It all started with a Lie

Instant Family!?

" Will you marry me?"



Jiyong ask his long time girlfriend Ahn Sohee. In a most unromantic way, there they are dining out in an italian restaurant near his company so if there are emergency he can be there fast as he can, to him work comes first. The two of them are talking mostly business but it's different today when he ask her to marry him unlike in the most romantic movies theres no romantic dinner with dancing in the moonlight, fireworks while riding the ferris wheel or even a diamon ring that you usually see on T.V. It's a waste of time that's what Jiyong believes.



Sohee smile seemingly not bother to his kind of proposal. She's not the typical girl that will make fuss about her boyfriend not being romantic and caring instead she believes that you love that person because of who he is not because of what he does to you, which is jiyong. " Oppa, do you remember what I said to you before?"



" What?" Not wanting to guess.



" Tch, I want to meet your family and bond with them" She casually said. " So what you think?"



If he doesn't need her maybe he already left her long time ago he thought. It's been 10 years since he last saw them, what's the point if he will see them now they pratically didn't bother to find him. He was 16 years old when he decided to leave them. He can't stand the thought of being cage all of his life just to be boss around, that's make him save money so when the time he leaves he can show them he can stand on his own. As time goes by he crave for success that's why he wants to marry sohee the heir of Ahn Corporation. He doesn't know what to do on what sohee is asking him he can just say that he despise them and all that will ruin his plan.



" What does my family have to do with us, and you know my story right" He reason out not wanting to open the topic. He started to play with his phone to make him look he's busy.



" You know that it's my wish to meet them long time but you always dismiss that idea" Sohee answer getting impatient to know about his family. " You only said that there are somewhere in states that's all. Can you humor me by telling some story perhaps."



Jiyong pretends to look at his phone not looking or answering her waiting for her to give up that idea. But today is not his lucky day sohee is more agressive to know them, what's to know when he doesn't even know.



" Oppa, please after this I tell you my answer huh" Sohee bribe him, making him contemplate.



" Arasso" He sigh aready irritated to her persistent. " My father and mother died when I was a child in a car accident, when we are coming home from our trip which end up me being in orphanage" 



The story he told her is what he always tell people who ask him about his parents it's like an auto mode once he heard that question. After that he doesn't know what to say especially that sohee likes a big family, he will go what he's mind come up. So...



" Then there was this g-girl who h-help me? He also ask himself but get unnotice by sohee. " Get back home to find my 3 little sister who was left behind because there too young to go with us. So we got taken care of a girl who adopt us 4, who we look up now as our mother and now the girls are living in states for their studies" He fake a sad look to look believable, he's now patting himself for job well done. Sohee might not go with her wish now.



" You poor thing" Sohee comforting by holding his hand. She doesn't have an idea that her oppa had such a terrible past. " that's why you decide to send them to states because you don't want them to suffer like you do"



" That's right" Just agreeing on what she's saying.



" Bring them here" 



* Nodding* " Ye... wait WHAT!?" Jiyong ask shock at what he just heard not sure if his ears are working perfectly.



" I mean it's been awhile now since you see them, why don't you make them transfer here in korea. Your now successful in your bussiness" She explain liking what she suggested.



Jiyong is now regretting his make up story. He's now thinking on how to clean this mess by not destroying his plan along, maybe he should let this pass by not meeting her in a few days but knowing sohee, she will not give up until she get what she wants that's why people call her bratty sohee.



" Arasso, I'll think about it"






" What!?"



The 4 guys which his friends shout echoing through the corners of his office.



* Blag*



Jiyong slams the files his holding on the table. " Yah! Don't just stand there, Help me!"



" Are you out of your mind?" the with a baritone voice exclaim.



He's Choi Seunghyun or Known as Top on Music industry, like Jiyong he also left home to pursue his dreams to own a music company like his other best bud Seungri and Daesung. Lee Seungri left because he wants to have freedom that he doesn't have when he was leaving with his parents. Starting at younh age he successfully build his own clubs around hongdae and a flower shop that he always wanted as a child. Kang Daesung owns toy company because of various reason. Dong Youngbae on the other hand didn't left his parents cause he loves them too much eventhough his dream is on the line, that's why he will accept any fate that store's for him.



