Parental Beginnings

A SHINing Love


Your POV

Tuesday came quicker than I thought it would.  My alarm went off around 4:30 playing SHINee’s Alarm Clock.  I rolled out of bed put my slippers on and headed into the bathroom to take a shower.  When I finished I put my clothes on and did my hair.  I wanted to look nice to meet the producers, writers and everyone else.  I left my hotel and headed to a café to grab a croissant and bubble tea.  When I finished eating it was 5:30 so I walked down the street to the BBQ place to meet up with the boys.  I arrived 10 minutes early and the boys weren’t there so I waited outside.  They were late arriving because Key was being a diva getting ready and Onew saw a nice chicken place on the way and wanted to stop.

“I told them you would already be here but noooo they didn’t want to listen to me.”  Mihno said smiling and giving me a hug.  “How have you been?”

“Haha gwenchanah.  I’ve been great what about you?”

“Nado.”  He said as he led me to the van.  I climbed in and they sat me between Onew and Taemin.

“Hey hey hey!!”  Onew started yelling startling me.

 “Hyung just move the chicken so she can sit down.”   Taemin said back to Onew.

“Oh yeah.  Mianhae.”


“We should have asked beforehand but what is your name?”  Key said.

“Hye Mi.”

“Pretty.” Taemin said while trying to sneak a piece of chicken but failing.


It took about 45 minutes to get the next location, which wasn’t the house.  We were at an amusement park.  Some announcer guy was there waiting on us to arrive.  He told them that in order to be the first to meet the baby, they had to find the location and hints were hidden all over the park.  He also told them that only one member would be able to work with me.  I had to pick a number 1-5 from a box.  Then the members picked one of five pieces numbered 1-5.  The person that picked the same number would be able to work with me, the other four would work in pairs.  One by one they started calling of their numbers.  I didn’t even know what number I had so I quite nervous.

“3”  Mihno called off.

“1” Key called.

“5”  Taemin said.

“2”  Onew said.

“4”  Jonghyun announced.


“ I don’t like 1 it’s too lonely.  Onew hyung trade me.”

“Why I’m not lonely so I don’t want it.”

“Rock paper scissors.  If I win you trade me.  If you win I will buy you more chicken.”  I wagered knowing he couldn’t resist at the opportunity of more chicken.  He was a pabo though because as always I won and we traded numbers.

“Hye Mi-ssi please read off you number.”

“Arrasso.  I have number 2.”  She called off and I started jumping up and down.  We each rolled the dice that gave us our beginning hint. 

Since we were away from the other’s I figured I would take this chance to investigate.

“So you like Onew huh?” I said to her.

“Huh…What…No.” She replied startled.

“Yes you do.”

“No. No I don’t”

“Then why was the code to your phone his name?”  I questioned.

“He is the only member with 4 letters.”

“There are other groups though like EXO, you could have picked multiple names from them, you could have even made a different code.  But you chose his name.”

“That doesn’t mean I like him.” She said trying to justify her case.

“You’re right.  But the fact he is your lock and home screen does.”

“Okay okay I like him so what?”

“Nothing just don’t let it interfere with your responsibilities.”

“I won’t trust me. I don’t even want him to know so keep it between us.”

“Arrasso.  Yaksok (Promise).  I said to her pulling her closer to the hint I found on the rollercoaster in front of us.

The hint said that we had to ride in order to get the next location.  So of course we did and got our next location.  When we finished getting all of our clues we had to go through a quiz about infants.  The rest of the members showed up halfway through the quiz. 

Onew POV

I really wanted to work with her.  I wanted to get to know her now my chance was gone.  When we arrived at the quiz location she glanced behind her and smiled.  It made my heart beat out of my chest.  Key ended up winning the quiz and was able to go to the house first. I had to wait on Minho to finish his half of the quiz to go to the house.  Taemin and Jonghyun had to wait until the bus picked them up.

When we arrived at the house I didn’t see anyone else but I was sure they were already in the house.  When we walked in, I saw the most beautiful thing.  She was already cradling the sleeping baby close to her as if she was a mother.  I could see the love for this baby building inside.   

Your POV

I have never felt so much love for someone.  The orphanage was allowing us to foster her as part of the show in hopes she could get adopted.  Her mother had left her at the hospital.  I was puzzled as to why someone would leave such a precious being behind.  But I made a promise to her.   I promised I would be the best mom I could be for her because it was what she deserved.  She was 3 months old so I knew it would be a tough job but it’s what I promised.

Taemin POV

I had already done this once so I was positive I could do it again.  Our promotions were put on hold for this so I didn’t have to worry about that but I did worry about Onew hyung and how he would handle it.

Your POV

Minho walked over and I handed her to him.  He looked so much like a father it was crazy.  Everyone took turns holding her except for Onew.  He was nervous because she was so little.  I was nervous for him because of his “phobia” of kids.  He got better after taking care of Yoogeun but she was smaller than Yooguen.  Way smaller. I was the last person to hold her so I took her to the nursery to finish sleeping.

“Guys we need to figure out a schedule for her.”  I said as I walked back to the living room.

“I agree.”  Key said. 

We sat down with a dry erase board and markers and started making the schedule.  Each member had their own color and she had pink.  I had purple.  By the time we finished it was time for her to eat so Jonghyun when to wake her up while Key made the bottle.  I sat on the couch with Taemin and Onew. Key tried to feed her right away but I stopped him.

“Key you can’t do that.  You have to check it on your wrist.” I told him.

“Oh yeah.”   He said as he dripped the milk on his wrist.  “Gwenchanah.”

“Gudae.”  Jonghyun ended up passing her to me because he got nervous. 

I fed her then changed her and they played with her while I made us dinner.  After dinner, I gave her a bath, put her in the pajamas the fans sent , and put her to bed.  We went through all the gifts the fans sent after that until about 11 o’clock then we got ready for bed as well.

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Chapter 13: ohh its done... anyways this is a great story...
Chapter 5: seems interesting...

found another story about onew...

looking forward for more update soon author-nim...
