Chapter 8: Slightly Back to Normal

Is Love Fate?

Chapter 8


In the surgery room, two doctors were trying to calm down Hana so that they can put her to sleep. Hana’s body kept twitching and would not become stable. Multiple doctors were injecting several shots of drugs to keep her heart rate down and make her body still. Once her body was lying on the table, the doctors put a gas mask on Hana’s mouth and she fell asleep. One nurse placed an oxygen tube onto her nose. The two main doctors began opening Hana’s chest and the surgery began.


Every hour or so, a nurse would come out of the room giving Kai and his grandmother updates about the progression of the surgery. Kai grew more and more worried as the time passed because the surgery wasn’t even halfway over after 5 hours. The doctors’ estimate time for Hana’s heart surgery was more or less than 12 hours. After waiting for so long, Kai decided to take his grandmother back home since it was morning but he gave the nurse his number so that he could receive an update.


After waiting about 12 hours, Kai checked out Grandma Kim and paid for her visit at the hospital. Kai went to help pack his grandma and once he finished, he walked his grandma to the car. He placed all their clothes in the trunk of the car. On the way to his house, he received a phone call from the nurse saying that Hana’s surgery is almost over and has about an hour left. Once he heard the news, he quickly drove his grandma home and jumped into the shower to get ready to see Hana.

When Kai arrived at the hospital, Hana was in a room that was under special care. She was lying on the bed as lifeless as ever. The only hint that was given that she was alive was the monitor placed next to her. Kai watched her and thought, “What if she dies? What am I suppose to do? I have never fell in love and she seems like so much to me already. It has only been a little more than a week.”




Hana, on the other hand, had a dream with Park Jaehyung.


“So, I see that you are opening up to this boy, your soul mate,” Jaehyung eyed Hana.


“I really doubt that I have actually have fallen for him and I doubt that he likes me even more. I bet he pities me right now. I am probably on the verge of death, am I right?” Hana snapped.


“Look at him,” he showed her an image of Kai holding on her hand and staring at her body lovingly. “Tell me that isn’t love.”


“I don’t know what to say because I don’t know what love looks like.”


“You already love his grandma. I will allow you to be alive, for now. Once you have seen that Kai loves you and you love him back, I will bring you back into this hospital bed. Understand?”


“WHY CAN’T I DIE NOW? I have been living miserably for the past 6 years and I don’t think I want to live. I just want to meet my parents again,” Hana cried.


“You will soon realize that Kai is the best gift your parents could even attempt to give you Hana. He may seem like your average teenage boy but he has the heart to love you more than any other boy can.”


“Fine. I won’t die right? What if I really do fall for him? Are you going to just kill me then and there?”


“Oh my god! Of course not, I might just send you to the hospital to prove how much Kai’s love for you will grow but I am not 100% sure if you will actually stay alive,” Jaehyung thought out loud.


Hana just gaped at Jaehyung. “You should be waking up soon. Farewell for now,” Jaehyung walked away and waved.




Hana began to open her eyes and the first this she saw was Kai’s head placed onto her thigh. He was sleeping and she saw the clock, it was past 2am. Hana just observed Kai and began his hair. It seemed to startle Kai and he began to wake up.


He saw Hana, pale yet beautiful. He smiled, “You are up! I am so relieved.” He kept his head on her thigh and looked towards her while speaking.


Hana nodded, “Sorry for scary you and your grandma. Did anything happen when I was on the verge of death?”


“You were in a 13 hours surgery and I hope it was a success. How does your heart feel?” Kai’s face grew concern while staring at Hana’s facial expressions.


She placed a hand onto her chest, “I guess it feels okay.” She looked through her hospital gown and frowned.


“What’s wrong?” Kai scrunched his face.


“There are a lot of cuts and stitches on my chest. Now I am a freak,” Hana sighed. “Well I know Jongsu and Auntie will still love me as me.”


“You will always be beautiful Hana. I like you for who you are,” Kai grabbed her hand and squeezed it to show his certainty.


“Thank you? I think I should call a nurse, my chest and back is aching,” Hana pressed the nurse button and one rushed in to inject painkillers in the IV.


Hana moved a bit over on one side of the bed and patted the empty spot to tell Kai that he should sleep on the bed with her. Hana thought, “He was suppose to be back home, in his warm comfy bed but instead he is here with me. I might as well share a bed with him.


Kai shook his head but Hana scold him, “You are going to sleep here or I won’t sleep tonight. You didn’t have to stay with me… You should have stayed with your grandma.”


“I love my grandma but she understands why I am here…”




“Because…. Hana. I think I have fallen for you and I don’t want to lose you. I want you by my side for now.”


“Lay here. I don’t think you have fallen, maybe it’s out of pity Jongin. I am going to sleep now and if I see you not on my bed when I wake up, I will get Jongsu to beat you up. Night.”




A/N: Hi~~~ I am back. I don't think I will be continuing the OTHER story that I am writing but this story is almost over. THANK YOU. I don't think I will be writing another fanfic under my name anymore. If you actually like my writing style, I will be writing under a request shop called 「BabyAngel's Paradise: One shot with your bias! 」. Right now it is closed but it should be opening soon. I can do any genre except and yuri.... I don't understand how that works.

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FrenchHyerin #1
Chapter 4: Kai and Hana are so sweet together. It feel, well to me that is, that they are really soulmates for the moment. And the fact that Kai is already falling for her prooves it~
And Kai being jealous when he saw Hana with Sehun. This guy is surely cute :p
I'm waiting for your next update! ;)
FrenchHyerin #2
Chapter 2: This story is so nice. Sweet but quite sad also...
I hope the surgery will go well but... I can't help but have a doubt about it... ><"
Chapter 2: hi...i love your story..pls update soon....:)
FrenchHyerin #4
This story seems interesting! :)
Can't wait for the first chapter :)