Two idiots and the deal

Instant Family!?

" Broom~ mmm..."



Daesung making noise as he play with his toy car in a special request toy room for him. He owns a toy company expect to see various kinds of toys from sailormoon to doraemon, name a toy and you will see it there. It's his passion since then, the boys thought he just collect them like an hobby but they don't know that he plays with them every morning as morning routine to make his day better. This place is what he call his sanctuary where he can escape the real world.



* Konna koto ii na~ dekitara ii na~ anna yume konna yume ippa i aru keda~* ( Dae doraemon theme song ringtone)



" Hello" He lazily greet as he still busy looking at his car to look if it has an damage.



" Yea hyung"



" Can you be the one to go the agency?"



He put down his toy down and concentrate on the caller " Waeyo?"



" I have an meeting that will start in 5 minutes"



" Arasso, hmmm bye" He said goodbye thinking who to bring with him. He started to go out to the room saying his goodbyes to the toys, that he will miss them and such then starting to get ready.






" I whip my hair back and forth~ I whip my hair back and forth~"



Seungri sing at the top of his lungs as he stare at his own reflection on his vanity mirror. He's doing he's morning routine which most girls do, he's putting cooling mask, moisturizer, BB cream, powder and lastly a perfume which make your nose hurt for too much scent he put. Then he will stare at the mirror for about an hour to boost his self confidence.



" Wow your os gorgeous! yea gorgeous, cute me" He said purposely trying to deepen his voice while putting a gel on his hair to make it stand up. He turn his back on the mirror then face it with a cute smile. " Hello there gorgeous, your so..."



* I'm y and I know it~~~ I'm y and I know it~ Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle~* ( seungri i'm y and I know it by lmfao ringtone)



When he heard the music he started to shake his hips left and right before answering it. " Hello!" He cheerfully greet the caller eventhough he doesn't know who is it.



" What took you so long to answer it?"



" Just doing some stuff, anyhow why do you call hyung?



" We need to go in the agency instead of hyung. He has a meeting to attend"



" Okay dokie, see you" He hang up, going to his walk in closet to pick for his outfit for today.






" Hyung, are we the one who's going to pick the girls?" He look at dae whos getting ready to go out of the car.



" I think so" Dae answer before going out. The two starting to make their way to the front door, when they are already there dae knock.



* tok* * tok*



The door open revealing a guy with a mask that cover half of his face and hoddie on his head which make him look like a killer or something bad. The guy gesture them to enter, they look around and saw the room in black theme with chains hang on the wall that will make you think twice before you enter. The room is a mess with cans and wrappers of different kinds lying around on the table, sofa and floor and the room smells like beer with a mix of cigarette which dae and seungri have to put their hands on their noses to cover the strong smell.



" Welcome" The hoddie guy said cleaning the mess instantly by transfering it on the floor. " I'm teddy, are one of you are Kwon Jiyong?"



" No but they said us here were his friends..." Dae explain slightly nudging seungri to stop looking around the room.



Teddy nod understanding them. " I'm just going to get something"



Seungri watch until teddy is out of the sight before he lean to dae and whisper. " Hyung what do you think he's gonna get?" He starting to look around again, snapping his finger that catch dae attention. " I've seen this on tv hyung. He will get something but it actually something that will put us to sleep and next thing we know we're in heaven flying with the angels or you in hell playing with fire."



" Shut up! your watching t-too much tv" He stutter already afraid thanks to maknae. He put his hand on his pocket searching for something that will make them save their life or atleast him. He needs to survive for his toys you know.



The door open revealing teddy who slowly walking to them seemingly holding something that they immediatly thought danger. The two of them stiffen as teddy is now 5 steps away from them. Teddy was about to talk to them when...



" Try to take one more step and your dead" dae threaten ing his hand towards teddy. And Seungri with a karate pose.



" What?" Teddy confusely ask them. he step forward  about to give something to them.



Pushing seungri to teddy like offering him. " Oo-or take s-seungri" Dae kneel pleading to teddy to spare him and take the maknae instead because he has many people who depend on him, his company employee, his hyungs that always ask him favor last but not the least his nobita, shizuka and doraemon and many more. What will happen to them, his babies.



" hyung! How could you!?" Seungri stare wide eyes at him feeling betray that his hyung offering him to teddy. He kneel and plead also copying daesung. " I will be a good person from now on, I will not waste any money on useless thing and i will decrease the time I talk to myself infront of a mirror or i'm not going to be cocky anymore! wah! Just spare me."



