There Is No Such Thing As An End

You and I Are Fiction

120 Days Until He Dissappeared

“What ?” Jun Hyung couldn’t feel his fingertips. “You want me to what ?”

“I thought I already said it clearly,” the man behind the wooden table leant on his chair casually. Although Jun Hyung’s boss showed off his relax attitude, he didn’t know how hard it was for him to make that decision. But the pressure and the fact had said it all. “I ask you to leave this group.”

“But...why ? The songs were not good enough for you ? My health issue ?” Jun Hyung couldn’t take the sudden non-sense. “Boss, this group needs me.”

“You need yourself, Yong Jun Hyung,” the boss said. “Get a grip and start your own dream ! I know you always want to do something different. Now I give you the freedom.”

“But I don’t want it anymore,” Jun Hyung didn’t resist himself that time. “I’ve been with them since our training days ! You can’t just kick me away like this !”

“Yes I can,” the middle aged man threw a teenage magazine in front of Jun Hyung. He took and read the opened page. An article about him and Joon. A picture that captured him and Joon walked together when they’re leaving the hospital. Joon put his arm around Jun Hyung’s shoulders, helped him getting into the car. The notes said something about Joon visited them everyday and several comments about they’re dating. Jun Hyung could only swallow his saliva.

“I’ve been hiding this thing from everyone else. Other agencies and medias asked me about this, what am I supposed to say to them ? That you’re actually dating ?!” his boss rose his voice in anger. “To be honest with you, I don’t really care if you are, but I can’t stand all the hates and negatives things they’ve said about this company.”

“So, I’m the one who needs to back off ?” Jun Hyung asked, his eyes kept staring at the article. He started remembering all the care and love Joon gave to him when he’s sick. He did it selflessy. Although Joon was tired with all his hectic schedules, he never complained about taking care of Jun Hyung’s health. If only he didn’t get sick. If only he listened to all the people who cared about his health. If only he wasn’t too selfish.

“Why ask ? Do you want me to end Lee Joon’s career instead ? If you do, I can do it in a snap, Jun Hyung,” his boss replied. “I could blame him and his company and make them stay away from your group, rearrange their schedule so both groups will never bump to each other anymore. You know how suspicious the fans are, right ? They’ll start rumors and say bad things towards these two bands, and let’s see who’s going down first...But of course I’ll pick side and safe all of you.”

“It’s...too fictitious,” Jun Hyung almost lost his sense.

“Isn’t it ? But it can really happen,” the boss made his point again, “Unless you have a better solution to deal with this thing. There’s nothing impossible in this industry, Yong Jun Hyung.”

“Can you...give me sometime to think about it ?” Jun Hyung made an offer. “At least let us finish our comeback until we end up the promotions.”

“Sure,” he opened the door for Jun Hyung, “I’m not that evil to let you leave this company without any pocket money.”


Leaving his boss’s office with burden heart, Jun Hyung realized his mind had been destracted since he’s getting closer to Lee Joon. He did write lyrics better than before, but his mental was not as steady as before. He easily got touched by cheesy things, he’d been dragged into Joon’s thougtfulness and left his cold mind behind. Although he almost found the meaning of happiness, he had to deal with the reality that happy ending might never come between them. It’s time for him to choose.

“Ya, Yong Jun Hyung, where have you been ?” with his cheerful attitude, Yang Yoseob grabbed Jun Hyung’s arm to the dance studio. The music already started and the other B2ST members already warmed up themselves.

“What’s wrong with you ?” Doo Joon patted Jun Hyung’s back to give him a support.

Jun Hyung threw a smile at Doo Joon, the leader who didn’t know anything yet. Jun Hyung himself had no guts to tell his conversation with their boss earlier. He’s afraid Doo Joon would be annoyed and make unnecessary debate with his boss. He didn’t want to put Doo Joon, or other B2ST members, in any trouble for defending him. Maybe, just maybe, without himself knowing, Jun Hyung already made a decision. “Nothing,” Jun Hyung finally answered Doo Joon’s question.

“Really ?” Doo Joon frowned. “Did the boss say something bad to you ?”

“As usual,” Jun Hyung tightened his shoes. “You know him, he always says everything he wants.”

