Chapter 10

A SHINing Love

Your POV

I opened my eyes and saw Yoo Min.  I wasn't expecting her to be here since I haven't talked to her or Mi Nah since I originally arrived in Korea.  We all became too busy.

"How are you feeling?" Yoo Min asked.

"Good.  How did you know?"

"You're mom called me.  She said you could use some company."

"Me and Mi Nah thought you forgot about us over there but she explained everything.  Mi Nah didn't care to hear it.  She doesn't talk to anyone anymore.  But why didn't you tell me you were dating Onew? That's wonderful!"  She said getting excited then calming herself down.

"No one other than the members, my family and Xander know."


"Yea he showed up at my apartment and almost broke me and Onew apart."

"Oh." Yoo Min said. "But wait.  If you're dating Onew, why did you come back here?"

"My dad made me."

"Makes total sense." She said knowing exactly how my father was. 

"But Yoo Min." I said getting her attention. "I'm pregnant."  Her eyes were wide.  "What am I going to do?  I can't tell him.  It will only make it harder for him."

"You're going to have to tell him eventually.  Your baby can't be without a father."

"How?  How do I tell him that I'm having his baby?  How do I tell him that he won't get to go through the pregnancy with me because my dad is an ?  How?"  I was getting fustrated.

"Relax.  You'll figure it out.  You always do." She said smiling.  "When Xander cheated on you, you didn't blow up at him.  You are the only girl I know who didn't blow up at her cheating boyfriend.  You figured out how to breakup with without a problem and without an argument." She started laughing.  "When Mi Nah was going through her terrible fashion stage you figured out how to tell her politely even when both of us wanted to tell her it was hideous."

"I remember that."  I said laughing.  "I don't know what she was thinking."

"You'll figure it out trust me." She smiled.  "Are you hungry?"

"Yea.  Are you going to the cafeteria?"

"Haha no.  I'm going home, my mom made kimchi jigae for dinner today.  I'll bring you some."

"Omo! Thank you!" I loved kimchi jigae.  Especially when it was homemade.

"I'll come back as soon as I can." I nodded my head and she left.  Jayden walked in shortly after.

"Hey little sis!"


"I have a present for you."

"What is it? What is it?"  He took the bag out and handed it to me.  "O.M.G. My phone! But how?"

"I told him since you were going to be in the hospital, you would need a way to call if you needed anything and to let us know when you would be released."

"Thank you Jayden."

"No problem.  You also missed a few Kakaos from Onew.  He's worried.  Let him know you're okay."

"I will."

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Not yet.  It's early on so there are no guarantees I'll carry the baby full-term.  Once I'm sure I will, I will figure out how to tell him."

"You have my support.  And I told mom for you.  This is the happiest I've seen her in awhile."

"Does dad know?"  He nodded his head.  "Did he say anything?" He shook his head.

"He just looked surprised and walked away."

"Of course."  I said expecting nothing more from my dad.  "Jayden we have to get out of that house.  We have to get mom out of that house."

"I know.  I think about it all the time, I just haven't come up with a plan yet."

"We'll get there."  Just then Yoo Min walked back in. "That was fast."

"My mom was waiting with in the lobby.  She was already planning on bringing you some."

"Make sure you tell her I said thank you."

"I will. What were you guys talking about?"

"Getting mom out of that house."

"Oh that reminds me.  My mom just found out she inherited like 1 billion won from her grandparents."

"What?! That's like a million US dollars!"

"I know! But the only way she can keep it is if we move to the super nice house they left her."

"Oh." I was suddenly sad.

"Hold on my mom is calling." She answered. "I'll be back.  She forgot the rice so she's in the lobby again."  She came back quickly setting it next to kimchi jigae.

"So you're moving?"

"We're moving.  I talked to my mom about the house and she said she would love to have you three there."


"Yea.  She said it would be lonely with just me and her."

"Is this for real?" Jayden said feeling the same disbelief I was.

"Yea.  We move in 5 months so be ready."

"How can we ever repay her?"

"Don't worry about it."

"That's easy for you to say." Jayden said laughing.  "I'm going home. I'll tell mom when I get there."  I nodded my head and he left.  Me and Yoo Min ate the kimchi jigae and rice then she made me scoot over and laid next to me.

"We've had tons of sleepovers..." she started but started chuckling.  "But we've never had one in the hospital."

