Mall Mishaps

A SHINing Love

Your POV

It was about three in the morning when Hye Min started crying. I climbed out of bed to go make her bottle but as I reached my door, she stopped crying.  I opened my door to find Onew standing there cradling her and rocking her.  I don’t know what he was singing to her but it sounded beautiful.

“It’s beautiful.”  I said quietly not to scare him.

He snapped his head over towards me with wide eyes.  “What is?”

“Whatever you were singing to her.”

“T-thank you.”

“You’re welcome.  Is she hungry?”

“I think so.”

“Arrasso, I will go make the bottle.”

“Arrasso.”  He replied.

I walked in the kitchen to prepare the bottle when I heard him singing again.  Every time he sang, my heart melted a little.  Eventually it would be a puddle.  I walked back into the nursery and handed him the bottle.

“No you do it.”  He said suddenly becoming nervous.

“No you do it, you will be fine.  Just keep holding her like that.  I will change her when you’re done.”

“U-Uhm a-arasso.”  He sat in the gliding chair next to the window and fed her.  I sat in the chair next to the changing table and dosed back off.

Onew POV

She was even more beautiful while she was sleeping.  I was nervous to take care of Hye Min with her around because she seemed like a pro and I didn’t want to do something wrong.  That would be embarrassing especially since I like her.  After Hye Min finished eating, I laid her on the changing table. I was about to wake Hye Mi but I decided not to.  I changed Hye Min then rocked her back to sleep eventually falling asleep with her on my chest.  When I woke up, she wasn’t there.  Hye Mi was dressing her and getting ready to take her to the living room to play with the other members.  I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and walked back to my room to shower and get ready for the day.

Your POV

When I seen Onew asleep with Hye Min, it surprised me, knowing how awkward he is with children.  But I wasn’t nervous.  I knew deep down that he would be a great father and he was.  He just didn’t necessarily know how to show it.  After Hye Mi played with Taemin, Minho, Key, and JJong, it was time for her nap.  Taemin rocked her to sleep while Key and JJong sang a lullaby.  Minho helped me out around the house.

“This is harder than I thought.”  Minho said while washing the dishes.

“Yea it is.  You’ll be fine though.  Maybe when she gets a little older you can roll a soccer ball on the floor with her.”  I said chuckling.

“That would be great!” 

“I bet it would.”

He finished the last of the dishes then went to the nursery to grab her dirty clothes hamper.


It was only a matter of time before they would get together especially if I had anything to do with it.

“Onew hyung don’t you think Hye Mi is pretty?”

“Yea sure.”

“She is going to make a good mom.”

“I know Key, but I can’t help but feel like that is not the reason you brought her up.”

“You should ask her out.”

“What?! No I can’t do that.”

“And why not.”

“We…I…I don’t know honestly.”

“I’ll ask her.”

“Uh no thanks Key.”

“Fine hyung I won’t but you should.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Yayy I thought to myself.  It was working.

Onew POV

I did like her, but I didn’t want anything to happen that would affect my future chances.  After I finished taking out trash and picking up the house, I sat down and relaxed.  Only to have Key mess it up.  I went over to the couch and the TV.  I M-Countdown and minded my own business.  Right as I started to relax Key made Hye Mi, relax next to me on the couch making my nerves jumpy again.

“Hey Jinki.”  She said to me her voice like angels singing, or should I say like me singing.

“Hey Hye Mi.”

“Don’t look so nervous.  I won’t tell anyone about what I saw this morning. Just keep doing it.”


“No problem.  Plus I like that I’m the only one who knows.”  She said grinning at me.

“Wae-yo?”  I questioned.

“That’s my secret.”  She said chuckling.

“Arrasso~” I whined.

After about 15 minutes, she got up and walked away and Key came over.


“No Key I didn’t ask her out.”

“Waaeee-yyyoo” He said whining like a baby.

“Not the right time.”

“You know in 2 months she is going back home right?”


“Well you have 2 months to find the right time.”

“Why is this so important to you.”

“Just find the right time neh?”

“Whatever Key.  Don’t you have something to do?”

“Ahh yes me and Hye Mi are going to COEX tonight.”


“Neh,  want to go?”

“No thanks.”

“Arrasso.  I’m going to see if anyone else wants to go.”

Eventually they all went to the mall except for me.  I didn’t mind staying with Hye Min by myself, she was a good baby, she barely cried.  She woke up about 30 minutes after everyone left so I fed her, changed her, and spent some quality time with her.

Your POV

When we got to the mall, of course fans were screaming and yelling.  We cautiously walked into the mall and went around to all the stores.  About halfway through I needed to separate from the group.

“I’m going to the rest room.”  I told Taemin who was standing next to me.

“Okay noona.”  He said smiling as always.

I walked away and headed to the bathroom.  Little did I know, I was walking into a terrible situation.  As I walked in a girl stepped in front of me looking me up and down.  Out of nowhere, she grabbed my hair and slammed me into a stall where another girl was.  They took turns hitting and kicking me.

“Why are…ahh..doing this?”  I questioned them.

“You are trying to take our men stupid .”  One of them said as she rammed her foot into my ribcage again and again.

“What? No, I’m just working for them.”  I tried to explain in hopes they would stop.

“Truly I don’t give a damn.”  The other one said kicking my stomach. 

The pain was so overwhelming that I out on the bathroom floor.

Minho POV

“Where’s Hye Mi?” I asked not seeing her around anywhere.

“She went to the bathroom.” Taemin said.  “She should have come back already.”

“Maybe something happened.”  Jjong said.

“Let’s go check.”  Key said walking away with his bags and hers.

We walked to the bathroom where we encountered our first dilemma.

“Who is going to check?”

“Uhm…Taemin can. He can pass for a woman.” Key said chuckling afterwards.

Taemin POV

I didn’t want to check it would be awkward.  They all talked me into it though.  I peeked my head into the bathroom to find to girls beating a helpless Hye Mi.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I yelled.

“Oh Taemin oppa, she was trying to bully us.”

“I doubt that and don’t call me oppa.  GET OUT!!”

The girls hurried out of the bathroom.  I picked the bruised, bloody, and limp Hye Mi up from the floor.

“Hye Mi?? Hye Mi wake up!!”  I carried her out of the bathroom and to a nearby bench.  It was only a few minutes before the paramedics arrived.

“I’ll go with her.”  Minho said.

“Okay I said, I’ll stay here and talk to the police.”  I called. 

“Me and Jjong will take everything home.”  Key said picking everyone’s bags up off the floor.


“How are we going to explain this to Onew?”

“I don’t know Key.”

We waited outside the house until we could figure out what to tell him.

“Okay I’m ready.”

“Let’s go then.”  Jjong said slightly encouraging but just as nervous as I am.

We walked into the house and I started first.

Onew POV

“Onew…Hye Mi is…” Key started.

“Is what Key?”  I said getting nervous.

“On her way to the hospital.” Jjong finished.

“What?! Why?!”

“Two girls jumped her in the bathroom.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Who knows?  Minho is there with her now and Taemin is at the police station.”  Key said.

“I should have gone with you guys, then I could have protected her.”

“How Onew?  You want to go in the women’s bathroom.”

“No…I mean…”

“I know what you mean.” Key said.

“Do you think she will be okay?”  I asked them.

“I think she will be fine.”  Jjong said in a consoling tone.

I didn’t know what else to do besides worry.  I had to go see her.  I walked into the nursery and grabbed Min Hye's car seat and jacket.  I put her jacket on her and put her in her car seat.

“What are you doing?”

“Going to see her. What else?” 

“With Hye Min.”

“Of course.  She would want to see her.”

“You’re right.  We should all go.” Key said grabbing his car keys.

We climbed in the car and headed to the hospital.  My mind was reeling.  Why would someone do that to her.  She never hurt anybody.  My mind spun in circles the whole there.  The only thing keeping me calm was watching Hye Min sleep.  She was like an angel when she slept.  As we pulled into the parking garage of the hospital, I started getting upset all over again.  Especially when all I seen at the entrance was paparazzi.  We walked to the entrance and the paparazzi continued to stop us and ask questions.

“How do you feel?  Will you forgive the girls?”

“It’s not up to us to forgive, it’s up to her.  Thank you and Good Night.”  I calmly said and walked into the hospital.

As we walked into her room, my heart broke.  Her face was bruised and bloody.  One eye was swollen shut and was swollen on the bottom corner.  Bruises covered her arm and one was casted.  The doctor said it was broken when they stomped on her.  I couldn’t see anything else but I’m sure it was bad.  I walked over and sat next to her bed.

“I’m sorry.”  I whispered to her but more to myself.  “I should have went with you guys.”

“It’s…eh eh eh..okay.”  She said quietly and coughing at the same time.

She surprised me.  I wasn’t expecting her to be awake.

Your POV

I was happy Onew was there with me.  I was sad he thought it was his fault. 

“Can I get you anything?”  He asked me.

“Water would be nice. Oh and some food preferably chicken.”  I said knowing the chicken would make him smile.

“You got it.”  He said walking to fill a cup with water. Then leaving to go to the cafeteria.

“Speaking of food, has anyone fed Hye Min.”

“No, I will do that now it’s about that time anyway.” Minho said grabbing the diaper bag. 

“I know it’s probably too soon but…what happened?” Taemin asked me.

“They were mad.  They said I was trying to steal their men.”


“Haha yea.”



“Well we are glad you are okay.” Jjong said smiling that dino smile.

“Me too guys, me too.”

After a few more tests, they said I could go home as long as I rested.  Key brought my change of clothes since the other ones were messed up and I changed.  By the time I came back out, everyone was ready to go.  Onew looked sad though.

“What’s wrong Onew?”

“They don’t have chicken in the cafeteria.”

“Oh my Onew, calm down, we can stop somewhere on the way home.”  I said chuckling almost laughing.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

I laughed as we left the room then the hospital.  I sat in the backseat with Hye Min and played with her the whole way home.  Even though I had a rough day, I was glad that I was able to go home and be with an awesome group of people.


I was exhausted with EXO's comeback while writing this so please excuse any mistakes.  Any ideas on a chapter name.  Leave comments below, I love reading them.

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