" Bwahahahahaha!" Teddy laugh echo through the whole room he cannot believe this two will think such thoughts. The two stop their pleading and look at teddy in confusion and fear that maybe he's now loose it and now became mental patient.Teddy stare at them and saw their tears and snots all over their faces. " What are you two saying?"



" * huf* * huf* We thought your a bad guy" Seungri answer standing up wiping his eyes and nose. He look total mess his eyes look swollen and his nose red from rubbing it, same as daesung.



Teddy trying not to laugh bite the inner of his cheeks. " Yea, I get it a lot but seriously you both plead like a girl, spare us please wah!" he gesture to the both of them. " You see the real office is not here because it's under renovation so I just ask kwon Jiyong to meet here in my place instead. Actually I have a thing for black colors and chains." He explain carefully making the two blush in embarassment.



" Ah... but what's that?" Seungri point his fingers to thing teddy is holding at and the one he was about to give earlier to them.



Teddy hold it up for them to see, he push it forward making the two step one backward making them flinch in fear. " This, it's a remote control for us to see the pictures of the employee in the agency. I actually personalize it to look cool." 



Seungri reach for the control and see if teddy said was true. " Hyung, he's right!" he turn to dae who still in daze, seungri bend a little to get a better look of what dae's holding. " Why are you holding a paper clip?"



" Ha? It's nothing" immedietly throw the clip somewhere to not embarass himself anymore the thing they did earlier making them experience the embarassing thing that a person experience in his lifetime. He face teddy and bow 90 degrees " I'm sorry, can we forget about it"



" I'm sorry too, let's rewind and start anew"



"arhkfkejdufngmf" Seungri and dae both said while walking backwards to go to the door, as if they are really rewinding. Teddy just look at them dumbfounded.



* tok* *tok*



Teddy heard someone knock opening the door he saw dae and seungri playing the first time they saw him. He welcome them gesturing them to enter.



" Hyung cannot be here because...." Dae repeat just like what he said earlier.



He just shook his head can't believe at this two. Don't know if he will laugh or cry in disbelief can't believe even his customer is crazy as the girls he's handling.



" Let's get to bussiness shall we" Seungri announce.



" Okay" He started to show them the different pictures of the girls and explaining their backrounds and all.



" This girl...." the idiot guys did not hear anything teddy explain to them because they are too caught up to what they did earlier. 



" So who do you pick?"



" What?" they chorusly ask hence, look at the photo infront of the screen and they just pick whatever their like not caring of their background. 

Daesung pick:


                    Lee Chaerin                                                                      Gong Minji



Seungri pick:


                            Park Bom                                                                Park Sandara



Scratching his head. " Are you sure?"



They look at each other before confidently nodding their heads " Yes"






The boys have gather in one of seungri's club in gangnam district. Their hyungs are now enjoying drinking in one of the VIP room but the two of them are staring at nothing in particular.



" What did you do earlier?" Hearing their hyung say earlier making them blush in embarassment. Which didn't get unnotice by Top, Jiyong and Youngbae.



* pak* * pak*



Top hit seungri while youngbae hit seungri on their heads.



Jiyong suspiciously stare at them. " Did you already close the deal?" Dae nodd while nursing his head. " So?"



" They'll be arriving tomorrow morning as what you want." Seungri inform him.






Writer's note:

Hello! 2nd chapter finish! I'm about to post it earlier but when i'm typing it my laptop got stock and I have to refresh then all of letters and words, sentences that I type are all gone. So I have revise it again. Not checking if any error is up. Hul! I've been typing for hours! Anyways hope you guys enjoy :) BByong :) 


















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is the challenge that hard :'(


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 11: Update pls 🙏 authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #2
Chapter 13: Update pls 🙏 authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 13: Going to wait for the next update :)
Chapter 12: i'm kinda confuse....
Crayra #5
Chapter 13: i will wait for ur update saeng ^^
Crayra #6
Chapter 13: i will wait for ur update saeng ^^
Crayra #7
Chapter 13: i will waitfor ur update saeng ^^
Crayra #8
Chapter 12: na aaah what candy ? is that like drug for dara? hihihi dara is jealous and seungri lie he didnt have a syndrome xD he's like chaerin kekekkee /,\
Heraen #9
Chapter 12: Candy Drink? Is there something wrong with dara?
Chapter 12: candy? drink? what's that for?