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You and I Are Fiction

181 Days Before He Dissappeared

Yang Seung Ho yawned inside the car. He just finished his schedules at the radio station as guest DJ. Instead of going back to the dorm, he decided to visite Jun Hyung at the hospital. He had known Jun Hyung since high school, but lately it seemed like Seung Ho seeing him as different person. Ever since he’s getting closer to Lee Joon, whenever he’s hanging out with Jun Hyung’s group, Seung Ho noticed that he became more bubbly and cheerful than before. He didn’t know that Jun Hyung also had a problem with his heart. The night when Jun Hyung collapsed two days ago, Joon told him everything about his health problem.

His manager called him to come to the basement. When he’s there, he saw Jun Hyung already laying on the ground, not moving. With all of his strength, Seung Ho carried him while the manager took the car. Joon, who’s still in shock, couldn’t find strength to move his legs.

“Joon-ah, get up, hurry ! We have to go to the hospital !!” Seung Ho yelled. He fixed Jung Hyung’s body who leant on his. “Joon ?”

Seung Ho was shocked at the guy in front of him. Joon sat on the paved floor, his head down, his eyes couldn’t stop staring at his opened  palms. He’s breathing faster, the stuttered voice came out from his mouth. “He’s gone...he’s gone...he’s...” Seung Ho slightly could hear him mumbling.

Lost his patience, Seung Ho took a big step to Joon. He grabbed his collar, their faces were close to each other. “Lee Joon, get a grip !! Jun Hyung is still alive but his body’s weakening !! You better get up now so we can take him to the hospital !!”

Finally got his sense back, Joon got up and helped Seung Ho to carry unconcious Jun Hyung with their hands. The car finally arrived. By the time they opened the sliding door, Joon and Seung Ho turned their head at someone who called their name.

“What happened here ?!” Yoon Doo Joon suddenly appeared. He walked faster to the car, noticed Joon and Seung Ho were holding Jun Hyung. “YA, WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO TO HIM ?!”

“Doo Joon-ah, this is not a right time for this,” Seung Ho guarded Doo Joon who walked to Joon in rage. “Jun Hyung’s not okay right now, move back !!”

“YA, hyung, what did you do to him ?! Tell me now !!” Doo Joon yelled at Joon who already blanked in that situation. Doo Joon reached out and grabbed Joon’s collar. “This is why I don’t want you to get closer to him ! Look what you did !!”

“I didn’t mean to...” Joon stuttered. He stared at Doo Joon in confusion, didn’t know what’s right or wrong. He held his puzzled head.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Seung Ho pushed Doo Joon away from Joon. He stumbled backward and fell to the ground. “Your friend’s unconcious inside this car and you help nothing by creating commotion now ! If you want to come with us now, get your off and sit inside the car in silent !!”

Doo Joon shutted his mouth just like Seung Ho asked him to. He sat on the back seat, holding Jun Hyung’s body from falling off the seat. The manager drove the car as fast as he could.

While they’re sitting on the waiting room, Joon with tears wetted his cheeks explained how Jun Hyung couldn’t take his health issue anymore. Jun Hyung said several times he wanted to give up everything and take a rest. He told Joon that nobody would understand how hard for him to hold the pain everytime he finished singing a song on stage. From Joon’s eyes, Seung Ho realized how Joon tried to support him yet wanna tell Jun Hyung to give up instead. But Joon couldn’t say it, he didn’t have right to say such thing.

Seung Ho, who just sat beside Joon that night, only patted his shoulders. You did the right thing, Joon-ah, Seung Ho said.


Seung Ho finally reached the floor where Jun Hyung got treated. He brought clothes for Joon who had stayed at the hospital for two days. It didn’t mean Joon left all his personal schedules to stay for Jun Hyung who’s still weak. He sincerely went back to the hospital after finishing his job. He didn’t complain about anything and just stayed up late, waiting Jun Hyung to wake up.

Seung Ho peeked inside Jun Hyung’s room and found the sleeping body on the bed and Joon beside him sitting on the chair. Joon’s upper body was resting at the edge of the bed, while he’s holding Jun Hyung’s arm tightly. Seung Ho tiptoed into the room, didn’t want to wake Joon. The cardiograph showed Jun Hyung’s stable heartbeat although it’s still weak. Seung Ho saw him sleep peacefully, like nothing ever happened before.

He put the bag he carried on the couch, taking couple steps to Joon to wake him up. He shook Joon’s shoulder gently, “Joon-ah, wake up.”

Joon winked his eyes several times before he noticed the person beside him. He was surprised that Seung Ho would be there that early, “Hyung, why are you here ?”

“I just finished my schedule. Look, I brought stuffs for you to change. Wake up, you need to wash yourself. You smell very bad !” Seung Ho tapped Joon’s head like an older brother who took care of his little brother.

Joon walked to the bag Seung Ho pointed. He ped it and grabbed the clothes for him to change.

“How’s he ?” Seung Ho asked, looking at sleeping Jun Hyung. His chest slowly moved up and down.

“He’s great. The doctor said he already woke up yesterday. He told him that he needs more time to rest,” Joon answered while looking so happy finding a soap there. “If his body’s condition gets better, he can go home earlier.”

“Right. I called his mom already. She’s on her way here,” Seung Ho replied.

Joon got stunned, turning his head to Seung Ho, “His mom ?”

“Yeah,” Seung Ho answered, “You don’t think he’ll comeback to work after what happened, right ?”

“Did his company allow him to leave ?” Joon looked so curious, Seung Ho understood his concern.

“I don’t know about that. I guess the company will allow him to leave, for a while. Jun Hyung might be in hiatus.”

Joon nodded his head laxly. There was no better option for Jun Hyung, he had to take care of his health first before worse thing happen again.

“What is it ?” Seung Ho pushed himself to ask Joon, “You think you’ll have no chance to see him again ?”

Joon was shocked at Seung Ho’s question : did he know ?

Seung Ho’s face suddenly became serious. “Lee Chang Sun, tell me. Do you love him ?”

For Joon, it was the first time in his life that he wasn’t afraid of Seung Ho’s cold glare. He knew that Seung Ho asked him because that leader had taken care of him a lot in the past. Seung Ho just didn’t want Joon to get hurt.

Lee Joon didn’t know what kind of hurricane that would fling him in the future, so he smiled brightly at Seung Ho as the final answer.

The short and sincere answer explained everything already. Deep inside, Seung Ho prayed that Joon would be strong enough to handle all the obstacles.



update, finally !! aing~ feel bad for letting you guys waiting >.<

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charlot #1
Chapter 15: dude..you've got to make a sequel and its joonho! hear our clamor authornim!
Chapter 15: i just found this today...and wow!
this is really make my heart move..
even though it's weird to see Joon n Junhyung story...
but well you make it nice!
and the last word, is there a sequel for JoonxSeungho?
Coz u leave a question there~
satrina7 #3
Chapter 15: yes I second woorapz comment, lets move to JoonxSeungho story
The angst moved me so much; this pairing really new for me but it's an awesome story T__T *sobs; I love Seungho characters here thou he's minor; let's move to JoonxSeungho next XDD good job dea!
bromeliad #5
It's like you drag me through sadness, and then there's sunlight and happiness and omg I just smile widely beca use Junhyung's finally healthy and happy and... boom. You're so cruel cruel cruel aisshhhhhhhhhhhh.

And the part when Junhyung announced his decision to leave Beast, or when he watched other members practicing. It genuinely breaks my heart.

I hate you :-<
naznew #6
so sad...
this is frustrating but awesome story anyway. i cried along during junhyung's last minute of life
this story ...<br />
made me cry ..<br />
the way i cried when i lost my puppy ...<br />
and even though i look like an idiot to my family ..<br />
i couldn't care less
Aww although i got the stroy late but i rad it in one go and the end is really sad~ <br />
And your story is good