Chapter 12

A SHINing Love

Your POV

"Mom!" I yelled past the pain in my abdomen. 

I climbed out of my bed leaving the wet sheets behind.  I inched my way down the stairs and woke everyone else up.  My mom came down shortly after helping me to the car.  I called Onew as soon as I was buckled.

"Jagiya~" I heard is voice croak over the phone telling me I woke him up.

"Oppa~ I'm on my...." my voice stopped as I tried breathing through the contraction. It subsided and I returned to the phone call.  "to the hospital.  Our little girl decided she's ready to see you."

"OMO! I'm on....OWWW my chicken!!"

"Really Jinki? I told you to stop leaving boxes of chicken by the bed." I was laughing so hard tears were forming but it also could have been from pain and nervousness mixed together.

"Mian.  I'm on my way right now." The reassuring and securing tone of his voice that made me feel as if nothing would go wrong, reminded me of the day our relationship was no longer a secret.

It was hard to believe it happened only 2 months ago.  It was the scariest day of my life after telling Onew I was pregnant.


"Oppa we can't do this?"

"We have to."

"But oppa~"

"No Hye Mi.  People have already spotted us shopping together.  The rumors will pick up faster than you would expect."

"I understand that but...I'm scared."

"I know." He said wrapping his arms around me.  "But it's what's best for Hye Jin and us.  I promise I won't let anything bad happen." I trusted him and my fear disappeared as he pulled away to call his manager.

"In the next 15 minutes everyone will know about us." He said hanging up with his manager. 

Those 15 minutes flew by faster than I wanted them to and the comments started flowing on the AllKpop article.  SHINee's Onew confirmed to be in a relationship. I started reading the article in my head. After some pictures surfaced over the past couple of days of a possible girlfriend, SHINee's Onew is revealed to be in a relationship with the unknown girl in the picture.  SM has confirmed but that is not the only shocking news.  Onew has self reported his relationship as well as introduced the girl as his fiance.  But hold on to your seats, his fiance is also pregnant with a baby girl scheduled to enter this world in a few months.  How did he keep this hidden for so long? More details to come so stay tuned.

My heart was skipping beats from nervousness.

"Onew-oppa~ eottoke~" I started reading the first comment. "How could you do this to us Onew? Your Shawols." I could feel the pain in the comment just by reading it.

"Don't let those get to you." Onew said taking my phone. 

"I feel so bad.  I wish there was something I could do." I thought long and hard how I could make up breaking so many hearts.  "Oppa?" He looked at me.  "Why not let them feel connected with us? We can do our own vlogs just for them."

"I would have to talk with my manager and we'd have to arrange it but I think it's a good idea."

~~end flashback~~

The flashback suddenly reminded me to pull the camera out of my bag and start recording.

"Hi everyone.  It is... 2 in the morning and Hye Jin has decided she is ready to make her appearance so we are on our way to the hospital. I can't promise I'm going to be the best vlogger today because this is quite painful.  You've followed us since day one and we couldn't be happier.  Even Hye Jin kicks around when we mention the fans.  She loves you just as much we love you all for your support." I'd suddenly hit a contraction just as the car stopped.  I breathed through it then returned to the vlog. "Sorry guys.  Well we are at the hospital so the next person to talk to you guys will be Onew and he'll update you." I waved bye to the camera and put it in my bag before sitting in the wheel chair that the nurses wheeled out for me.

They wheeled me to the room and made sure I was hooked up to the monitors and ready for the night ahead. About 10 minutes after I was set up Onew walked in and over to me.

"How are you feeling?"

"I've been better." I said chuckling.  "The camera is in my bag.  I already started a vlog so whenever you're ready you can keep it going."

"You really care about the fans don't you?" I nodded.

Onew POV

I was surprised that she wanted to take the fans on this journey as well but it made me love her even more. I pulled the camera from her bag and turned it on.

" is 2:30 in the morning.  Hye Mi is all ready to go."  I turned the camera and she smiled and waved.  "She must care about you all a lot because she was just going through a contraction.  She even wants this vlog to be done so you guys could still be connected with us." Suddenly the baby's heart rate monitor started going off. "Mian guys I have to go but I'll return later arrasso." I waved goodbye and shut the camera off just as the nurse walked in.   We need to do an ultrasound to see what's going on."  She nodded her head confidently even though I could tell she was extremely worried. 

Another nurse came in with the machine and they started the ultrasound.

"It looks like her umbilical cord is wrapped around her neck.  We need to do emergency surgery.  I'll inform the doctor and we'll get you prepped as quickly as possible." The urgency in the nurses voice as terrifying.  Will Hye Jin make it to see everyone? 

The nurse left and within a matter of minutes, Hye Mi was being prepped for surgery and I was told to wait in the hall. I turned the camera on and started vlogging to distract me from my fear.

