Chapter 6: An Exciting Wednesday

Is Love Fate?


Chapter 6



It was Wednesday morning and Hana began getting ready for school. Dr. Yoon came into her room to drop off another lunchbox. Hana was doing her hair as Dr. Yoon arrived.


“Did you enjoy your lunchbox yesterday?”


“Of course I did, you are like a mother to me Dr. Yoon. It was so much, I shared with a friend.”


“Is it that boy from down the hall?”


Hana pinked know that Dr. Yoon was talking about Kai. “No, I shared with a different friend who didn’t have lunch yesterday.”


“I heard you paid for Ahreum’s hospital bills last night. That is so kind of you but what about you? Don’t you need the money Hana-ah?”


“There is a 100% chance for her to survive, I have a small chance of surviving and if I do survive, I still have a lot of money left.”


“I am sure nothing wrong will go on during the surgery.”


“I am not too sure Dr. Yoon,” Hana said while clipping the last section of her hair up.


“I made you lunch again. It will be right here and I will see you later Hana-ah,” Dr. Yoon waved and left.


Hana started to pack her school supplies into her backpack and she grabbed her portable heart monitor/iv pouch. She went into the bathroom to put on the medical gear and put on her uniform for school.


Kai walked into her room, “Hana, are you in the bathroom?”


“Yeah! I am changing Jongin. I will be out soon.”


“She is finally opening up to me,” he whispered to himself. “Okay! I will drive you to school today,” he said smiling to himself.


Hana walked out and her phone began to ring. She walked towards the wall where her phone was charging and unplugged her phone, then picked up the phone. “Hello?”


On the other line, Hana’s mother’s friend screamed, “Hana-ah! It’s Jongsu’s birthday today. Can you come over for dinner?”


“Of course! I will go get him a gift today after school. He is my favorite namdongsaeng!”


“Dinner will be done by 7 tonight but do come early Hana-ah!”


“Auntie, I can’t stay late because I am at the hospital but I should ask Dr. Yoon after school. I will beg if I have to go. I have to go to school now, see you later!” Then Hana hung up her phone and began to dial Dr. Yoon’s number. “Dr. Yoon, today is Auntie’s son’s birthday. Is it okay if I leave the hospital from afterschool to 9 tonight? I need to get a gift for Jongsu.”


Dr. Yoon agreed and Hana hung up. She grabbed her school bag and her lunch box. “Are we leaving now Jongin?”


Kai nodded and they began walking to the hospital guest parking lot. Kai opened the trunk to put his stuff in and Hana just hopped into the front seat with her stuff on her lap. Kai smiled at how cute Hana looked with everything on her lap. Kai walked towards the driver’s seat and he opened the door. He got in, put on his seat belt, started the car, and began driving to school.


Hana’s phone beeped and she read the text message. It was from Sehun and it said, “Hey Hana! I wanted to thank you for sharing food with me yesterday and I brought you breakfast! I will meet you at your locker.” Hana smiled a bit because she forgot to get breakfast.


“Who was that?” Kai said while turning into the school’s parking lot.


“Oh. It is no one. Thank you for the ride,” the car stopped and Hana left with all her stuff. She began to walk towards her locker and found Sehun standing there with a bag in his hands. He saw Hana walking towards her locker and when she arrived she bowed a bit. The Sehun moved a bit so that she could open her locker and put her things in the locker.


“I got you some orange juice, a banana nut muffin, and a chocolate muffin. I didn’t know which one you would like…”


“I like anything. Thank you very much. How did you get my number?”


“Remember that Chinese project? You gave me your number just in case. I just never used it until this morning.”


“Oh! I remember now!” Hana began munching onto her muffin and drinking her juice. Sehun smiled a bit and ruffled her hair.


“Bye Hana! I will see you around. Bye,” Sehun smiled and waved.


Since it was still a bit too early to go to class, Hana went outside to the school garden to eat her breakfast. She sat at a bench and began munching onto her dinner slowly going into deep thought. Hana kept thinking about her dream with Park Jaehyung and wondering in Kai being her soul mate was true. He constantly checked on her, even though she didn’t ask him to and he actually cares for her, not out of pity.


“Are we really meant to be? There is 10 days until the surgery. Will he be in love with me then? I doubt that dream was just a lie,” Hana said. She took a deep breath and stood up. She grabbed her cup of orange juice and her trash. She walked towards the trash can to throw away the bag that the muffins were in and Kai walked by.


“When did you have breakfast?” Kai asked.


“Sehun came to my locker to drop it off as a thank you for yesterday.”


“Oh. He was the one who messaged you this morning, right? Give me your phone.” Hana gave him her phone without complaining. Kai typed in his contact info and called himself. He handed Hana her phone, “After school call me and I will accompany you to buy your auntie’s son’s gift. You must call me!” Then he walked off.







After the last class of the day, Hana walked to her locker to grab all her books that she needed to do homework and her lunchbox. Hana’s phone began to vibrate in her cardigan pocket.


“Hello?” Hana answered her phone. She kept organizing and throwing some things into her bag.


“Where are you?” Kai said on the other line.


“I am at my locker putting my things away and grabbing some things to go hospital.”


“Why are you going to the hospital, Hana?” Sehun asked while appearing out of nowhere.


“Is that Sehun?” Kai said, still on the line.


“Sehun, let me finished this phone conversation,” Hana told him. “Jongin, I will meet you in the front of the school in a few minutes.” Then she hung up.


Hana hastily grabbed her stuff but Sehun stopped Hana before she left. “Why do you go to the hospital?” he asked.


“Walk with me, Sehun. Why do people usually go to the hospital?”


“People go to the hospital when they are sick,” he answered in thought.


“Right. Sick people go to the hospital,” Hana told him while walking towards the parking lot.


