
Unseen Connection


“Move out of my way!” A girl yelled at all the people that were blocking her path. She needed to get the hell out of the airport. “Why the hell is it always so bloody crowded at airports? UGH” She was carrying a bunch of things and no one to rely on to help her, being pushed by the crowd and losing her balance was the last thing she had in mind. “Lady could you move out of my way?” She sneered at the plastic doll like figure who was fixing her lashes right in front of her blocking the way to the taxi exit. The girl ignored her and just kept fixing her lashes. “Hello?” the blonde haired girl tried again. “Patience. Chaerin. Patience.” She kept muttering to herself. Still having no response, the girl who called herself Chaerin, put her bags and canvas down gently, rolled up her sleeves and grabbed the other girl by her shoulder and turned her around. “Look here you plastic , I’ve been trying for a while to ask you to move out of my way, do you not understand Korean? Shall I speak in English?” Chaerin smiled. “Get the out of the way.” The girl was flustered and irritated as she didn't understand the english part. “Just cause you can speak English you act all high and mighty, this …” as the girl was about to plant her hand on Chaerin’s face, the blonde who seemed to have quick reflexes caught it just in time. Everyone around stopped to witness what was going on. “Aish. Girls these day, just cause they get nose jobs and , they think so highly off themselves.” She twisted the girls arm. “Ahhhhh!” She screamed. “Will you get out of my way?” She tightened her grip. “Yes yes!” the girl screamed in pain. Satisfied with her answer Chaerin let the other girl. “Crazy !” she spat before running away. “Ah…this day is clearly not the best, delayed flight, no one to pick me up, and lousy plastics blocking my way.” Chaerin sighed in annoyance as she bent down to gather all her stuff realizing that there were still people looking at her. “…I forget I’m in public, that god for my shades…so embarrassing” she muttered as she walked quickly away towards the first taxi she saw. “Plaza Hotel please!” She told the driver. “Seoul…I’m home again.” She faintly smiled as she leaned back on the seat of the car when her phone suddenly rang. “Unnieeeeee.” She knew that tone anywhere. “Yes. Minzy?” Chaerin answered with a small laugh. “You’re backkkkk~ Sorry I couldn’t come to greet you, College is so hard…” the girl on the other line whined. “You haven’t changed!” Chaerin laughed. “Yah! Unnie I’ll see you tonight! Your new apartment right?” the girl inquired eagerly. “Ah…not yet, it won’t be ready till next week they said. So I’ll be at a hotel for now, since my old place is already rented out.” The blonde haired girl spoke. “Ahhhh….then we can’t meet today?” “No haha, we can let’s just have dinner at the Plaze hotel? I’ll be staying there and it’s more convenient for me as I don’t want to go out anywhere. Cool?” Chaerin asked. “Cool!” The girl named Minzy squealed from the other line, I’ll let Dara and Bom Unnie know as it seems you’re probably not going to text anyone till tomorrow, knowing your laziness.” Minzy giggled on the other line before hanging up. “You seem very happy mam?” the taxi driver said seeing the Blonde who looked quite angry and flustered a while back was now smiling quite happily. “Yeah. I am…haha finally back home, and I’ll get to see my friends soon. I just hope nothing ruins the remainder of the day for now.” She said leaning back down and closing her eyes. Something feels strange, it’s almost like a kind of eagerness? Probably cause I’m home and will see the girls?. She thought to herself. “Hmmm… wonder what this feeling is…” she slowly murmured. “Sorry mam?” the driver spoke confused as to whether she was talking to him. “Ah! Nothing! It’s just good to be back!” she smiled at him, as he returned the smile and drove her to her destination.


Chaerin intro~ Wee~
next chapter I promise will be longer~
Till Then byeee < 3



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xuka0608 #1
Please continue this story....
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
Chapter 9: Omg!!! Zico is the husband!
Is he older or is she??
raska23 #4
Chapter 10: please continue this story
Chapter 5: this is so interesting. I loveee itt.. Kris and chae meeting are so cutee
i just realized chaerin's a painter/artist in this fic, meanwhile in exo land, kris thinks he can draw lololol
Chapter 9: Wow i barely know who Kris is but you made me ship him to CL.. Your story is Daebak! Update soon :)
xNarya #8
Chapter 9: Same reaction to CLassi ! OH F********CK ! Why did he have to be the bad guy huh ? ( even if Zico has the 'bad guy' look ahahah )
M A R R I E D to him was sooo unexpected ! I ship CL & Zico together but also CL & Kris.. Argh I guess it will be better to choose Kris & CL in this FF. Btw thank you for the great chapter :D
CLassi #9
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL
CLassi #10
Chapter 9: OH FOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK That was unexpected! D:
So chaerin is "married" already this is getting interesting ^o^
HAHA KREASE definitely should've paid attention to korean class LOL