“I know, but you don’t have to agree with all the things he said,” Doo Joon replied. “He said it because he cares about you. He wants us to be the best in everything we do, although we have to sacrifice several my eating habit.”

Jun Hyung laughed. Doo Joon really knew how to cheer him up. Despite all the prejudices he had before, Jun Hyung knew Doo Joon cared about him.

“Yoon Doo Joon, did you ever fall in love ?” Jun Hyung suddenly changed the topic.

“What the heck is this !?” Doo Joon shoutted. “Are you confessing your love now ?”

“It’s not like that !” Jun Hyung punched the leader’s shoulder. “I mean, if you really love somebody, will you do anything to make hi—her happy ?”

“Well, of course,” Doo Joon answered without hesitation.

“Even if you have to feel the pain alone ? You’ll do anything to make her happy, although you’re not gonna be by her side anymore ?!” Jun Hyung hope Doo Joon would change his answer.

“That’s too innocent and childish...”

Jun Hyung was stunned. “You’re right...that sounds stupid, right ?”

“Go back with better ideas for our upcoming songs, Yong Jun Hyung,” Doo Joon patted Jun Hyung’s back for the second time. “Stop writing cheesy lyrics.”

Doo Joon helped Jun Hyung to get up. They began to practice their dance moves with the other.

In the middle of the dance practice, Yoon Doo Joon suddenly realized : maybe Jun Hyung was talking about Joon ? He had heard all the rumors and people whispered weird things behind his back. Doo Joon didn’t care about it at first, but the thought came up again. Did Jun Hyung try to tell him something ?


“My phone ?” Joon asked, repeating the question which was given by his manager.

“Yeah, the company wanted you to get rid of it,” his manager reached out his hand and asked for the stuff.

“But why ? I don’t use it as often as before anymore,” Joon replied while he was looking for his cellphone.

“About all of these rumors...You and Jun Hyung,” the manager didn’t hide his thought this time.

Joon was surprised at his words. “What ?”

“Come on, everybody knew what happened between you two,” he continued, lowered his voice, “The media and the fans just wait for you to admit it.”

Hyung,” Joon meant to defend himself, but his manager stopped him.

“Listen, Joon-ah, I’m not gonna ask it again. I’m not gonna interfer your privacy. It’s good to know that you’ve become someone’s strength. But the situation is not right for you now, okay ? You guys are gonna comeback soon, and it will consume your whole energy and attention. It’s for your own sake,” the manager persuaded him well. “At least until everything settle down.”

If Joon wanted to be honest with himself, he couldn’t ignore all the scorn faces people made when they saw him. Having Jun Hyung in his life was not a mistake at all, but he had jobs to be done. Jun Hyung was busy with his own schedules too, so he would understand.

Joon turned off his cellphone and easily gave it to his manager. He didn’t think that it would also turn off everything he had with Jun Hyung. Time would tell.



the effect of listening to Last Luv in repeat... such a melancholy song~

will post the header later, photobucket is friendly today~

i think it's too cheesy and boring, but comments ? ^^

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charlot #1
Chapter 15:'ve got to make a sequel and its joonho! hear our clamor authornim!
Chapter 15: i just found this today...and wow!
this is really make my heart move..
even though it's weird to see Joon n Junhyung story...
but well you make it nice!
and the last word, is there a sequel for JoonxSeungho?
Coz u leave a question there~
satrina7 #3
Chapter 15: yes I second woorapz comment, lets move to JoonxSeungho story
The angst moved me so much; this pairing really new for me but it's an awesome story T__T *sobs; I love Seungho characters here thou he's minor; let's move to JoonxSeungho next XDD good job dea!
bromeliad #5
It's like you drag me through sadness, and then there's sunlight and happiness and omg I just smile widely beca use Junhyung's finally healthy and happy and... boom. You're so cruel cruel cruel aisshhhhhhhhhhhh.

And the part when Junhyung announced his decision to leave Beast, or when he watched other members practicing. It genuinely breaks my heart.

I hate you :-<
naznew #6
so sad...
this is frustrating but awesome story anyway. i cried along during junhyung's last minute of life
this story ...<br />
made me cry ..<br />
the way i cried when i lost my puppy ...<br />
and even though i look like an idiot to my family ..<br />
i couldn't care less
Aww although i got the stroy late but i rad it in one go and the end is really sad~ <br />
And your story is good