Making Amends

A SHINing Love

Your POV

The show and my time with the group was passing by so fast.  We had one week left to take care of Hye Min.  In that one week mine and Onew’s relationship became tense.  He yelled at me for everything I did and I yelled at everything he did.  It felt like the feelings I had for him in the beginning were slowly fading away as we got closer to never seeing each other again. 

On the last day, we were packing up her things and he yelled at me for packing wrong.

“Put the bottles on the top babo!”  He yelled. 

I rushed to undo everything I had already packed so I could get them how he wanted them.  After packing Hye Min up and carrying her down to her new parents I went up to pack my stuff. 

“Why are you being a pabo about packing?  Roll the stuff!  It fits better!!  Aish so stupid!”

“Lee Jinki!  What the is your deal?”

“What’s your deal?”  He replied back.

“I’m done with this bull.  Leave me alone.”  He walked away and I didn’t see him.

I felt bad for the way our relationship turned out.  After I finished packing I said bye to each of the members and left.  I couldn’t stay with them much longer.  The tension was too much.  I found a hotel to stay in close to the airport.

Onew POV

The next morning all I could think was ‘Why couldn’t I stop being rude to her?’  That wasn’t how I planned on showing her I love her and now I can’t.

“Why the long face?”  Key said sitting next to me on the couch.

“I blew it.”

“Blew what?”  He said chuckling.  He could be childish at times.

“You’re nasty Key and my chance with Hye Mi.”

“Oh. Well what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know Key.” Then it suddenly hit me.  I got up from the couch, grabbed my keys, and headed to the car.  I drove all the way to the airport in hopes to catch her.

Your POV

I was sitting waiting on my plane to be called.  I dosed off but was awaken by a bunch of screaming.  When I looked up the girls across from me were screaming and looking behind me.  I stood up and turned around afraid of what was there.  When I turned around and saw him standing there anger, happiness, and nervousness, flooded over me.

“O-onew w-what are you…” I was cut off when he suddenly gripped my chin and kissed me.  

I pulled away from the kiss and smacked his cheek.


“You can’t just be a to me then expect me to have feelings for you.”  I said walking around the chair to stand directly in front of him.

“I-I thought…”  I slammed my fist into his chest.

“You thought wrong.”  I said continuing to slam my fists into him tears building behind my eyes.

He pulled me into a hug and I tried to fight my way out of it.  Eventually I gave up and buried my face in his shirt and cried.

“Mianhae.”  He whispered resting his face on the top of my head.

I wrapped my arms around him and stayed like that for who knows how long.  I must have fallen asleep like that, because when I opened my eyes again, I was at the SHINee dorm. 

Onew POV

I looked down to find her asleep.  I picked her up and carried her bridal style to the car.  When we got to the dorm I carried her up and laid her in my bed.

“Thanks for helping us carry the bags up.”  Key said sarcastically.

“No problem.”  I said back chuckling.

“How are you going to explain to her that she missed her flight?”  Minho asked.

“I don’t know yet.”  I replied.

Your POV

When I woke up, I knew I was in Onew’s bed because there was a box of chicken next to it. I pulled the post if off and read it aloud.

If you get hungry I got us some chicken.

I chuckled at the note, grabbed a piece out of the box, and walked out to the livingroom.  Everyone stopped to look at me.

“Hey sleepyhead!”  Jonghyun called from the couch.

“Hey.  Uhm…Onew can I talk to you…alone?”  I said walking over to him.

“Of course. Get dressed.”


“We can’t talk here we won’t be alone.  Right Key?”

“Right!”  He said chuckling.

“Oh arrasso.  Well where will we go then?”

“We can go to the Han River.” 

“Well where are my clothes?” 

“Over there?”

“Arrasso.”  I said walking over to where he pointed. 

I grabbed some clothes out and went to change. After I changed, we walked out and down the sidewalk towards the river.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”  I started.

“I didn’t know how.”

“You should have just said ‘Hey I like you’”

“But would have liked me back?”

“I can’t believe you just asked me that.  Yes, I like you back.  I wouldn’t have stayed here if I didn’t.”

“How would you leave though?”

“I would have ignored you at the airport and boarded the plane.”

“Oh.”  I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

“But I didn’t Jinki.  I stayed here…because…well….I love you.”

“I love you too Hye Mi.”

I stopped walking and stepped in front of him.  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.  He wrapped his arms around my waist.  I wrapped my arms around his back and hugged him.

“Never leave.”  He said looking me in the eyes.

“I don’t plan on it.” I said him kissing me afterwards.  “I have one problem though.”


“I have to find an apartment.  I can’t stay with you.”

“Aww why not?”  He said starting to pout.

“You know good and well why. But you can always come visit me. Or I can come visit you.  We can still have dates as long as no one finds out besides the boys and your manager.”

“I know I know.”  He said as he started walking again.

I hooked my arm in his and rested my head on his shoulder as we walked.  I don’t know how far we walked all I know is that when it was time to go home I was tired.


“Neh jagiya?”

“I don’t want to walk anymore.”

“Arrasso.”  He said stopping and squatting down.  “Climb on.”

I walked forward and climbed on his back.  I wrapped my arms around his neck has he hooked his arms under my legs.  He carried me all the way home but I must have fallen asleep because I was startled when he set me down on the couch.

“What do we want to get for dinner?”  I heard Taemin yell from the kitchen.

“Chicken.”  I heard Onew yell back.

“No Onew, we had chicken two nights in a row.”  Key whined.

“How about pizza?”  I said making Onew jump.

“Oh you’re awake?”

“Yea.  You didn’t exactly lay me down gently.”

“Oh mian.  Pizza sounds good.  Can I get wings with them.”

“Sure Onew.  Why not?”  I said smiling and getting up from the couch to grab the menu from Minho.

Everyone decided on pepperoni and kimchi pizzas and of course wings.  As we waited, we decided to play truth or dare.  That wasn’t such a good idea.

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Chapter 13: ohh its done... anyways this is a great story...
Chapter 5: seems interesting...

found another story about onew...

looking forward for more update soon author-nim...
