Some time alone

I just love you

Himchan woke up at late 11 in the morning, he was still tired, and his hand itch, he didn't know what to do now that s where not around. 

He took a shower, after that his mind was completly out, he remember Yongguk's gentle kiss. He couldn't help it, he knew he was once again in love with him.

Himchan started daydreaming, remembering those times when they were promoting Warrior, when he used to flirt with Yongguk plublicly, no one seemed to suspect, everyone thought it was all fanservice.

Having Yongguk always so close to him, hugging him, it makes his heart skip a beat, he loved him, he didn't mind the fanservice, he actually like it.

"I'm hungry" he said, he then got up from the chair he was sitting on and decided to look for something on the small fridgeof the bedroom, "Huh...What is this?" he seemed surprised, he then grabbed a plate of frozen kimchi out of the fridge, it seemed to have a note.

"Just making sure you eat something, I left your medicine on top of the fridge, take care,


That was probably enough to brighten Himchan's mood, he had a big but cute smile on his face, he also blushed a little, that was perhaps the first time he felt like that because such a small thing like a note.

He used the microwave to cook the meal, he then started feeding himself, It was hard at the beggining due to his injured arm, but Himchan didn't gave up, after all, being this a "gift" from Yongguk, it just made him feel excited about it, no matter how silly that sounded.

After he end his meal he sat on his bed in silence, staring at the T.V probably for hours.


Himchan woke up, probably he fell asleep while watching T.V. He had abosolutely nothing to do anymore, yes, he was bored, he missed the members, Himchan then started blamming himself for all of this, he knew it was his fault, he felt guilty.

He then started browsing the web in search of something to entertain himself with. Himchan read some new and gossip about B.A.P, nothing seemed to catch his attention though, until, he found fanfics. At first he thought it was such a silly thing, well, that was probably because he was reading some DaeJae fics, but then, he found the BangHim fics...

Himchan felt so embarassed after reading a few of them...Did the fans really imagine him doing that kind of stuff with their leader? he blushed, he felt somehow ty, which uncomfort him at first.

Then he found the BangLo fics, which made Himchan got a little upset, I mean why did the fans write such lovey-dovey stuff about Yongguk and Zelo? "Too much fluff" he thought, "And why so much with me? Do I really give that kind of....impressions?" he felt embarrassed.

He then to end found the HimUp fics. "Wha...What is this? Oh my gee I would never do that to my favorite dongsaeng! I'll just make sure Jongup NEVER read this things...his mind is still innocent....I hope..." he smirked.

"Ah!" he whimper "I need to stop reading this stuff, They're unaccurate! But I must admit some fans are talented, I mean, how was possible for them to capture such a lot of sides of my beauty?" he chuckled.

Himchan looked to the clock, he wanted to know if he had already killed enough time, "5 o clock?!" he complained, "Not enough! Oh my...I feel like I've been her for eternity!, Oh the guys aren't coming back until perhaps midnight....WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHILE WAITING?!" he screamed.

He then thought "Well....the guys might be at Music Bank Thailand by now....Maybe I can pay them a visit! Yeah that's what I'll do!"

Himchan got himself changed into decent clothes, he put some perfume on and comb his hair, he was now ready to go, but the only thing he was concerned about, what if he gets lost? To make sure none of that happens he dowloaded a map of the city on his phone, probably that would be enough to ensure his safe walk to Music Bank.

But, we all know that wasn't as easy as it sounded....

What will happen to him?


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Sorry to bother but i hooe you update! i hope youre okay...
Youngminkwangmin #2
Chapter 16: please update!!!! i need 2 knkw what happens!!! i m so in love with Banghim rite now
Chapter 16: Yeah true true, Daehyun's biggest problem kekekeke XD
Chapter 16: Yeah DaeJae appeared yeaaah :) I missed the ,,love starting " part but this was amazing too :) ...and know is just JongLo missing and everything will be perfect :) :) author-nim hwaiting :)
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: Yaayyyyy for daejae... just adore daejae!!!
shinoside #6
Chapter 16: Heheh now we got some Daejae action
Chapter 16: lol ^^ when the wolfs are not here it's a mess lol
Chapter 16: omo this is daejae! yippie my sweet yet daejae <3
and yeah it's sad they can't get together fufufuf
Chapter 15: Oh my..... Zelo don't do anythong stupid...

So Zelo likes Yongguk?? Sorry got confused but it wounld be fun if it was Himchan .... hihihihi
Chapter 11: What?? Did Himchan hit his head somewhere??... kekekeke