
Unseen Connection

It was dead silent at the hospital. 2 members from the security team standing near the emergency room entrance while Luhan was pacing back and forth just by it. He blamed his stupidity over this. He should have just waited for Kris. He let his hunger and hormones get the best of him. Sure he would have liked to get to know the girls more that ended up being the blonde's friends, but if he was just more patient...perhaps everything could have been avoided. He couldn't take out the image of Chaerin sitting on the floor in the middle of the food stalls, with tears flowing down her eyes...stating she killed him. It wasn't until later that moment did he realize who and what she was talking about. Excusing himself after checking his phone from the girls, he was rushing to head out to the hospital. Chaerin miraculously caught up with him and asked if she could go along. Saying no would probably have been a good idea. Since he hadn't been making any wise decisions lately he decided to just agree. After all how could he when tears were continuously falling down her cheeks. "Ah. Fine. Hurry!" he said as he pushed her in and got in himself making their way to the hospital and currently leading to their current situation. Chaerin was seated in the far corner of the hallway, she wasn't comfortable with the dirty looks that she was recieving from the head security man and s. She was also certain that Luhan, who she just got to know the name of, was not quite in the mood to be around her either. She couldn't stop tearing up and cursing at herself. She ketp recalling Kris as he clutched his chest, trying to breathe. She's never been in a situation like that ever. She's hurt people, only because they hurt her first or to avoid being hurt by them. However she hurt someone this time, who completely didn't deserve it. 

In a few moments the doctor came out with a smile stating the man was okay, it could have been dangerous, but as he hadn't eaten too much of it, the effect was less drastic. Bringing to the hospital however was the right choice. Luhan smiled in relief. He looked over towards where Chaerin was seated and could she was looking at him for an answer. He gave her a small smile, answering her question. She was satisfied with that. She didn't kill after all. That was good. Very good. "You can go see him, he's awake, we will do some check ups on him later just to make sure he's totally okay in a while." The doctor smiled, looking towards Chaerin's direction. Luhan just nodded and with the security head he walked towards the room Kris was now presently in. "Aren't you going to see him?" The doctor asked as he appraoched her. He was a young and very goodlooking man. "" Chaerin awkwardly laughed trying to wipe away her tear stains. "Why is that?" the doctor asked suddenly, surprising Chaerin. "I don't think I would want to see the person who almost tried to kill me..." She said with a sad smile turning the other way to find her way out of the hospital. "He didn't die you know." The doctor spoke out loudly. Chaerin turned and bowed at him. "I know. I'm truly very glad." She smiled before turning back. The doctor just chuckled. "What a silly girl." as he went the other way to check up on his other patients.

"YI FAN! ARE YOU DUMB? YOU ATE CHICKEN KNOWING YOU CAN'T DIGEST ITTT???" Luhan barged into the room raging. Kris just sat there unamused, he knew this was coming. "Lu...stop getting dramatic, I didn't know that the kebab was chicken..." He said taking a deep breath. "Are you stupid! You could have asked! You're picky as hell when it comes to food!! What the hell made you eat that so willingly??!" Luhan bellowed as he sat next to the figure that was now trying to block him out. "Ahhh. Damn Lu. You're so loud!" Kris mumbled. "YI FAN! You could have been in a serious conditon...what if you died?? What would your sister do? You are WU YIFAN, You run the Wu Corporation, YOU are the OWNER of a multi-billion dollar corporation, what will happen to all the people that rely on you and look upto you, if you get hurt??" Luhan sighed squeezing his head. "I'm not dead. Lu." Kris stopped to look at his friend who knew was simply just worried about him, but couldn't find a calmer way to say anything, cause he seemed to be blaming himself. "It's not your fault." Kris stated with a soft smile. "I was glad to have gotten you off my back for once." He grinned, only to earn a glare from LuHan. "Im just kidding...Don't worry, I was stupid this one time, I'll admit. But neither you nor her is at fault." Kris smiled...suddenly his smile turned into a frown. "Lu... where is..." "She was here waiting to hear news of you, and I'm guessing she left now." Luhan stated. "WHAT?" Kris jumped out of his bed, and began to run out the door.

"Yi Fan!" Luhan yelled as he ran after the man, signaling the security head to just stay here. Kris was running as if his life depended on it, she should still be around. I know she is. I have this feeling she's nearby. He ran towards the entrance of the hospital, to have made it just in time as he saw the blonde haired girl about to make her way into the cab, while talking on the phone. "I'm coming Dara..." he grabbed her arm and turned her around. She was shocked at his presence, and frankly slightly scared. "Y-you're okay..." She tried to smile, without letting her tears fall, but failing so miserably. "Are you leaving without checking up on me?" Kris responded coldly. "No...I heard...." "Hearing and seeing are two different things." He didn't let her say much as grabbed her arm and walked back into the hospital, and into his room, kicking his security out and making sure he let no one else in. Hesitant at first, but reluctantly agreed as the boss's glare was not something he wanted to be exposed to for long. After the door shut, Kris let go of the girls arms and turned to look at her. His gaze was piercing through her. Chaerin felt nervous and scared...he probably hated her at this time...would sorry even cut it. "I'm sorry...I" Before she could finish her sentence he gave her gentle hug. Messing up her already messy hair more. "It's not your fault, you didn't know, I was just stupid to have forgotten to double check what it contained." He stopped to show her one of his warmest smiles. If a person could have melted into the thin air, Chaerin probably would have, her heart was beating like crazy, heat had rushed up her cheeks which were now fully red. Kris burst out into laugher as he saw the girl turning red like tomato. Brought back into reality Chaerin furrowed her eyebrows as to why this person was laughing so crazily at her. "Am I funny or something?" She asked trying to hide her embarassment with an annoyed tone. Her guilt and fear subsided with just one gesture from this man that now stood infront of her. "I don't know...are you?" Kris asked trying to stop his laughter. Seeing as the girl before was getting angry, he calmed himself down "It's just... I don't know...I just have a strange feeling. A very strange feeling." he softly smiled towards the confused girl.

Le sighs** sorry, crappy update. Still....
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xuka0608 #1
Please continue this story....
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
Chapter 9: Omg!!! Zico is the husband!
Is he older or is she??
raska23 #4
Chapter 10: please continue this story
Chapter 5: this is so interesting. I loveee itt.. Kris and chae meeting are so cutee
i just realized chaerin's a painter/artist in this fic, meanwhile in exo land, kris thinks he can draw lololol
Chapter 9: Wow i barely know who Kris is but you made me ship him to CL.. Your story is Daebak! Update soon :)
xNarya #8
Chapter 9: Same reaction to CLassi ! OH F********CK ! Why did he have to be the bad guy huh ? ( even if Zico has the 'bad guy' look ahahah )
M A R R I E D to him was sooo unexpected ! I ship CL & Zico together but also CL & Kris.. Argh I guess it will be better to choose Kris & CL in this FF. Btw thank you for the great chapter :D
CLassi #9
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL
CLassi #10
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL