You And I That Hasn’t Ended

You and I Are Fiction

190 Days Before He Dissappeared

Jun Hyung smiled at his phone screen, couldn’t hide the grin that automatically showed everytime he got a message from Joon. Joon might only ask how’s his health today or tell him to work hard. There were no particular sweet words from him, Jun Hyung understood Joon was too timid to say cute things. Although he wanted to say lots of things, at the end Joon showed his care through ordinary way like other people did.

Jun Hyung was lying on the floor inside the dance studio. He’s having a break time before the dance practice started again. Since he’s getting closer to Joon, Jun Hyung rarely collapsed during rehearsal or after performing on stage. The other members were surprised by his health improvement. But the positive changes was followed by negative effect. Now Jun Hyung mostly spent his time hiding at the corner, texting and calling Joon everytime he got a chance.

DooJoon got complains from the other member, but he didn’t know how to approach Jun Hyung. He started excluding himself and always looked busy doing random things. Although DooJoon was happy that Jun Hyung finally could smile again and slightly forgot his illness, but he couldn’t stand the way he act toward his own bandmates. Like they were only a breeze who passed by.

When they finally went back to the dorm, Doo Joon presumed himself to talk to Jun Hyung.

“JunHyung-ah,” DooJoon addressed Jun Hyung who’s resting on his bed, still texting. “I need to talk to you.”

“I’m tired, can we talk about it tomorrow ?” Jun Hyung ignored DooJoon without even looking at his face.

“But this has been bothering me for days,” DooJoon moved closer and closed the door behind him. He didn’t want the other members to listen to their conversation. “The other members are feeling it too.”

“What is it ?” Jun Hyung threw a bored sigh, showing that he’s actually not interested at all.

“This,” DooJoon stole the phone from JunHyung’s hands. “Look, we’re happy that you’ve become healthier now, but please could you stop checking your phone every minute ? With whom you texted anyway ?”

“It’s...Joonie hyung,” JunHyung answered.

“Joonie hyung ??! But you meet him in every music stations, almost everyday !? MBLAQ is currently promoting their songs right now, so are we ! There were lots of chances for you to talk to him in the backstage, there’s no need to text him every minute !!”

“Why are you so mad about it ? Friends do that all the time,” Jun Hyung reached out to grab his phone, but DooJoon repulsed. “Give it back, that’s mine.”

“No,” DooJoon gave him intense gaze, he became more serious that time. “I’ll give it back to you if you promise to stop texting Joon-hyung when we’re practicing at the studio or any B2ST activities that need your full attention. You can text him on your spare time. I have to do this for the sake of this group. Do you understand me ?”

“I do,” Jun Hyung shortly answered, “Geez, you’re scary. You know how much B2ST means to me.”

DooJoon gave back the phone, but inside he couldn’t believe Jun Hyung’s promise about focusing on their work. That friend who couldn’t open his heart now suddenly getting more closer to the person he barely talked to the most before. DooJoon was happy that JunHyung found a friend that could listen and care about him, but their sudden closeness might ruin everything. DooJoon had to keep his eyes on JunHyung.


183 Days Before He Dissappeared

DooJoon is acting weird.

JunHyung felt uncomfortable during their rehearsal and dance practice sessions. Since he had a conversation with the leader few days ago, Doo Joon had not stopped keeping his eyes on him, even when he used the phone to order a dinner for his fellow members. And everytime JunHyung was on the phone with Lee Joon, DooJoon pretended that he coughed to disturb their conversation. It was annoying. Once JunHyung lost his phone after talking to Joon for couple hours. He found out later that DooJoon hid his phone under his pillow. When JunHyung meant to confront DooJoon to complain about his weird act, he pretended that he didn’t hear anything and ignore him. Who’s being ridiculous now ?

“What’s wrong with DooJoon ?” Joon whispered at Jun Hyung while they were standing on the stage to end the music show. The music and cheers were racing each other, Joon had to lift up his voice so Jun Hyung can hear him. He’s happy that Jun Hyung didn’t feel awkward around him anymore. But everytime he made a contact with JunHyung, DooJoon stared at him with his eagle eyes. “He keeps staring at me like I’m a criminal.”

“Just ignore him,” Jun Hyung wiped sweat on his forehead, “He’s frustrating me lately. He just doesn’t like the fact that I’m close to you lately.”

“Really ?” Joon dropped his jaw. “Now somebody cares about you then he felt threatened that I’m gonna take you away from him ? What a considerate leader.”

Jun Hyung snorted,“If you were me, you’d say otherwise.”

After the recording ended, all the performers walked back to their own dressing room. Although theirs was on the opposite way, Jun Hyung looked spoiled at Joon by circling his arms on Joon’s waist, making people started noticing their closeness. But the targets didn’t realize that they’d become a centre of attention for people around them.

DooJoon with all of his suspicious mind about what’s happening between them, walked faster and seperated them. He grabbed JunHyung’s shoulder, making him turned his body, “Jun Hyung-ah, let’s go back to our dressing room.”

“I’ll catch up later. There’s something that I want to talk to Joon-hyung,” Jun Hyung swept DooJoon’s palm from his shoulder.

“Just pack your things first, then you can talk to him,” DooJoon insisted, dragging Jun Hyung to his direction.

“What the , Yoon Doo Joon, you’re not my boss !” Jun Hyung yelled, attracting more people to watch them fighting. “You’ve been bothering me with your weird act lately, now would you let me catching some air for myself ? Geez.”

Jun Hyung grabbed Joon’s wrist and drew him away from the narrow hallway. They dissappeared between the crowds who already made noises, questioning what just happened there. Doo Joon could only roll his eyes, couldn’t believe that Yong Jun Hyung would be so selfish. He wondered why it’s hard for Jun Hyung to understand the situation between him and Joon. They would create bigger mistakes in the future.

Following Jun Hyung to the basement, Joon lost his breath for running like crazy. He didn’t understand why Jun Hyung did that, Doo Joon didn’t chase them either. Jun Hyung pressed his chest which felt like burning, but he held back the sudden pain. Maybe it’s because I was practicing late, he said to himself.

“Oh,” Joon was checking his cellphone, “my manager’s calling.”

“Don’t answer—” Jun Hyung tried to stop him, but Joon was faster.

“Hello, hyung ? Ah...right, I’m with Jun Hyung right now,” Joon glanced at Jun Hyung for a second. “Yes, we’re at the basement—”

Jun Hyung suddenly took Joon’s phone and disconected the phone call. “Ya, Yong Jun Hyung, that phone is mine !” Joon yelled at Jun Hyung’s annoying behavior. He didn’t know why he acted weird that day.

“And you’re mine !”

Joon paused at Jun Hyung’s words. The guy infront of him, with sweats all over his body after running, unexpectedly looked so fragile because of his words. He stared at Joon with his deep eyes, like he wanted to say everything he never said, but still couldn’t find a right way to throw it all.

“Jun Hyung-ah,” Joon walked closer and put his palms around Jun Hyung’s neck, “don’t be like this.”

From a far, both of them could hear somebody was calling Joon’s name. It was his manager who was looking for him after Jun Hyung turned off the call. Noticing the manager was close to where they’re standing, Jun Hyung held Joon’s arms again and dragged him to hide.

For once, he wanted to be selfish. He wanted Joon to be his without anyone else interupting. He pulled Joon to hide behind the car at the corner of the basement. Their chest moved upside down after running, but for Jun Hyung the pain was worse. He’s dizzy, got a panic attack because he actually couldn’t breathe easily. But he didn’t want Joon to know.

“Why are we even hiding here ?” Joon asked the question that supposed to be answered together.

But Jun Hyung, ignoring the pain and the question, just grabbed Joon and pulled him to the corner. “I said,” he tried hard to control his breath, “you’re mine.”

Without spending too much time to talk, Jun Hyung moved forward and kissed Joon roughly on the lips. He pushed himself closer to Joon, wrapping his arms around Joon’s body. Jun Hyung didn’t give Joon a chance to move, he just continued embracing him.

Between the kisses and the light moans, Joon tried hard to stop him. For a guy with average body size, Jun Hyung had strength. Although he admitted that his kisses were nice as usual, Joon couldn’t stop cringing at Jun Hyung who seemed to be hasty. It was less fun than before, the way Jun Hyung did it just made Joon started questioning Jun Hyung’s purposes for making out that time.

“Somebody could see us anytime,” Joon whispered, pushed Jun Hyung away.

“I don’t care anymore,” Jun Hyung kept moving forward, “I just want you.”

He moved lower and kissed Joon’s neck, holding his arms to the wall. But when Joon almost gave him back, the pain on his chest was unbearable. Jun Hyung shoutted, gripping his chest which teribbly in pain. He staggered backward, his back hit the wall.

“Jun Hyung-ah, what’s wrong ?” Joon ran to him and held Jun Hyung in his arms.

“My hurts...” he’s so in pain that couldn’t hold back the tears that suddenly started running. His body slipped down to the paving ground. “Hyung, don’t leave”

Jun Hyung grabbed Joon’s shirt hardly that it got ripped. But Joon realized something went wrong when Jun Hyung’s grip suddenly weakened. His arms which roughly touched his neck few seconds ago, it suddenly fell down to the ground. Jun Hyung’s body didn’t move. His breaths was increasingly dissappearing.

Joon could only hug him tightly within his arms, while screaming for help.



sorry for the late update~ >.<

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charlot #1
Chapter 15:'ve got to make a sequel and its joonho! hear our clamor authornim!
Chapter 15: i just found this today...and wow!
this is really make my heart move..
even though it's weird to see Joon n Junhyung story...
but well you make it nice!
and the last word, is there a sequel for JoonxSeungho?
Coz u leave a question there~
satrina7 #3
Chapter 15: yes I second woorapz comment, lets move to JoonxSeungho story
The angst moved me so much; this pairing really new for me but it's an awesome story T__T *sobs; I love Seungho characters here thou he's minor; let's move to JoonxSeungho next XDD good job dea!
bromeliad #5
It's like you drag me through sadness, and then there's sunlight and happiness and omg I just smile widely beca use Junhyung's finally healthy and happy and... boom. You're so cruel cruel cruel aisshhhhhhhhhhhh.

And the part when Junhyung announced his decision to leave Beast, or when he watched other members practicing. It genuinely breaks my heart.

I hate you :-<
naznew #6
so sad...
this is frustrating but awesome story anyway. i cried along during junhyung's last minute of life
this story ...<br />
made me cry ..<br />
the way i cried when i lost my puppy ...<br />
and even though i look like an idiot to my family ..<br />
i couldn't care less
Aww although i got the stroy late but i rad it in one go and the end is really sad~ <br />
And your story is good