
I just love you

It was past 3 am, Yongguk felt how his eyes were about to explode due to tiredness, but he was still worried about Himchan, who had been in that consulting room for more than 2 hours. Yongguk felt everyone minute was an eternity, he wanted to know if Himchan was ok, he didn't know exactly what happened to his hand.


Another hour pass until Manager Kand approached to Yongguk, he was sitting in the waiting room almost falling asleep.

"Yongguk-ah, the doctor's done we're leaving in a couple of minutes more" he whispered.

"Where's Himchan? Is he alright?" he was concerned.

"Well yeah he's ok, but, the thing is he broke 3 of his right hand fingers...." he said, "I already called our CEO and it seems like he's not going to be able to appear on the upcoming rehearsals and shows" he looked down at his cellphone.

Yongguk looked dissapointed, but what hurt him the most was to even think of how his friend was feeling, "Can I go talk to him?" he asked, "Sure, his in room 134" he said and started making a call on his phone.

Yongguk rushed to the room where Himchan was resting, when he opened the door he found his friend almost crying, Himchan was feeling useles and incompetent, he was so angry at himself.

"Ah Yongguk!" he whiped his tears, "I didn't know you were still here" he smiled forcibly.

"Are you ok?" he asked nervously, "Yeah I think i'll be better soon" he smirked, "Don't lie to me Channie, I know what happened, you don't need to feel ashamed of that, it's not your fault after all..." he object. 

"Yes it is! I was the one that fell after all, I'm sorry if I ruined the rehearsal, now stop worrying about me this much, I know it angers you anyway" he protest, "But anyway what's done it's done, now I'll just have to stay at the hotel for the rest of the trip" he said with a cynic tone.

Yongguk gave up, he knew arguing with Himchan was such an annoying thing, so he just let the brat stick around with his thoughts.

The three of them finally left the hospital. When they arrived to their room, Yongguk helped Himchan take his medicine "I guess you'll have to learn how to use your left hand from now on" he chuckled trying to break the awkward silence.

Himchan punched Yongguk's arm "So funny, fine I will If you are the one who tells the other members what happened with my arm, I really don't want to get embarassed in front of them" he smirked.

"Don't worry Hyung! We understand!" Zelo yelled from next door, "Oh and also I must remind you that you are so loud!" he laughed.

Himchan started blushing "This little punk!" he chuckled, "Well I guess I've no longer need to tell them" he laughed, "Hey Zelo-yah, Jongup-ah GO TO SLEEP!" Yongguk yelled. "Good night Channie! Hope you feel better tomorrow" he kissed him on his forehead, "Oh and remember we are not gonna be here tomorrow so I guess you have more time to sleep, Good night" he turned off the lights and went to sleep, leaving Himchan a bit confused.

"I though I had gotten over you, but it's not easy for me to ignore this feeling I have toward you, I love you, maybe more than just a friend, but I'm afraid of your reaction, if one day you find out about it" Himchan though and went to sleep, with the vivid image on his head of Yongguk gently kissing his forehead, that made him remember when he used to try his best at hiding his feelings when he had a crush on Yongguk long time ago....

Are those feelings coming back?



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Sorry to bother but i hooe you update! i hope youre okay...
Youngminkwangmin #2
Chapter 16: please update!!!! i need 2 knkw what happens!!! i m so in love with Banghim rite now
Chapter 16: Yeah true true, Daehyun's biggest problem kekekeke XD
Chapter 16: Yeah DaeJae appeared yeaaah :) I missed the ,,love starting " part but this was amazing too :) ...and know is just JongLo missing and everything will be perfect :) :) author-nim hwaiting :)
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: Yaayyyyy for daejae... just adore daejae!!!
shinoside #6
Chapter 16: Heheh now we got some Daejae action
Chapter 16: lol ^^ when the wolfs are not here it's a mess lol
Chapter 16: omo this is daejae! yippie my sweet yet daejae <3
and yeah it's sad they can't get together fufufuf
Chapter 15: Oh my..... Zelo don't do anythong stupid...

So Zelo likes Yongguk?? Sorry got confused but it wounld be fun if it was Himchan .... hihihihi
Chapter 11: What?? Did Himchan hit his head somewhere??... kekekeke