"There's a first time for everything." I laughed then turned the TV on.  She had already fallen asleep and I was right behind her but I made sure to kakao Onew and let him know I was okay.

The next morning, I went home and there went my phone taken away again.  I wanted to argue but I decided I would just tough it out for five months.

~~  5 Months Later ~~

We got off the plane, and headed into the airport.  We checked in, grabbed our luggage and left for the house.  When we pulled up, I was in awe at the magnificent house in front of us.

"My great grandfather was really into modern architecture." Yoo Min said obviously noticing my surprise.

"It's beautiful."

"Come on guys.  Let's get unpacked." Her mom called.

"I'm really glad we got out of that house.  Thank you so much!" My mom said thanking her mom.

"It's my pleasure." Her mom replied.  She started taking her bags in the house and we followed behind her. 

Once everything was in the house, our mom's told us we could go explore.  Jayden went with us and took us to a phone store so I could get a new phone.  I filled out the paperwork and the guy handed me my phone.

"You should text Onew and let him know you're back." Jayden said as we walked back home.

"I have to get his number out of my computer first."

"Well then let's hurry home."  He said trying to make me walk faster.

"Yah! Do you not see this stomach.  I can't move that fast."

"Oh yea sorry.  Sorry Mini Jinki!" He said rubbing my stomach.

"Shh~ don't say that too loud."

"My bad."  He said making us all laugh.

We made it back to the house and Jayden started helping unpack the boxes that arrived the week before.  I went outside to look around coming up with the perfect surprise for Onew.

Onew POV

I was just sitting on the couch watching TV when my phone started ringing signaling a text message.

From:  Unknown

To: Onew


From: Onew

To: Unknown

Who is this?

From: Unknown

To: Onew

Follow the clues to figure it out.  First clue:  Hello Baby first location: Unaired

"Unaired?  Where did we go that was unaired?" I sat there thinking hard about where we went.

From: Onew

To: Unknown

Was the baby with us?

From: Unknown

To: Onew


"The amusement park?  Could it be the amusement park?"  I decided that's where I would check.  When I got there Key was waiting at the entrance. "Key?  Why are you texting me from an Unknown number?"

"I'm not.  I got a message that just told me to be here."

"Who is texting us then?" 

"I don't know but they told me to show you this message."

"Follow your instinct to the next spot.  Cluck Cluck?"

"Maybe it's your favorite chicken place."

"Good idea.  Are you coming?"

"Yea."  We got in the car and drove to my favorite chicken place finding Taemin sitting inside.

"Are you the one texting us?" Key asked in an investigative tone.

"No.  I was just told to be here and show you this message."  He showed me the message.

"So many people to see.  So many stores to choose from."  I read aloud feeling confused.

"The mall pabo." Key said grabbing me and Taemin.  He drove this time.  Once we got to the mall and walked in Minho and Jonghyun were standing there.

"Is this your doing?"  Key said walking over to him. 

"No." Minho started.

"You just got messages saying to be here."

"Yea and to show you this message."

"Follow the lady with the white hat?  What lady with the white hat?"  I asked extremely puzzled at this point.  "What is going on?"

"Look over there.  Follow her."  Taemin said pointing to the only lady with a white hat.

I followed her where ever she went.  For some reason she decided to take the steps to the third floor instead of the elevator.  I was tired by the time I reached the top but I continued to follow her. 

"Yah!"  I called after her.

As soon as I got close to her, she entered Victoria Secret.  It was over.  I lost the chance to find out who was texting me because I refused to go into Victoria Secret.  I hunched over to catch my breath seeing a piece of paper.

"Walk down three stores and turn left."  I followed the directions ending up at the baby store.  "This can't be right."

"It can't hurt to try." Minho said startling me.  "Just go in."  I nodded and walked in. 

"Ohh~ Onew-ssi! She's over there."

"Who is?"  I thought the worst.  My phone rang so I read the message. It was from Hye Mi.  Her text confirmed my fear.  If she was texting me, then who was in the store and why was their number unknown?

Your POV

I hope his surprise goes well.  I can't wait to give it to him. I looked at the little box in my hand as I pulled out my phone to text him.

From: Hye Mi

To: Onew

Oppa~ na~ Hye Mi-yah~ dorawahda.

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Chapter 13: ohh its done... anyways this is a great story...
Chapter 5: seems interesting...

found another story about onew...

looking forward for more update soon author-nim...