“Are you sick? Hana, you can trust me if you need a friend. I will support you!” Sehun said while smiling.


Hana chuckled, “You don’t even know how sick I am. I could be minor.”


“To be honest with you, I saw you in the nurse’s office changing your IV pouch. I don’t know what you are sick with, but you can lean on me,” he said while moving closer to her and he moved his head towards his shoulder.


Kai was besides his car and he saw Sehun and Hana walking together. Kai felt really left out and extremely curious on their conversation. So he walked towards them to eavesdrop onto their conversation.


“Thank you for the offer Sehun. I have to go through surgery soon, so you don’t have to worry about me. I won’t be sick anymore,” Hana smiled.


“Hey hyung!” Sehun screamed causing Hana to turn to Kai.


“Hi Jonging. Are you ready?” Hana said.


“Oh~! Hyung and Hana having a relationship, I see,” Sehun teased. Both Kai and Hana blushed.


“No! We are just friends!” Hana said making an X with her arms.


“Sure Hana. If you need anything just call or text me! Even if you are bored, okay?” Hana nodded towards Sehun. “Bye, I will message you now Hana!” Sehun left.


“Should we go get a present for Jongsu?” Kai walked towards the passenger seat of his car and opened it for Hana. Hana walked towards the door and sat in the car. Kai got in the driver’s seat and began driving.


Once they arrived to Hongdae, Kai drove around to find a parking spot near the shopping area of Hongdae. He found a spot near a café and parked. Kai turned towards Hana and realized that she was so distracted by her phone. She was texting Sehun throughout the whole car ride and it made Kai envious of Sehun. Kai got out of the car and slammed the car door loudly. Hana jumped and realized where she was. She opened her bag and grabbed her scarf and wallet. She walked out of the car and walked next to Kai.


"So how old is Jongsu?" Kai asked.


"He is turning 17 today. What do you think he'll like?"


"You said he was a dongsaeng not a teenager!"


"He is a dongsaeng to me!"


"Hana-ah! What are you doing here?" Hana's auntie appeared.


"Auntie! I am getting a gift for Jongsu. Do you need me to do anything for you?"


"Oh yes. Can you pick up the cake for me? I need to rush home and cook. Then afterwards I must pick up Jongsu."


"Of course I can!" Hana's auntie gave her money for the cake.


"Bye Hana-ah. See you soon! Oh bring your friend if you like!"


"My friend?"


"Me..." Kai replied.


"Oh I forgot about you for a second! Sorry."


"It's okay. Let's go." Kai grabbed Hana's hand and walked to a men's clothing store.


Both we walking hand in hand without noticing. Kai unconsciously squeezed Hana’s hand and guided her towards the more stylish clothing. He picked up a shirt with his right hand and he showed Hana, who was on his left holding his hand.


“What about this?”


“Hmmm. I think it is really nice,” Hana grabbed a graphic tee with a tiger on it. “What about this? Jongsu looks really Americanized. I think I will get him this.” Hana checked her watch, “I need to get the cake soon, Jongin. I think I will get him this navy blue shirt with the tiger.”


They walked towards the cash register and Hana placed the shirt onto the counter. “You two make a lovely couple. How long have you been dating?”


Hana pinched her brows and realized that she was still holding Kai’s hand. She let go, “Oh. Um... We aren’t dating. We are just friends.”


“Oh...” the cashier scanned the shirt, “Would you like anything else? There is a deal on these shirts, you can buy one of these v-necks and get it for 50%.”


“Oh, I will take a white one and a dark grey one. Both in mediums please.”


The cashier nodded.


“Also, can you wrap the white one in one box and the other two shirts in another?” Hana added. The cashier wrapped the two boxes and handed it to Hana. While Hana was paying, Kai was busy walking around looking at some clothes for himself. Then he realized that Hana was done and walked towards her.


“Let’s get the cake.”


“Okay. Do you want to come to the dinner with me?” Hana asked.


“Sure,” Kai nodded without hesitation.


Kai and Hana got the cake from a little bakery that Hana always goes to when her auntie doesn’t have time to make a cake for someone. Both Hana and Kai drove to Hana’s aunt’s house to go to the dinner.


When they arrived to the front of the house, someone screamed, “Noona! You made it! I miss you a lot.” A handsome boy came out of a car and ran towards Hana to give her a big hug.


“Of course I would come! You are 17 now and you have grown so big!” Hana smiled, “Oh, this is Kai.” Jongsu grabbed Kai’s hand to shake. Jongsu was a few centimeters taller than Kai and Kai felt a bit insecure standing near Jongsu. Everyone walked into the house and Hana brought in one of the boxes that was for Jongsu while Kai helped bring in the small cake.


“Here is your gift Jongsu,” Hana handed him the box.


“Thank you noona! You didn’t have to!” Jongsu grabbed the box and opened it with glee. When he saw the two shirts he smile, “Noona! I have a surprise for you!”


“What is it?” Hana said.


“I am going to transfer to Seungri High so I can watch my noona!”


Kai felt a bit left out but once he heard about Jongsu moving he felt that someone was going to take Hana away from him and he didn’t like that idea one bit.


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FrenchHyerin #1
Chapter 4: Kai and Hana are so sweet together. It feel, well to me that is, that they are really soulmates for the moment. And the fact that Kai is already falling for her prooves it~
And Kai being jealous when he saw Hana with Sehun. This guy is surely cute :p
I'm waiting for your next update! ;)
FrenchHyerin #2
Chapter 2: This story is so nice. Sweet but quite sad also...
I hope the surgery will go well but... I can't help but have a doubt about it... ><"
Chapter 2: hi...i love your story..pls update soon....:)
FrenchHyerin #4
This story seems interesting! :)
Can't wait for the first chapter :)