"Well...guys, right now she is having an emergency C-section because Hye Jin's cord is wrapped around her neck and she can't breathe normally.  I'm just patiently waiting for them to call me back in the room.  We'll update you all as soon as we can but I promise everything will be okay.  Hye Jin wouldn't miss the chance to greet all of you." I smiled then realized I could barely turn the camera off from all the shaking.

As soon as the camera was off and in my pocket, I was being called back in.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" The nurse asked over Hye Jin's crying.

I nodded my head and walked over to where she was still attached to her mother.  I cut the cord and they whisked her away to get cleaned up.  I walked to Hye Mi's head and leaned down to hug her not even bothering to wipe the ever flowing tears.  I couldn't even stop my tears from flowing.

"She's finally here."  I heard her soft and faint voice say. I could tell she was smiling. If felt like forever had passed while we thought about how Hye Jin was finally here and was okay.

"She's all cleaned up and ready to move to the next room.  Why don't you help her into the wheelchair?" The doctor directed his question to me.  I nodded my head and helped Hye Mi sit up.

I could tell she was in pain just by the look on her face.  I helped her out of the bed and into the wheelchair.

"Hye Jin will go to the nursery while you get settled in the next room.  Take this wrist band with you when you want to bring her out." She handed Onew a wrist band that matched the one attached to Hye Jin's ankle.

Once Hye Min was situated she asked me to go get Hye Jin from the nursery.

"Can I take her?" I said showing the nurse the wristband.

"Of course." The nurse handed over the little bundle of blankets taking the wristband in exchange.  "Also, someone will be in shortly to teach mom how to feed."

"Arrasso." I said smiling only at Hye Jin.

"Gaja." I said walking down the hall to the room.  When I walked in Hye Mi was adjusting herself into a sitting position.

I held Hye Jin while Hye Mi attempted to make herself comfortable.  She was small and it felt weird knowing she was my daughter, that I made this tiny person. 

"You're almost an hour old Hye Jinnie~ oh now your name matches Uncle Taeminnie~" I heard Hye Mi start laughing.  "You want her back?"

"Only if you're ready to pass her off."

"I'll never be ready to pass her off." We both laughed.  The nurse walked in laughing too.

"You guys are such a cute couple." Our cheeks turned pink at the compliment.  "Are you up to feed her?" 

Your POV

"Yes." I said anxiously.

"Okay.  Well you're going to need this pillow. Set it in your lap it will help you support Hye Jin so she can feed properly."  I did as the nurse said.

Onew handed Hye Jin over and I positioned her in front of my open shirt.  It didn't take long for her to start feeding. I couldn't help but giggle at the weird feeling.

"She'll pull away when she is finished." The nurse said before checking if we needed anything and leaving.

Just as Hye Jin finished eating, Jayden walked in with everyone, literally everyone.

"Hi Key, Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, Mom, Mom 2, Jayden, and Mi Eun."

"Hi." They all said in unison.

"Is she asleep?" Jayden asked walking over to me.

"No.  She just finished eating.  Do you want to hold her?"

"Can I?" I nodded my head and passed her off. 

I don't think I've seen him that happy since we moved away from my dad. He held her for at least 15 minutes before passing her on to the next person. By the time she made it to the last person, my mom, she was fast asleep unaware of the tears falling from her Grandma's eyes.

"Mom, why are you crying?"

"What mom wouldn't cry holding their first grandchild?" She chuckled.

"I'm sorry to cut visiting short," the nurse said as she walked in.  "But there is 5 minutes left of visiting hours.  You guys can comeback after 8am."

"Arrasso." My mom said before passing Hye Jin to me.  They all said their goodbyes and left.

The nurse took Hye Jin back to the nursery to sleep and exhaustion finally took over.  Onew sat in a chair next to my bed my hair until I fell asleep. I couldn't wait for the day we could go home.  I even dreamt about it.

~~A few days later~~

“Babe…wake up.”  I whisper to Onew as he lies rolling around next to me.  “Onew…babe…wake up.”  I repeated again.  He finally rolled over and looked at me.  I flashed a smile and he climbed out of the bed and headed to the nursery to calm our crying baby.  It didn’t take him long to calm her down with his soothing voice and singing.  He changed her then brought her to me so I could feed her.  I handled her from then and let him sleep.

Once she was asleep, I noticed there was only a few hours left of the night so I laid her between us and went back to sleep thinking about how happy my life was.  In this new house his parents and my mom got together and got us.  How despite all we went through he was still by my side.  I didn't want my life any other way.  I never wanted this to change.


A/N:  Well guys, that's it for this story.  If I get enough requests, I'll make a bonus, but short, chapter for the wedding.  Thank you all who have read this until the end.  I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Don't forget to upvote, comment, and subscribe.  Stay tuned for the possible bonus chapter. ^_^

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Chapter 13: ohh its done... anyways this is a great story...
Chapter 5: seems interesting...

found another story about onew...

looking forward for more update soon author-nim...
