
Unseen Connection

*Knock Knock* Stood a hungry and slightly annoyed Luhan outside Kris's door. He knew better than to walk into Kris's room especially if the guy is sleeping, all hell could and probably will break loose. "Ugh...just when is this guy going to get the hell up..." he grumbled. Luhan also disliked the idea of being close to the door of the Crazy Girl as he now named her. "Kreaseeeee" He kept knocking and eventually felt like he was knocking on a softer surface. Surprised and chuckling he stopped and retreated his left arm down on his side. "Are you done, trying to bruise my face?" Kris glared, touching his nose and cheeks to check they weren't bruised. "You know how important this face of mine is." Luhan just rolled his eyes. "Take that prince syndrome of yours and shove it!" He walked passed Kris and entered into the spacious suite. "Aren't we going for dinner?" he looked around the room. "Yeah, I just woke up, geez Lu learn to calm down." Kris rolled his eyes as he peaked his head out of his door, looking at the girl's closed door. "Hmm...wonder if she's in?" "Who?" Luhan came and stood by his side. " one. I'll go get changed so just wait." Kris said brushing past him. "Is he really interested in that nutcase?... Krease did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed." Luhan said staring at the door. Although recalling the violent actions that were brought on Kris, his face lit up into a smirk. "It may not be that bad an idea though, maybe the nutcase can get him to change, he already seems different from that usual cold front he portrays to the world." Luhan closed the door and walked back in.

"Yahhh! I told you I wanted to eat here, why do we have to go to this festival??" Chaerin grumbled as she was getting dressed into now more casual clothes. "Cause we want to go have fun. rather than sit in some boring hotel, we can always do that later, this fall festival is special!" A dark brown haired girl spoke squealing. "Oh geez.Dara Unnie, you and your squealing, no one's going to believe that your older." Chaerin rolled her eyes. "Yahh! Rinnieeee, Chaeballllll"  said a red head that was now leaning agaist the blonde haired girl whining. "You too Bommie Unnie. Ahhh I'm changing aren't I!" Chaerin retorted. The older girls just chuckled. "Your're still the same as ever Chaerin, acting all cold and distant, but as always your so bad at it!" They jumped on her with a hug and started to tickle her. "hahahahha...stop it...bahahah." She laughed so loud. "Shall we?" The red-haired girl name Bom spoke. "Hmmmmm." the brown one named Dara said now looking at Chaerin whose eyes were watering up due to the laughing. " I guess we can." They let go of her slowly and backed away. "If my eyeliner gets messed I swear." Chaerin growled wobbling her way to bathroom. "Those strong Park sisters." she muttered as she chuckled a bit looking into the mirror and fixing her hair and eyeliner. "Speaking of which, where is Minzy?" Chaerin asked curious as to the girl hadn't appeared yet. "Ah! ! We promised to meet her at the lobby!" Bom jumped up grabbing Dara. "Chaerin, since you're already done, let us meet at the lobby? I don't want Minzy to get lost, her direction abilities are as bad as before if not worse." She said in a half worry and half joking tone. "Okay, okay I'll be down in 5." With those words the Park sisters ran for the elevator. As they caught up to it, they were greeted with two very attractive young men. Dara was oggling like a fangirl, poking Bom on the side. "Omgg...they're so hot, the baby-faced guy so cute..." She giggled. Bom tried her best to seem normal, although she wanted to fangirl as well.
Kris and Luhan saw the two girls. Luhan was eyeing them quite intently, "Woah they sure are pretty." he said in Chinese to Kris. Kris put his focus on the redhaired girl for a bit, before looking back at Luhan in response "Yeah. I guess." He said sounding uninterested. "Are you blind? Why are these girls not interesting but a nutcase is?!" Luhan asked shocked. "If it was the Kris I knew, he'd be right in there getting his groove on. Just where did my baby Kreaseee go." He tugged on the taller boy's shoulder. "Yoh! Stop acting all creepy" Kris shivered. He admit the girls were pretty, one of them had that baby face cuteness like Luhan, but he wasn't really interested. "We should talk about our meeting with the investors tomorrow, tonight so we're well prepared." Luhan's face just darkened. "Workaholic is back, and here comes my ruined dinner time." He grumbled ignoring Kris now. Kris caught on and smirked. Such a kid still. As the elevator reached the Lobby all of them got out. The girls ran to the front, waiting for Minzy. While Kris and Luhan strolled out casually. "Are we going to eat here?" Luhan showed a dissaproving look, as he saw Kris about to enter one of the restaurants. "Oh hell no. We are going to the festival tonight. Wu Fan." He said firmly. Kris knew that he couldn't argue his way out of it. Whenever Lu said "Wu Fan" he meant serious business. Feeling bad that he refused to go touristing with his bestfriend. Kris complied. "Fine, let me go cancel the reservation then." "Don't bother if you don't show up..." Kris cut him off with a stern look. "We both know that is unprofessional, that's below my morals." "Okay okay, geez, I'll wait at the entrance of the lobby! hurry" Luhan said as he began walking the other direction of Kris. "Omg, that guy is so hot. He's just wearing a casual light green shirt that not even buttoned all the way up!! and black pants." "kyahhh" "I see his collarbone" Kris had no idea what the squealing was about, and he didn't care, he was getting hungry so he just wanteed to hurry up with the festival business and eat.

