Silly Bang

I just love you

Every step they took, it felt like an eternity.

They were still far away from the hotel, probably miles away.

Yongguk didn't even look back, he was cold and distant.

Himchan got tired of the long walk, and decided to sit on the floor for a while. He was tired, he clearly didn't wanted to continue. He just sat there, not even making a small sound. 

The leader didn't cared he just sated, "You'll have to run later to catch up", Yongguk felt somehow, empty, he wished he'd never had hit his friend. He was too proud to admit it, so he decided to leave it like that. 

Car after car passed by them in that still long highway, not even a single bus, or a taxi. All of this started make both guys impatient, they were feeling sleepy, tired and probably annoyed because of the recent events going on between them.

Himchan clearly wanted to know the reason behind that drama, he was still unsure. He tried to talk with the leader, but he remain cold to him. This was starting to upset Himchan as well, he needed a reason, and it better be a good one, but also, he knew sometimes Yongguk could act like a total jerk.

"We've never seen Yongguk-hyung angry before" Youngjae stated, Himchan started remembering that day when the leader was referred as "never seen angry before", Yongguk becamed a hot topic after that, he was searched all over the internet and people even started to believe it. 

This upset Himchan sometimes, he was probably the only person that Yongguk actually show his anger to. 

And sadly, this was one of those situations.


An hour passed and they weren't even close to their destination. This was a total annoyance.

Yongguk even bothered to speak up and blame his partner about the hard time they were having.

"If you hadn't decided to go and wander all over the park we wouldn't be like this! It's all your fault" Yongguk whined.

"My fault? You were the one who make the scene back at the theme park!" he started, "You just hit me out of nowhere! How am I not supposed to be upset about it?" he yelled, "Ah seriously, you sometimes act like a total jerk Yongguk!" he sighed.

The conversation was over. Yongguk felt like being stabbed from the back, really, his best friend saying something like that to him. He knew that, somehow, he was right, but as always, Yongguk was not willing to accept it.


They kept walking.

Himchan had already gave up  and just sat there at the sidewalk, wishing for a taxi to arrive, or even a gentle citizen who was willing to give them a ride.

He close his eyes and started slowly falling asleep.

For his luck, a sudden sound from one of the highway cars woke him up and got him back to reality.

"Ah seriously" he stood up, and harshly kept walking, following the leader that was now, far away from him.

Those two looked like zombies walking by the sidewalk, never looking back, maybe some drivers already might have thought they were drugged or they were homeless. They looked pretty funny.

Himchan suddely turned his attention to a car specifically. It was a taxi. "Oh my!" Himchan jumped from the excitement. 

He called the driver and the car parked right next to him. He was so happy.

He was getting inside the car, and then he remembered, after all, it was going to be a trip for two.

Himchan was upset with Yongguk, he wanted to leave him there so bad, maybe to teach him a lesson, but he couldn't dare to do that to his friend.

"Wait sir, let me just call my friend" he told the driver.

"Yongguk-ah" he called him, the leader didn't even turn to look at him. Himchan was getting impatient, so he just hold the older's hand and dragged him to where the car was.

At first Yongguk didn't know what was going on, but when he saw the yellow car parked next to the highway, he felt relief, and thankful to his friend.


The trip was quiet, Yongguk was barely speaking, and Himchan was trying his best to conversate with the driver.

They taxi left them in front of the hotel. Yongguk took his wallet out of his pocket, willing to pay for the long trip.

"Just wait a bit sir" he said, while desperately checking his wallet for money.

Aparently there was none. Yongguk felt really embarassed in front of the driver. He didn't wanted to hurt his pride, but he had o choice, but to tell the driver about it.

"Uh sorry sir but" he started. "Well" he was interrupted. 

"Here you go sir, thanks for the trip and have a nice day, drive safe!" the younger one smiled to the driver, who waved while starting the car, and slowly driving away.

The two members walked and enter the hotel through the garden place, walking close to the pool.

"Wait" Yongguk grabbed Himchan's hand, "I" he started, Himchan had a though of where was this heading to, "I want to" he sighed, "I want to apologize for the thing at the theme park" he said, lowering his head a bit, he was clearly embarrassed.

Someone needed to give in, someone needed to apologize. For the whole trip Yongguk was expecting Himchan to do it, but he knew, it was his fault.

"Finally" Himchan thought, he really was getting tired of all that behavior Yongguk had back at the park, he was sick of it.

"You still haven't told me the reason" he smirk.

"I" Yongguk mumbled, "Somehow, I felt for moment, weird" he said, "Around me? Why?" the younger one asked, looking shocked, "Well probably because" Himchan interrupted "We kissed?" he chuckled, his hopes were bigger than ever, was Yongguk feeling attracted to him?

"Haha do you have a crush on me?" he asked playfuly. "NO OF COURSE NOT!" he was surprised by the younger's behavior, he was embarrassed and already blushing.

"But that's still not a good reason for the behavior you had before!" Himchan was totally acting like a mother now, he was somehow relief, he felt happy, he loves Yongguk and he didn't wanted to be mad at him.

"Don't worry, I forgive you anyway, but don't forget, we're close, those things gotta happen" he grinned. "Gotta?" Yongguk laughed, he felt relief also.

His cheeks turned into a reddish color, making him look so cute, and showing his gummy smile, well, that had Himchan on the clouds already.

Yongguk changed the topic by suddenly splashing some water at his partner, who respond by doing the exact same thing.

A water fight was held there that night, they were smiles and laughs all over the ambient.


"Hey you! The pool is closed, stop fooling around!" the hotel guard yelled.

Both of them laughed lightly and grabbed a towel to dry themselves.

"Silly Bang" Himchan smiled and start heading back to their room. "Aren't you coming?" he asked.

"Yeah in a minute" he started cleaning their mess. "Such a manner man Haha!" Himchan said.

"Oh by the way you owe me one" Himchan said, "Yah! What for?" Yongguk disagreed.

"By paying the taxi of course, it was not cheap" he smirked. "I'm not paying you back" he stated.

"Yeah you are, with this" Himchan suddenly grabbed the other's chin and both meet their lips.

Yongguk was surprised, he was totally caught off-guard.

Himchan shut his eyes closed, he was enjoying the moment, he felt safe aroung Yongguk, he loved him. He grabbed the other's waist, pulling him closer.

Yongguk was confused, but somehow, he didn't rejected the kiss. He closed his eyes slowly, corresponding.

"It felt so right, I loved the way he hugged me, even though it was cold outside, I felt warm" his mind started turning round and round, Yongguk was lost in his thoughts completely.

He felt butterflies in his stomach. His back shivered. 

They both stayed like that for a while, wanting this to never end.

"Good night Gukkie!" their lips parted and Himchan slowly walked into the hotel. "Love you!" he smiled while waving to Yongguk, still shocked, sitting next to the pool.





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Sorry to bother but i hooe you update! i hope youre okay...
Youngminkwangmin #2
Chapter 16: please update!!!! i need 2 knkw what happens!!! i m so in love with Banghim rite now
Chapter 16: Yeah true true, Daehyun's biggest problem kekekeke XD
Chapter 16: Yeah DaeJae appeared yeaaah :) I missed the ,,love starting " part but this was amazing too :) ...and know is just JongLo missing and everything will be perfect :) :) author-nim hwaiting :)
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: Yaayyyyy for daejae... just adore daejae!!!
shinoside #6
Chapter 16: Heheh now we got some Daejae action
Chapter 16: lol ^^ when the wolfs are not here it's a mess lol
Chapter 16: omo this is daejae! yippie my sweet yet daejae <3
and yeah it's sad they can't get together fufufuf
Chapter 15: Oh my..... Zelo don't do anythong stupid...

So Zelo likes Yongguk?? Sorry got confused but it wounld be fun if it was Himchan .... hihihihi
Chapter 11: What?? Did Himchan hit his head somewhere??... kekekeke