
Dark Angel

The doctor and Youngmin quickly run into Jihye's room to check on her.

The doctor went into the room where Jihye was at.

"Please wait outside." The doctor said and closed the door.

"Aish!" Youngmin hissed in frustration.

"Hyung, i called father and Donghyun already." Kwangmin said.

Youngmin nodded, "Okay, we'll wait here.." .

Kwangmin and Youngmin were looking through the glass window. Jihye was having a check up. 


From Kwangmin and Youngmin's view, the doctor and Jihye seems like as if they were discussing about something. Jihye was talking with a begging eyes while the doctor sighed and nodd.


The doctor soon came out of the room. 

"Doctor, how's Jihye?" Youngmin asked.

The doctor sighed.

"Like what i guessed, she lost most of her memory.. Come in, i'll explain more." The doctor lead them into the room where Jihye is.

Kwangmin and Youngmin eyes were on Jihye all the time.

"She only remember that her name is Jihye, and she got a father. When i asked her if she knows that she have 6 half-blood related brothers, she said she doesn't know anything about that.." The doctor sighed.

Kwangmin turned his head to the doctor, "So you mean.. she doesn't remember us?!"

The doctor nodded.

Youngmin couldn't take his eyes off Jihye. 

*How could you forget us..*

"Good luck to you guys. You guys could probably do something that could make her remember faster. Things like doing something that she likes. Good luck.." The doctor patted on the shoulder of the emotionless Kwangmin and left.


"Do you know who am i?.." Youngmin bravely asked.

Jihye examined Youngmin's face and shooked her head, which caused Youngmin to sighed.


Donghyun, Jungmin, Hyunseong and Minwoo then rushed into the room.

"Jihye ah, do you know who am i?" Minwoo asked impatiently.

Jihye shooked her head. Minwoo eyes widen.

"What about me?" Jungmin asked in panic.

Jihye sighed and said loudly,

"Why are you guys asking me if i know you guys or not? I don't know who are you guys. So stop asking me! Ask me again and i'll get angry!" 

All the 6 brothers sighed. 

Donghyun gathered the other 5 brothers and they formed a circle at the corner of the room and discussed something. 

Jihye was looking at them all the time, wondering what they are doing.


"She forgot us.." Hyunseong mumbled.

"Yeah.. I can't believe she forgot us.." Minwoo sighed.

"What are we supposed to do now?.." Jungmin asked.

"The doctor said we should do something that she likes. It will help her remember faster." Youngmin said.

"Yeah.. Let's do something she likes for her!... Wait.. what does she likes.." Kwangmin asked, shocked.

*... I like her but i don't know what she likes.." All the boys thought.

"Aish.. let's just go and asked her later. Since she already forgotten us, let's treat her with our real feelings now." Donghyun said.

The boys nodded their head and stood up properly, ready to turn and face Jihye.


When they turned, they was being scare by Jihye. Jihye had been standing behind them, listening to their conversation.

"Woah!.." Minwoo exclaimed.

"Jihye ah.. please don't frighten us like that.." Kwangmin said.

Jihye hesitated, thinking that the 6 brothers will scold her.

Seeing how scared Jihye looks, Youngmin smiled,

"It's okay." 


Jihye was puzzeld.


"Oh.. And i like flowers and rabbits.." Jihye mumbled.

"Oh really? What type of flowers you like?" Jungmin asked.

"Hmm.. Rose!" Jihye said happily.

The brothers except Hyunseong, started chatting happily with Jihye.

Hyunseong ah hyunseong, still blames himself..


Jihye's father suddenly came in.

"Father!" Jihye exclaimed and had a hug with her father.

"Aigoo.. my daughter! Do you remember me?!" Her father asked with concerned.

Jihye grab both of her father's hands and said,

"Of course i remember you father! How could i forget my own father?" 

"Aigoo.. You scared me yesterday do you know? I was really worried of you." Her father smiled.

"I'm sorry father.. I won't do it again.." Jihye smiled.

"Arasso, my baby girl. Oh so you had seen your 6 brothers already." Jihye's father said when he saw his sons in the room already.

Jihye stayed silent.

"6 brothers?" Jihye asked.

Her father's eyes widen while her 6 brothers look away sadly.

Jihye's father pointed towards his 6 sons and said,

"They are your brothers.. don't you remember?.." 

Jihye look at her 6 brothers from head to toe.

"Ani father, i don't know who they are.." Jihye mumbled.

It broke her 6 brothers' hearts.

Her father sighed.

"Jihye ah, wait here okay? I'm going to talk to your brothers for awhile." Her father smiled.

Jihye nodded her head and went to her bed.


Jihye's father gathered his 6 sons.

"Jihye forgotten you guys.." Jihye's father said.

The 6 brothers sighed.

"It's okay father.. It's better off like this.." Jungmin sighed.

"Why? Aren't you guys sad? After all you guys loved her.." Jihye's father asked.

"I think the reason why she forgot us is because we treated her too nasty before she had the accident.. So now.. we want to treat her nicely, with the way we all wanted to." Minwoo said.

All of the 6 brother nodded in agreement.

"Arasso, if you need help, i'll help you." Jihye's father continued.

