh...where are they...." Chaerin spoke in frustration, she was told that they'd up in front entrance of the festival, but they were nowhere to be found. "This is why I hate going with these girls sometimes." She muttered to herself in Korean. "Sorry?" Kris said looking at her. "Ah...nothing...haha...just so..." *grumble* She tried hide the embrassment that was beginning to show with her reddened cheeks. "You're hungry?" He laughed. "let's just go eat, we can look for them after you get something inside of you." He said grabbing ahold of her harm and pulling her along. The red in her cheeks grew a shade deeper. Oh god. This is so embarassing. She thought to herself. She was so caught up in the fact that Kris had caught her stomach rumbling she completely dismissed the fact that Kris was now holding onto her hand and walking with her to the food stalls that were set up ahead. "Hmmm..." He spoke trying to study them very carefully. It was like he was sitting on an exam. Chaerin laughed at this. "Cute." She accidentally mouthed out. "Eh?" he turned to her. "Oh..haha nothing...err do you know what you want?" Chaerin asked trying to shake off the another embarassing situation. "Uhm...what is all this food called? I don't they have like...fried rice or...." "Yah! This is a festival." She broke out into a small laugh. "Not a restaurant. You should try the all the food, that you've never had before, how will you be exploring new thinigs otherwise." She pulled him along to a kebab booth. "Can i get two kebas?" She asked the ajhumma in front of her. "Deh...OMO! Your boyfriend is so handsome." She squealed in Korean. "Aniya...thats's not my..." "keep a tight hold on him" she winked handing Chaerin the kebabs. Having paid her, Chaerin turned to a confused Kris and handed him one of the Kebab sticks. "Here." "Hm?" Kris eyes the stick suspiciously. "It's a kebab. It's really a popular snack at this festival." Chaerin showed her eye smile, pushing Kris's thoughts immediately and grabbing a hold of it. "You eat it like this." Chaerin showed him. Kris rolled his yes. "I know how to eat it, I could have figured it out you know..." He muttered. "Hehe, just making sure." Chaerin stuck out her tongue. It wasn't long before Kris had managed to take a bite of the Kebab with a satisfied smile on his face. "Good right?" Chaerin asked, feeling happy that he liked it. "M...." before Kris could say anything he fell onto the floor clutching onto his chest. "KRIS???" "KRISSSS?" Chaerin screamed in shock. Everyone and everything around the came to a stand still. Kris with alot of trouble managed to bring out his phone, pressing the 1 button he passed it onto Chaerin. "Hello?" A male voice spoke from the other line. "KRIS KRIS...HE needs help!" Chaerin yelled as she saw that Kris had collapsed. "Where is he???!" The man yelled even louder. "He' this festival near the hotel....he." Not before long had there arrived an ambulance and car with gunned men. "What..." One man pointed his gun at Chaerin, as he the ambulance had driven off with Kris. "Were you trying to kill him???!" The man yelled fiercely, causing Chaerin to fall onto the ground " I...was showing around different food stalls..." "You fool! That was an anaphylaxis shock! He's allergic to poultry!!" The man yelled at the now shaking Chaerin. "We need to hurry and follow the ambulance, he could be at a deadly state right now!" The man glared at Chaerin one last time before dissapearing in the direction of the ambulance. Leaving Chaerin there shocked, rooted to the ground. "Did I ...kill him?" Her hands were starting to shake and tears fell down her face.

Woah unexpected scene there.:x

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xuka0608 #1
Please continue this story....
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
Chapter 9: Omg!!! Zico is the husband!
Is he older or is she??
raska23 #4
Chapter 10: please continue this story
Chapter 5: this is so interesting. I loveee itt.. Kris and chae meeting are so cutee
i just realized chaerin's a painter/artist in this fic, meanwhile in exo land, kris thinks he can draw lololol
Chapter 9: Wow i barely know who Kris is but you made me ship him to CL.. Your story is Daebak! Update soon :)
xNarya #8
Chapter 9: Same reaction to CLassi ! OH F********CK ! Why did he have to be the bad guy huh ? ( even if Zico has the 'bad guy' look ahahah )
M A R R I E D to him was sooo unexpected ! I ship CL & Zico together but also CL & Kris.. Argh I guess it will be better to choose Kris & CL in this FF. Btw thank you for the great chapter :D
CLassi #9
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL
CLassi #10
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL