The Grumpy Baby


/kneels down and hold all of your hands/

Jeongmal mianhae for not updating for so long. Dont hate me okay. I'm really really sorry.

Do read the previous chapters if you have forgotten.

Here you go <3




Jongin POV


I ruffled my own hair in frustration as I watched Kyungsoo retreating figure slowly fading out of the Kim’s area, my area. I’ll be lying if I were to say that it’s not boring without him but it’s not entirely his fault anyway, he’s been ‘working’ hard as a babysitter and on side to be my boyfriend too. It must have been tiring for him but I can’t help it at all. Don’t get me wrong but I decided to follow him since I’m sure most of my friends won’t be coming over today to spent time with their boyfriends except for Kris. Yeah Kris. He seems to like Kyungsoo a little though. I can’t let this happen. Or should I?

Well anyway I took my snapback and necessities and went out of my haven. As I stepped out, of course Sir Lee, our kind chauffeur will ask me if I need a lift or not. Being the grumpy and not in the mood person I am currently, I merely shook my head and jogged slowly towards the gates.


-Not long after-


As I was walking blindly anywhere, passing by the old abandoned bus stop, just to get a good glimpse of my babysitter who could be anywhere, my phone rang. I picked it up and it was Kris that was calling me.

“Yo Bro! What’s up?”

He grunted. What’s up with him.

“Pick me up. Ugrh.”

“Are you alright? Where are you?”

“Old stupid abandoned bus stop. You know where.”

Oh. Oh. No wonder I heard grunting sounds over there earlier. I hung up my phone and rushed my way there. And there he is, lying on the cold hard floor, gripping his head.

“Oh my gosh Kris did you get knocked up?”

“Is that how you greet a dying friend?”

“Oh god stop you’re not dying. What happened man?” I helped him sit and sat beside him.

“I don’t know. I met an o-old friend uh and I just w-wanna um talk? Yeah talk. And uh, suddenly I felt a sting on the back of my head and all I see is um black.”

This is weird. Kris never stutters. He seems a little bit hesitated though. But oh well.

I nodded.

We sat there and talked and talked and talked, until he seems okay and the sting on his head is partially gone, we made our move. We made our way back to my mansion, forgetting all about following and checking out on Do Kyungsoo.

It was getting dark when we arrived though. Have we been talking for quite a long time?

We arrived at the mansion’s door and I heard giggles and chatters from outside. My curiosity grew as I walked faster and slammed the door open, with Kris trailing behind me.

The small giggles and chatter stopped as the door slammed the wall with a loud *bang*

I immediately turn to face my Do Kyungsoo with another black jet haired guy with slight bags under his eyes. Who is this guy? What is he doing here? Why is he here? My mind is clouded with questions and anger soon enveloped my whole body at the thought of my babysitter with another person.

I looked at him but his eyes seem to be travelling to the person behind me. And is that fear?

I turned around to face Kris and he looked nervous.


Wait what?



Kyungsoo POV


It was really fun. Really. Hanging out with Tao. After so many weeks! But the incident with Kris or Yifan was really scary though. I am really thankful to Tao! Now we’re at the Kim’s Mansion chatting. Why is Tao here, you may asked. Well he practically forced me to bring me to the place where I’m working at. Okay maybe not force but who could go against those eyes and pouted lips. Not me haha.

Anyway, when I’ve returned to the mansion, I was really surprised Kim JongIn isn’t in the house. He must’ve gone out then. So I let Tao to stay with me in the house for awhile. We talked and chitter chatter. Since we’re alone in the house, our voices probably echoed throughout the mansion. He cracked a few jokes that is really funny and I can’t help but to laugh.

But suddenly the door was slammed open with a really roud *bang!*

The first thing that came into my mind was a robber or intruder but then Kim Jongin came in (A/N like a wreeeecking ballllllll ok shush) and oh god the look in his eyes is really scary. His eyes travelled to Tao and I knew that he will be getting the wrong idea. But then someone came trailing behind him and I immediately tensed.




We were happily talking when the door slammed open in a harsh way. I got ready to attack for a sign of intruder or someone bad when some tanned guy stepped in the house in a smug way. I had bad thoughts of this person just so immediately. He looked at gege with a murderous look and then looked at me. I gave a glare back.

And then a mop of blonde locks came into my view and I immediately recognize who he is especially with how gege tensed up so suddenly. He's the one that tried to gege earlier! I gave him a glare too.

After a moment of silence, I decided to break it. I faced the tall blonde.

“Apologize to gege now!”


Jongin POV


It was really quiet and the atmosphere became oh so tense and thick. When suddenly,

“Apologize to gege now!”

I looked up and see that the panda boy was directing the statement to Kris.

Hold up. What?



sobs. mian.

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Chapter 9: Krisoo vs Kaisoo !!!
Chapter 9: > < took you so long to update but i'm glad you still write and updates this story. i think you forgot .___.v
I LOVE IT. jealous jongin ㅋㅋㅋㅋ well kris you should prepare to get some kick.
kkkk please update soon
Ameline1604 #5
Chapter 9: new reader here,,,, update soon aurhornim! This story is so jjanggg!!♡
Update soon ~~
Chapter 8: Aww i smell taoris :p
Kai should know this...hahaha i mean kris-hug-his-fake-boyfriend :3
Update soon pleaseeee
kpop_kayp #8
Chapter 8: CLIFFHANGER!!! CLIFFHANGER!!! *jumps up amd down and points at you*
Chapter 8: update pls!!!!!!!! I wanna see baby jongin's reaction xDD hehe... pls update.... can't wait for real... ^^