On his way back from the restaurant he had a little bump in again. "Ahhhh! Watch where...." The girl stopped in the middle of her sentence. "Y-you!" she pointed at him. Kris was surprised too, not just because he met the girl again, but because of what she was wairing. A tank with a denim vest and booty shorts. She's got one fine body. He gulped. "You.." he didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry, I don't think i've been having a good day, I keep getting my path blocked by people or bumping into people, in this case..." She said looking down feeling a little awkward. "I'm grateful though..." he slowly said. "Huh?" "I mean i'm grateful that your apologizing, I am also sorry, i should have looked where I was going so you wouldn't have dropped your canvas and things...." "Ah! no! no!" the blonde head yelled again causing everyone to stop yet again and look at her. "Aiiiishhhh" She whined. Kris chuckled at her. She's really cute. He thought. "Wu Fan." He brought his hand out. The girl stood their for awhile as if she was confused, but eventually brought her hand out and responded with a handshake. "Chaerin." She smiled. *Thump* His heart was racing again. They were holding onto each other's hands not realizing that it had been a while. *Cough* Chaerin faked a cough, getting Kris out of his daze to let go of her hand. "Ahh...sorry...haha" he said rubbing the back of his neck. Chaerin laughed at this. Hes cute. She hadn't realized until now that this guy was seriously no joke in terms of looks. His was chiseled in detail, and his collar bone was y. Omg. I need to get out of here. I'm thinking of weird things. Chaerin smiled at the man that was still looking at her. "My friends are waiting, I gotta go! Excuse me!" and she bolted. Kris was about to call out to her but she was too fast. He seemed a bit dissapointed. Slowly however, he made his way toward the promised spot where Luhan waited.


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xuka0608 #1
Please continue this story....
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
Chapter 9: Omg!!! Zico is the husband!
Is he older or is she??
raska23 #4
Chapter 10: please continue this story
Chapter 5: this is so interesting. I loveee itt.. Kris and chae meeting are so cutee
i just realized chaerin's a painter/artist in this fic, meanwhile in exo land, kris thinks he can draw lololol
Chapter 9: Wow i barely know who Kris is but you made me ship him to CL.. Your story is Daebak! Update soon :)
xNarya #8
Chapter 9: Same reaction to CLassi ! OH F********CK ! Why did he have to be the bad guy huh ? ( even if Zico has the 'bad guy' look ahahah )
M A R R I E D to him was sooo unexpected ! I ship CL & Zico together but also CL & Kris.. Argh I guess it will be better to choose Kris & CL in this FF. Btw thank you for the great chapter :D
CLassi #9
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL
CLassi #10
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL