When do you know your in 'LOVE'


[these are your thoughts:]


After your parents funeral. Things changed dramatically you meet with the lawyer again to discuss issues concerning the will with Changmin hyung, the lawyer played a DVD and you see your parents smiling at you, and you tear at the image.
There sat your parents looking fabolous in what they were wearing and sitting down facing you.
"Honey, if your watching this, [starting to cry]?"
you see your mum starting to cry which was obvious that this would have been hard for you.
"Ddal, I know that you must be going through so much right now, and for that we are sorry. I know that we promised that we will be with you forever, and right now we have broken that promise to you Ddal. You watching this is breaking mine and your mothers heart. [trying to mask his sadness]. I know that there are thoughts in your mind right now, so me and your mother have planned everything.
[Living Arrangements:]
Your name has been put on the lease for our home, which you now own.
Changmin will be living with you from now on, he will be your caregiver.
[you look at Changmin hyung confused, dosent Changmin have a family and a life]
Changmin knows about this arrangement, he will explain futher if your confused honey. Which we know your thinking of right now.
There is a fund which you and Changmin have access to that will help with the utilities and running of the house.
The house is yours so you can do what you wish with the house renevations whatever you want honey.
The cars are under yours and Changmins name also, you both can discuss which cars you want.
Even though this time is difficult, we hope that you focus on your studies and achieve to your highest potential, that we know you have. Both with normal requirements and your music programme, we both know that we have pushed you to do these, and we know that you love music which we wanted you to build a career from. We also know that you love to play your instruments, and we also know that your passion is in dance"
[you look in shock how did they know that you love dance just like your music and playing?] 
"Honey, we are you parents and we know that dance is an art your passionate about like your music, we know your looking at us shocked, we know because your dance teacher had met with us and gave us glowing recommendations about you futhering your dancing. We are both sorry that we never got the chance to see you dance or to ask for your opinion [mum starts crying again]"
Dad speaks again
"Honey we want you to follow your heart and dreams
I know that your mother didnt want you to be part of the family business, but I am sorry Haneul since I am the owner and shares in the company I am sorry but now you have major share in the company, you will have Changmin be acting C.E.O in the company whilst your fulfilling your duties at school, I would like to have you attend meetings or client dinners, gatherings so the board can see the commitment of you being there, there may be times when Changmin will need to have input from you and I hope that you will work together to make this company more then I have done.
You must be thinking why I have Changmin apart of all aspects of your life, it must be hard for you but I need you to know that we both trust Changmin to be with you, and dont second guess our decision with having him part of your life, or his judgement in how things should be run. He will be there for you Haneul. We will be with you in your heart. I know that we didnt get a chance to see you grow to a beautiful young adult you are, to see your achievements, your graduation, I wont be able to protect you from all the boys, blossom to are beautiful women, succeeding in your career with your music or dance and with the company. I wont be able to walk you down the aisle [breaking down] to your husband, to be grandfather to your kids that you will have. [crying] Haneul you need to know that I love you so much, and it hurts me right now to see that you are left here on this earth without us in your life"
Your dad starts to cry, your father was such a strong man and seeing him like this really hurt.
"Honey you father has said everything, but you need to know that I will miss our girly moments with each other and that I will never have the chance to be with you when you need my advice about, boys, love or at your wedding [crying hysterically], but I would like to say that I love you so much... Be the best you can be whatever you do. And Changmin you better look after my daughter if you dont you know I what I will do"
Your mum finishes off. And the both smile at you for the last time.
Your grateful that its the weekend, so you dont have to go to school and face all the gossip that will surround you, and you wont also have to face the constant bullying from Hyoyeon and her disciples. You were thinking about Yongguk oppa and the others on how much they have changed, you couldnt help but feel all giddy when you thought about him and how much ier he has become. After the funeral you never had the chance to spend time with each other. You and Changmin had a talk about his relationship with your parents and why the entrusted him to be part of your life, and after the talk you find out that he had no family and that your parents had helped him become the person he is and that he always saw you as a yeo dongsaeng, and that he owed your parents with everything pretty much so he was your caregiver/hyung.
Your relaxing at home, well not relaxing you and Changmin were discussing about the conditions that your parents had given and well honestly you want to be part of all aspects of the company, and also have a career in music and dance and Changmin had agreed with what you wanted which made it work whilst you were talking you hear a knock on the door and Changmin stands up to get the door.
"Hyung Gwenchana ill get it, just because my parents want you to look after me you dont have to do everything hyung ok, we got each other ok?"
"Ok yeo dongsaeng"
You walk to get the door and you were grateful to have hyung here with you, even though you heart was still in pain you had a wall to protect you from hurting more. Anyways your at the door and you feel a familiar pace beating within you and you knew who was on the other side of the door, you stood frozen for what felt like eternity but in reality it wasnt that long, you glance to see yourself at the full length mirror and you look fine in what you were wearing, whilst you were checking your appearence you hear the jingle of the bracelets that your mum gave to you, you had your hair out, white flowing type blouse accentuating your slim figure you losted abit of weight so it looked a bit big but beautiful, blue washed out jean shorts, slippers.
You didnt even realize that hyung was walking towards the door.
"Ill get the door, before the visitor leaves after waiting to long [laughing]" 
He signals for you to go into the lounge well he opened the door and you hear a familiar deep voice. 
"Anneyong Haseyo, is Haneul here?"
You hear the familiar y deep voice of Yongguk oppa asking for you and your heart quickens pace, it felt like you werent breathing and part of you felt like you were alive.
"Ye she is here, come in?"
Hyung just simply replied, it sounded like he know who Yongguk oppa was which was weird but then again they met at the funeral.
(Author POV)
The 2 assassins meet with there leader at the bar they changed there whereabouts because they were sure that they were being watched they walk into the bar and a women walks towards them.
"Blackhawk meeting Mufasa"
And that was it the two follow her to a room she opens the door and they see there leader Hyunjun seated comfortably and we walk in the door closes behind us.
"Whats up sir?"
"Sit down"
They sit down waiting for instructions moments pass by then they all look straight at the door as it opens and another person walks in and sits down the door shuts behind them, the fourth person knows what he is doing here. The leader speaks.
"Ok Taekyung, Kibeom this is the analyzer I mentioned"
"Yes I am Hongjun imnida, here is the report you asked for"
The three lean towards the file thats placed on the table they look and see pictures of the hit of the Park couple they dont see any clues, they see papers of the order and it seemed to tampered with, they see pictures of the next supposed hit and its a picture of a high school girl there daughter an innocent life. He places another file which was from the police invistigation, they couldnt find any leads into the invistigation nothing seemed to add up.
"Hongjun, why is the next target some high school student?"
"That sir is not from the board, I am the one who piled the connection that she will be the next target, the client who made the call hasnt called ever since the hit on the Parks, I have reason to believe that the client may have taken matters to his own hands"
Taekyung looks futher through the file and sees something.
"But what it says here is that he still made the payment if he was the one who planned this why would he pay?"
Hongjun answers
"That I think is to cover his tracks but I can not be sure Taekyung?"
"Hyunjun Sir what would you have us do?"
"Taekyung I want you to still tail Park Haneul after school hours, Kibeom I want you to infiltrate Park Industries and see if there is a connection to the client who made the call, Hongjun I want you to continue with what your doing please be careful, I will continue invistigating on the company?"
"Sir why after school hours?"
"Because I have someone tailing her during school hours and possibly after school hours heres a picture of the person ive sent in?"
They look at a picture of a young kid no older the Haneul.
"Dont worry Taekyung, Kibeom I trust him?"
"Who is he?"
"He is my son..."
And they all look at Hyunjun in shock.
(End of Authors POV)





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sorry there maybe a couple of pictures that I have used twice sorry!


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Good job!! I like it ((:
Chapter 26: Oh its finished, I loved the ending short and sweet it's so romantic and sweet, I could actually picture Bang Yongguk being like that, you have a way of drawing me in when I read this fanfic can't wait for your next story if you do another one hwaiting!!!
Chapter 24: Wow really nice....
The tragedy, the action, the triangle,
"two cute guys loving her"
wow would love to be in her shoes, but... I can see what your trying to do, and dont worry about the mixup with the pictures its all good not everyone's perfect. Cant wait to read the rest.... Of this fanfic, and how you updated alot of chapters for us is so awesome, cant wait for next update!!!!
Chapter 8: Ooooooo, so excited cant wait for the next update, love the aeygo gifs you have and love that Yoochun and Changmin involved in this fanfic, loved them since DBSK days but more since watching Yoochun in Rooftop Prince and Changmin in Paradise Ranch.
I like how the stroys going not to bad cant wait till you update authornim.
love the cute aeygo gif you have!!!!
The characterd in this fanfic is so cool cant wait....
Chapter 5: Oh thats cute authornim, cant wait for next update, thanks for accepting my friend request....
Chapter 4: Cant wait for next update :-)