The only thing we need

I just love you

It was time now.

Their time in Thailand was short, but more enjoyable than ever. They learn lots of things and build new relationships. No matter how much they were going to miss Thailand, they felt empty without their hometown. They were excited, it was now time to go back to Seoul.

The members were nervous, because they knew, once they arrive at Seoul, the group's omma, Himchan, wasn't going to keep promoting with them due to his injury, all of them were going to miss him, he is part of the B.A.P family, the dongsaengs clearly didn't know what they were gonna do without him.

"Who is going to cook my meals?!", a desperate Daehyun asked for the whole flight back to Seoul. 

"Who is gonna take me shopping?!" Jongup hugged his hyungs healthy arm all day, enjoying some last moments with him before he went onto that hiatus.

"Who...Aw never mind I can't do this...Guys, please stop being such drama queens!" an ironic Younjae laughed at the other's behavior on the way to the dorm. They were already in Korea by then, they were now on a taxi, driving slowly to the dorm.

Yongguk couldn't help but laugh at the younger's behavior, they were just adorable, they looked like some kids on their first day at kindergarden, a day, without mom.

Probably the one that was going to miss Himchan the most was none other than Yongguk, he was now Himchan's official boyfriend, something that made him more than happy.

All those times, all those moments they had to face, just to finally settle and become happy.

That relationship was lovely, they both enjoy the time they spend together, alone. 

But there was something that still worried the leader, was he ever going to tell that to the rest of the members?

"Nah not now", he only cared about enjoying it, he knew he was deeply in love with his friend, he didn't wanted that to end, never.


"C'mon guys don't be so sentimental, you're just making this hard" Himchan grinned.

He struggled, but he finally was let go by his dongsaengs.

Yongguk was going to drive Himchan to his parents home, so he could rest there until his hannd healed completely. 

Jongup and Junhong headed to their school, trying to recover themselves, because of the long trip they had, they obviously missed a lot of classes.

And with that, Youngjae and Daehyun were left alone in the dorm.

But the worst part was, Daehyun...was hungry.


"Stop insisting! I'm not cooking for you!" an annoyed Youngjae whined.

"Why not?" he asked, "You have a long time you don't cook!" Daehyun smirked.

"I...have never cooked before" he said, looking embarrassed, "After all...Himchan hyung is in charge of that!".

The two members knew they were in trouble, none of them knew how to cook, and both of them were so hungry that time. What were they gonna do?

They had no money to order something, quite a luck they had.

They were annoyed, cooking something was probably the only thing they could do.

Both of them search like crazy for something edible on the fridge, but everything they needed to be cooked.

After a long search they both had no choice, they were going to cook that soup. Yeah, they found a soup, it looked like they needed to add fine cut vegetables and boiled water.

"Peace of cake" Youngjae cheered enthusiaticly, "Please don't talk about cake right now" Daehyun looked annoyed again.

"I'm in charge of boiling the water and preparing the noodles, you cut the vegetables" the younger was someone bossy and loved to take lead, he sometimes wondered why he wasn't B.A.P's leader.

"I mean, I'm obviously more handsome than Yongguk" he thought.

Indeed he was arrogant.

The kitchen looked like a complete mess, no matter how careful they were, they always ended up dropping something.

Youngjae's attempt of boiling the water was a huge sucess, but maybe not so huge, Youngjae just keep showing it off, it started to annoy Daehyun.

The older on the other side, well, he was lost. His vegetables look awfully cut. His first attempt of cutting them was a complete fail, he made sort of a "smashed tomato".

Youngjae turned off the stove and went to check what was his partner doing. And then he saw the mess.

"Ah hyung! For being an older person you're such a pabo!" he laughed loudly, Daehyun just gave hima glare, quickly shutting the other's mouth.

"Ok fine, let me help you", the younger position himself on the back of Daehyun, he placed his arms around the other's waist and he hold his hands, slowly moving them in the way he needed to slice the vegetables.

Youngjae's neck was hurting, so he quickly rest his neck on the other's shoulder. 

This made the older blushed notoriously.

Daehyun could felt his heart beat faster than ever, he remembered then all those things they spended together when they were rookies.

They were a couple.

Lots of people got suspicious about all that DaeJae thing, but most of them thought of it just as skinship, but what people didn't know, was the secrets behind it.

Youngjae loved Daehyun since the first time they met. Daehyun loved himback. He loved those little chubby cheeks more than anything.

They always teased each other, shamelessly showing it to the world. 

Every member knew about it. At first they didn't accept it, but it took time for all of the to finally understand whatever was going on between those two.

They shared everything together, they even end up sleeping in the same room.

It was beautiful, both of them wanted to last forever.

But, for them, it was just not that easy.

With all the promotions and rehearsals they had to make during the No Mercy era, their relationship kind of crashed.

They didn't have enough time to spend with each other. The group was getting more popular everytime and it was just so difficult for them to be together.

Both cried, a lot during that time. But then they finally came with the decision to broke up.

The group was dissapointed, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Youngjae and Daehyun decided to remain friends, after all they were both on the same team. No feeling involved anymore.

Everything change when the One Shot era started, all that BangJae skinship on the video and the performances made Daehyun somehow, jealous.

And now here he is, blushing by a simple hug. There was nothing he could do, his desire of just kissing that boy was haunting him that moment.

His hads turned sweaty, his breathing was getting heavy. A knot appeared in his throat, he needed to, he wanted to.

He then dropped the knife and turned, imprisoning his partner in a tight hug, leading to a passionate kiss.

Daehyun felt relief, he finally did what he wanted. But, what surprised him the most, was how his partner corresponded to the kiss.

They stood there for a few minutes, sharing a long, soft kiss. Youngjae then opened his mouth to let the older one explore it with his tongue. Their bodies were touching, they were holding each other's waists, getting everytime more and more close.

The silence ruled the place. It was, something they both wanted it to happen long time ago.

"About time", the younger thought, letting out a soft smirk.

Their lips parted and both took a deep breath and look into each other's eyes, giving strong glares, filled with lust, love and desire.

Daehyun then carried his now lover in his arms, on their way to his bedroom.

Both of them knew what was next, they weren't regretting anything, they wanted this to happen, to be together again, was probably the only thing they needed, to be happy.

The last thing heard on the dorm was a slight click, someone locked a door, and we knew who it was.

They prepared for what was coming next, they didn't care if their hyung returned home early, all they cared, was about themselves, back again.


"Did you guys like it? Lol what happens at the dorm when Himchan is not there to set control Haha! ^^ Well this is a little mini episode gift for all the DaeJae fans out there!! I'll update soon to continue with the rest of the story, thanks for all the support so far and for the subscriptions and upvotes!!"

Don't forget to comment your opinion!! 

Thanks so much ^^.



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Sorry to bother but i hooe you update! i hope youre okay...
Youngminkwangmin #2
Chapter 16: please update!!!! i need 2 knkw what happens!!! i m so in love with Banghim rite now
Chapter 16: Yeah true true, Daehyun's biggest problem kekekeke XD
Chapter 16: Yeah DaeJae appeared yeaaah :) I missed the ,,love starting " part but this was amazing too :) ...and know is just JongLo missing and everything will be perfect :) :) author-nim hwaiting :)
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: Yaayyyyy for daejae... just adore daejae!!!
shinoside #6
Chapter 16: Heheh now we got some Daejae action
Chapter 16: lol ^^ when the wolfs are not here it's a mess lol
Chapter 16: omo this is daejae! yippie my sweet yet daejae <3
and yeah it's sad they can't get together fufufuf
Chapter 15: Oh my..... Zelo don't do anythong stupid...

So Zelo likes Yongguk?? Sorry got confused but it wounld be fun if it was Himchan .... hihihihi
Chapter 11: What?? Did Himchan hit his head somewhere??... kekekeke