
I just love you

Finally an update ^^ Sorry for taking too long, i've been busy with school and stuff, hope you like! :D This is probably the longest chapter I've ever made.



The van stopped closed to what looked to be a beautiful restaurant, with a big garden, filled with amazing shiny lights, decorating every wall and tree in there.

The 7 men looked more than handsome that night, becoming the eye candy of the multiple woman that spotted them in the entrance.

They choosed a table close to a window, to admire the garden more likely. They sat down and waited to be attended by a waiter.

The maknae looked very excited, he was wearing a black suit like the rest of his hyungs, except with a ridiculous amount of hair gel his hyungs put on his purplish hair, just for fun. It was Zelo's first time in that kind of dinner, so elegant, and classy.


As they waited to be served, the laughs and talks started. None of them couldn't resist but laugh loudly due to Daehyun's and Yougnjae's interminable jokes. Those to were so silly.

Their time in Thailnad was over, and even though it was short, lots of things and new experiences happened there. It was probably more exciting than anything that happened back at their country in a month. They will never forget it. Somehow the ambient was better between members now. Yongguk felt a lot better after what happened between him and Himchan.

He was in love. 

Yongguk couldn't take his eyes away from him for the whole dinner, giving him small smiles and discreat winks during it, making the younger blush lightly everytime he realised.

That was some feast.

Dinner was over, the boys and Manager Kang started conversing and joking around, saying all kinds of jokes.

"Hyung why don't we go have a drink?" Daehyun asked playfully to the Manager. He obviously rejected, after all they were minor aged guys with them.

Yongguk smiled at his dongsaengs joke, lightly amused. He then grabbed his partner's hand from under the table. It was obviously Himchan. Both of them make sure no one spotted them, kindly holding each other's hand tighly but gently.

But there was some suspicions coming from the maknae, who managed to realised their hyung's actions. He turned curious, quietly laughing, thinking of it as a joke.

He then turned suspicious. The idea of his hyungs going out repulse him, it was such a silly thought. 

No! What was he thinking, those were weird thoughts, their hyungs couldn't be dating, obviously, they were just so close to each other, it was all his imagination, or so, he thought.

Junhong just ignored that fact and eventually ended up forgetting about it.

Lots of jokes were told in that table. Jokes about almost everything, Himchan's injury, Daehyun's excesisve appetite, Zelo's habit of talking when sleeping and many more embarrassing things.

It was so much fun.

Sadly, all of that had to come to an end.

All of them ride the van and made their way back to the hotel.

Once back in the hotel's front door, all of them decided to start packing tomorrow, and use all of the remaining of the night, to rest and sleep like the lazy bears they are.

They all made their way back to their respective rooms, everyone but the two oldest ones of the group, who stayed conversing at the side of the pool, outside.

"Aw, Guk, I'm tired, let's talked tomorrow, let's go inside now" he whined playfully, making a cute expression. This made Yongguk smiled, he really loved how Himchan could be so cute sometimes.

The older poked the other's cheek, while pulling him closer to him. Their eyes met, making the younger embarassed, he started laughing quietly due of this. Yongguk gave a strong glare to the other. They stood there for a few minutes, until the younger tried to stop facing him, just to be pulled by the older, leading to a passionate kiss.

Himchan put his hands around the other's shoulder, closing his eyes. Yongguk hold the younger's waist, pulling him closer, so their bodies would touch.

Guk hold on Himchan's hair and deepen the kiss. The younger whined, and Yongguk used this to quickly let his tongue in.

Silence ruled the place. Both of them stood there, not being able to be apart, still sharing that special kiss.

Himchan felt the need to breath, so he break the kiss.

"Wanna go get some coffee? I know you'll love that" the older asked playfully, showing that well known gummy smile.

Both hold their hands and walked towards the closest coffee shop, smiling and laughing during the way to it.


The shocked look on the young boy's face was clear. His breathing turned difficult, he couldn't believe what his eyes had just saw, so, everything was true after all. All that he had thought was real. It was clear what happened there, between those two, there was something going on.

The tall figure of Zelo watching from inside the hotel, wasn't spotted by the hyungs.

He was confused, shocked, he didn't know what to do.

"Should I tell Daehyun hyung?" he asked himself, sounding insecure and unsure.

The maknae quickly made his way to his hyung's room, running his way up the big stairs of the hotel.

When he arrived, he was about to knocked the door, but something stopped him. He was hesitating, he wasn't clear about, well, anything.

Somehow he felt hurt. An awful pain was felt inside his chest. He had a knot in his throat. He was in pain.

But, why?

He always loved Yongguk more like an older brother, then why did it made him so jealous to watch those two together?

He was pissed. He made his hand a fist, holding his anger. Keeping him from explode, screaming.

Then, kneeling down on that floor's hallway, he curled in a fetal position and cried that pain out.

The tears slide from his pale white cheeks.

Jongup heard the weeps from outside, and went out to check. He then found his roommate crying, in a corner of that hotel's hallway.

He looked worried, and quickly hugged the younger. Trying to stop him from keep on crying.

"Junhong-ah, what's wrong?! Answer me!" the older asked, getting no answer from Zelo.

Did, everything that happened between his hyungs meant, he was going to watch them together all day, foolishly hiding that secret?

The wind blowed from the opened window in the maknae line's room. Jongup had given up to interrogate his partner, so he went back to sleep.

Zelo stood there, looking through the window, with a cold glare in his face, watching how his hyungs just entered the building.


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Sorry to bother but i hooe you update! i hope youre okay...
Youngminkwangmin #2
Chapter 16: please update!!!! i need 2 knkw what happens!!! i m so in love with Banghim rite now
Chapter 16: Yeah true true, Daehyun's biggest problem kekekeke XD
Chapter 16: Yeah DaeJae appeared yeaaah :) I missed the ,,love starting " part but this was amazing too :) ...and know is just JongLo missing and everything will be perfect :) :) author-nim hwaiting :)
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: Yaayyyyy for daejae... just adore daejae!!!
shinoside #6
Chapter 16: Heheh now we got some Daejae action
Chapter 16: lol ^^ when the wolfs are not here it's a mess lol
Chapter 16: omo this is daejae! yippie my sweet yet daejae <3
and yeah it's sad they can't get together fufufuf
Chapter 15: Oh my..... Zelo don't do anythong stupid...

So Zelo likes Yongguk?? Sorry got confused but it wounld be fun if it was Himchan .... hihihihi
Chapter 11: What?? Did Himchan hit his head somewhere??... kekekeke