Chapter 9

A SHINing Love

Your POV

When we arrived to the mall no one crowded around us. I was completely confused.

"Why isn't anyone saying anything?"  I asked looking at Onew.

"We watched Hello Baby.  We knew it would happen."  A girl called behind us.  "Some of us were even shipping it."


"Neh.  You guys are really cute together."

"Gomawo."  Onew said smiling.

"Would you mind if we took a picture together?"

"Not at all." I said shaking my head.  The girl pulled out her phone and we posed for a selca.

"Neomu Gomawo." She said bowing then walking away.  We continued walking through the mall zoning out into different stores.

"Oppa-yah~" I called as we passed the cutest little baby store in the world.

"Why are we stopping at the baby store?"

"The stuff is so cute.  I just want to look.  Please oppa~"

"Fine."  He said rolling his eyes.  We walked into the store and it was like cuteness overload.



"Do you want kids?"

"Of course I want kids. I just don't know if they will like me."

"If there yours I'm sure they'll love you as much as I do." I said laughing.

"Do you think they will be our kids?"

"I hope so."  I said revealing what I'd secretly hoped.

"Me too."  He said smiling.  We walked out of the baby store and went to actually shop.  About an hour later I had about 10 different bags and I was getting hungry.

"Behgopah~"  I said walking towards the food court.

"Nado."  He said following me.  We walked to a nearby cafe and ordered sandwiches and teas.  Everything was going great but it was ruined quickly when someone yanked me from seat.


"Didn't I tell you not to date an idol?  Isn't that what I told you? Come on we're going home!"

"Home?! As in America?"  I asked receiving a nod from him. "Dad I'm not going home!  I'm not leaving him!"

"You're going to do what I say now let's go."  He said pulling me along.  I looked back to Onew tears on my cheeks and his. 

"Mianhae oppa! Jongmal mianhae!"  I yelled to him.

My dad continued dragging me out until we were in the car and on our way to the airport.

"What about all my stuff? What about my home?"

"It's all taken care of.  Your building director is shipping everything to America."

"Dad you can't do this.  How can you take your daughter away from what makes her happy?"

"Because I don't want her getting hurt when the going gets tough now leave it alone.  We're going home."

I knew what he meant.  He didn't want me getting hurt if Onew couldn't handle our relationship and idol life.  But it wasn't like that.  It wasn't like that at all.  I just looked out the window eventually falling asleep until we arrived at the airport.  It took about two hours for us to board our flight and made sure to sit away from my father.  I was so pissed off and didn't want anything to do with him.  The pilot made the announcement of take off and once the flight passed turbulence and started going smooth a fell asleep again.

The next time I woke up, we had landed and were getting off the plane.  I moved as fast as I could to the car and climbed in the back seat.

"Honey.  What do you want to eat?"

"Leave me alone."


"Leave me alone." I said again gazing out of the window until I got home.

When I walked in my mom was sitting on the couch.

"I'm so sorry honey.  I couldn't stop him."

"I know mom."  I said hugging her.  "One day we are going to get out of this hell hole." I whispered but I wasn't quiet enough.  Suddenly a hand crossed my face sending me to the floor faster than I could realize what was happening.

"Look! I don't care if you hit me.  But don't hit her!  Don't ever put your hands on our daughter!"

"I-I'm s-sorry." He stuttered.  I picked myself up ignoring him as I walked to my room.

It was always like this.  He couldn't control his anger and always lashed out and it was always my mom getting hurt.  But, we had no choice but to stay in the house.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I need to get us out of there.

"I'm taking your phone in 30 minutes so say your last words to him."  I heard my dad call up once I was in my room.

I quickly pulled my phone and texted him everything I had to stay and would need to say.

To: Onew

From: Hye Mi

Oppa.  Jongmal mianhae.  I don't know if I'll ever be back.  But here's my address. Next time you visit California you can come over.  Please respond quickly my dad is taking my phone away. 

I didn't get a response until almost the last minute.

To: Hye Mi

From: Onew

I'll send you the things you bought at the store.  If I'm in California I'll make sure to see you.  I love you.

To: Onew

From: Hye Mi

I love you too Onew.  I always will.

And that was the end.  My dad walked in snatching the phone but not before I deleted the message about my address.  If my dad knew I gave him my address he would kill me.  I didn't know what else to do but cry so I did.  I cried until my eyes were swollen shut and I had no choice but to sleep to make it any better.

A couple weeks went by and all I did was mope around the house.  Some days I didn't even care to get dressed and stayed in my pajamas.  But one morning it all went downhill.  I woke up throwing up, leaning over the edge of my bed into the trashcan.  I tried getting up to get to the bathroom but I couldn't.  As soon I stood I felt light headed and dropped to the floor.

"MOM!!" I yelled hoping she would hear me.

"What's wrong?" My dad said walking in. 

"I called mom not you."

"What's the matter honey?" She said walking in and helping me from the floor.

"I think I need to go to the hospital." I said still feeling light headed suddenly puking all over the floor.


"Jayden's home?" I asked.

"Yea he came home late last night."

"Yea mom?" He said walking in.

"Carry your sister to the car."

"Arrasso." He said picking me up and carrying me downstairs and out the door.  He laid me in the backseat climbing in next to me and cradling me.  "What happened?"

"Molla."  I said closing my eyes.

It didn't take long to get to the hospital and they took me straight back to a room. They began hooking me up to monitors while my mom gave them my information but that was the last thing I remembered.  I had fainted before they could ask me anything.  When I woke up, I looked around and saw my brother sitting in the chair asleep.

"Jayden."  I said trying to wake him up.  "Jayden."  I called again still not getting a response. "JAYDEN!"

"What's wrong?!" He said sitting up wide-eyed.


"Then don't yell like that."

"Wake up the first time."  I said smiling.

"How are you feeling?"


"I'm sorry I left you guys like that."

"It's not your fault.  You were protecting us and dad didn't like that so he sent you away.  Don't blame yourself for anything that bastard has done."

"I heard you were dating Onew."

"Yea.  Until dad took me away.  I don't see how he thinks he can just move to a different country, come back home, then decide he's going to take me from the place I want to be."

"He has to have the control."

"Obviously.  But I downloaded Kakao onto my laptop so we can still talk."  Right then the doctor walked in.

"I see you're awake."  He said smiling. "I talked to your mom and she explained how you weren't really eating after you were brought back to America."

"Yea.  My dad took me away from my boyfriend.  I didn't even get to say goodbye properly."

"I see.  That covers the dehydration part.  Now for the nausea.  Were you and your boyfriend ever ually active before you left?"

I glanced at my brother whose expression was 'Well? Were you?' and I nervously nodded my head.

"Then I think we do some blood work to test for pregnancy." The doctor said writing it on my chart then walking out.

"Pregnancy?" I said looking at Jayden.

"Whatever happens I'm here for you." He said smiling.  "Are you hungry?"

"A little."

"Okay.  I'll be back."  He said walking out of the room after the nurse walked in. 

She walked over, prepped my arm and drew the blood.  She put the band-aid on and walked out.  My brother walked in with the food a little bit later.  We decided to watch TV after eating and half way through the show the doctor walked in.

"Well...I have some good news or bad news.  Depends on what you wanted to test results to be."

I wasn't ready for the results. Not one bit.  But he proceeded to tell me.  I was in a mix of happiness and sadness after he told me.  I thanked the doctor and he walked out.  For the rest of the night I sat in silence the results playing over and over in my head until I fell asleep.

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Chapter 13: ohh its done... anyways this is a great story...
Chapter 5: seems interesting...

found another story about onew...

looking forward for more update soon author-nim...