* Clap* * Clap* * Clap*



" Hyung you can be an author, Bravo!" Seungri praise jiyong as the other facepalm at the maknae action.



" She actually believes you, hyung?" Dae in. sitting at one of the sofa's while crossing his legs.



" Yea, because i'm a good actor"



" So what are you going to do?" Tae Ignoring jiyong's comment about himself.



" I don't have a clue, that's why your here and this is sohee wish before she answer me" He helplessy said to them.



" Maybe we should hire someone to be your fake family like in the movies you know" Top suggest out of nowhere.



" But hyung this is real life, where the hell can we find them" Dae pointed out making them nod agreeing to him.



" It is also wrong to use someone to make others bel....."



" Oh! Oh! I know someone!" Seungri exclaim raising his hand to get their attention and somehow cutted bae sentence receiving some glare from him.



They all look at him waiting for him to speak.



" This better be good panda" Jiyong warn him making him gulp in fear.



" Hyung do you remember what I told you last week?" He ask Top who just shook his head telling him he doesn't remember. " Aish! That one of my clients who wants to get my attention I can't help it i'm t...." He stop because he's now dodging everything that been thrown to him.



" Stop"



" Get to the point already" 



" Yuck!"



" Conceited"



" Fine! If yo dont' stop i'm not gonna say it" He threaten them making his hyungs stop throwing things to him. " As I was saying i'm too hot..." Jiyong glare at him ready to pounce him. " Arasso! arasso! She hire someone to be her fake boyfriend for me notice her but I didn't in the end she created a big mess into my club" He finish.



" That's it I should hire someone to be my fake family who will meet sohee for the meantime, so do you know their number or email?" Jiyong ask seungri.



" Eh? I was thinking you hire someone who looks like sohee and make her come to the wedding then forge her signature to your marriage certificate voila, your married!" He share his idea thinking it's a great one. Making his hyungs facepalm themselves for stupidity of their maknae. " But yours is more jjang! daebak!" Giving the calling card to his hyung.



" Why do you have their number huh?" Top ask him.



" For emergency like this"



" Guys, I think it's a bad idea to..." Tae tries again but the 4 of them didn't even glance at him busy on how make their plan work.






" What?" The petite girl ask.



" You heard me" the man with a hoddie and mask on his face said.



" Tch... that's unusual" the red hair girl comment making the other two girls giggle.



They join the agency 3 years ago because they are in need of the money. The girls exprience everything on this job like being the fake girlfriend, fiance, daughter even fake someone's death. As what they been train on for years. The agency accepts everything that the customers wants, you just have to make the price right. Now that they have a new mission that involves 4 of them is challenging them all they rarely have a customer who needs 2 or 3 person  because of higher price. And he wants the greatest actresses and that's them.



" The customer is willing to pay at what price we want. So better do a great job, especially you" pointing his finger to dara making the lad roll her eyes. " And don't bring mason" He said it first before dara will mention it.



" But!..."



" No buts, your last customer is disappointed because you brought him. Don't blow this for the whole of us." He pleadingly gesture everyone.



" Fine" She grumpily said lowering her shoulders and pouting at him.



Bom look at dara and she saw her change her pout into smirk making her curious on what's on this girl mind, she better be ready to control what's on her plan. If dara is the troublemaker then she's the peacemaker, to clean dara's mess on every mission her did.






Writer's say:

Hello! This is my update for today, hope you like it :) No edit just straight on posting this... comments and subscribe are appreceited. Bbyong :* See you! 

















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is the challenge that hard :'(


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 11: Update pls 🙏 authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #2
Chapter 13: Update pls 🙏 authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 13: Going to wait for the next update :)
Chapter 12: i'm kinda confuse....
Crayra #5
Chapter 13: i will wait for ur update saeng ^^
Crayra #6
Chapter 13: i will wait for ur update saeng ^^
Crayra #7
Chapter 13: i will waitfor ur update saeng ^^
Crayra #8
Chapter 12: na aaah what candy ? is that like drug for dara? hihihi dara is jealous and seungri lie he didnt have a syndrome xD he's like chaerin kekekkee /,\
Heraen #9
Chapter 12: Candy Drink? Is there something wrong with dara?
Chapter 12: candy? drink? what's that for?