"Ani, father, we want to use our own strength." Donghyun said.

Jihye's father nodded and said,

"Okay, that's my sons.." 


They turn and saw Jihye playing with her fingers.


"Jihye ah," Jihye's father called.

"Neh father?" Jihye said.

"I'm need to go back to the company now. I'm busy. Your 6 brothers will accompany."

Jihye nodded.

"I'll come back tomorrow." Jihye's father said and left.


Jihye jump off her bed and ran towards her 6 brothers.

"Oppas! What are we going to play today?" Jihye asked while looking at all 6.

"Anything you want princess." Kwangmin said.


Jihye looked at Hyunseong and smiled to him but Hyunseong turned away. Leaving Jihye with a puzzled look.


Jihye had a lot of fun that night with her 6 brothers. In fact, 5 brothers. Hyunseong was just sitting in a corner, looking how Jihye smiled and laughed.


"Oppas, it's late, so go home now.." Jihye said.

"No! I want to stay here with you.." Jungmin said.

"No! You guys go home or you guys are not allowed to come here tomorrow!" Jihye ordered.

"Wow wow.. Chill.." Donghyun acted as if he is scared of Jihye.

Jihye laughed.

"Arasso, we'll go now. We'll come tomorrow again. Take care!" Minwoo said and hug Jihye all of the sudden.

Jihye was shocked by the sudden skinship.

"Yah Minwoo! How dare you!.. I want a hug too!" Donghyun complained like a kid.

Jihye smiled and went to hug everyone.

When she want to hug Hyunseong, Hyunseong backed off.

"What's wrong?.." Jihye asked.

"Yeah what's wonrg, Hyunseong. Don't you want to hug Jihye?" Jungmin smirked.

Hyunseong sighed and said, "Let's go. It's late." and left.

"Aish, that kid. We're going now Jihye ah. Take care!" Donghyun smiled and left with the other boys.


The 6 brothers were at home now. 

"Yah, Hyunseong, why are you ignoring Jihye just now?" Donghyun asked.

"It's none of your business." Hyunseong said and  went to his bedroom.


Jihye was lying on the hospital bed, about to sleep.

"Why are they treating me so nice all of the sudden?.." Jihye mumbled to herself.

"Hyunseong oppa.. Why are you ignoring me?.." Jihye sighed and looked out of the window, remembering what happen just now between her and the doctor.



Jihye saw the doctor walking into the room. The doctor did a check up on her.

"Jihye, do you remember that you have a father?" The doctor asked.

Jihye nodded.

"Doctor, i remember everything, don't worry." Jihye smiled.

"Arasso, it's good news. I'll let your 2 brothers come in now okay?" The doctor said.

"NO." Jihye's sudden raise of voice frightened the doctor.

"W..What's wrong?" The doctor asked.

"Doctor, can you please co-operate with me?.. I want to act like as if i forget my 6 brothers.." Jihye sighed.

"Why?" The doctor asked.

"Personal reasons. Please?" Jihye begged with begging eyes.

The doctor sighed and nodded.



"Oppas.. I still remember you guys.." Jihye mumbled before going into sleep.


Okay, here's the update. Don't be angry that i didn't update yesterday. Sorry.



I need the people who haven't voted or already voted to do a poll for me. This poll, you are to choose one character from the story you like the MOST. Please please, don't choose somebody just because he is your bias. Treat it like as if you don't know who Boyfriends and Jiyong are, after reading the story, who do you like the most in the story?

Okay? So no biasism allow okay? But if you really like the character in the story, feel free to vote for him :)

I need the results badly! So be quick when you vote okay~?



So, vote. Okay. 


iloveBOYFRIEND : Okay, Sorry. This is the update. Hope you'll like it :)

iHaveManyBIAS : Thanks for the comment. The update is here :) Thanks for the concern.

gdlovesme : Thanks for the wall post and comment :) I would die of happiness if 6 handsome guys likes me :O

magicstar : Sorry that i made the poster myself.. :( Here's the update :) Hope you will like it :)

ileana_16 : Thank you :) It's my first time making so.. it isn't that great.. T.T .. Here's the update :)


Okay so, bye :)

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So_Mi97 #1
wah i restart reading this fic because i forgot..LOL THE SCENE WITH TOP AND GD!!! LOL ITS almost 2am and im trying hard not to laugh out loud so i dont wake anyone up but its really hard too!!
update pwease
iHaveManyBIAS #3
OHYESSSSSS finally an update ahaha. <br />
i missed this fanfic. yeah im going to follow you.
aaah its been a long time really miss your update !! I'm a loyal subscriber aheheheehe !! .. don't be lazy to update the next chapter okay !!! :)))
<br />
<br />
very lovely epic fail "AHHHH" :))<br />
<br />
i miss commenting on your fic chingu~ <br />
i was very busy this past months 8'D <br />
thanks for the lovely update~<br />
i hope the other 3 would spare JiHye
changbabyjo #6
i've been waiting~ ^^<br />
OMO!!! GD & TOP!! xD LOL!!<br />
update soon~ :DDD
thanks for updating!! i wanna know whats gonna hapen next!