Chapter 5: Her Kind Side

Is Love Fate?


Hana arrived at the hospital after getting herself some dinner, which was spicy rice cakes and kimbap. She walked into her room at about 6pm and saw Kai sitting on the seat next to her bed. Hana knows that even if she tries not to make Kai love her, he will love her either way. So she ignores him and puts away her school stuff. She placed her food on a counter near her clothes and school supplies. She grabbed her hospital clothing and went to the bathroom to shower. Kai was so focused on his thoughts that he didn’t notice Hana until she closed the bathroom door to shower.

“Aigoo. That girl is so rude and she comes to the hospital so late. She is a patient for crying out loud,” he muttered under his breath.

After 20 minutes, Hana comes out of the bathroom drying her hair with the towel. She walks towards the counter to get her food and sits onto her bed to eat. Kai just stares at her, expecting her to greet him and just talk to him. But Hana just continues eating and turns on the TV to enjoy herself.

“Yah. You aren’t going to say hi?” Kai said.

Hana shrugged and continued eating her spicy rice cakes and kimbap.

“Hello? Hana, are you mad at me?”
            “Why are you here?” Hana didn’t want Kai to love her… She knew she will probably not survive her surgery.

“I am here, as a friend, to make sure you get home safely. That is what friends do. Where were you this whole time? School ended a long time ago.”

“Jongin, I am 18 years old and I can take care of myself. I don’t need someone to watch me and worry if I arrived to the hospital safely. I had to handle some school business. Now that I have answered your question, can you leave? I want to be alone.”

Kai stood up and left to go to his grandma’s room.

After finishing her meal, Hana stood up and went to throw her trash away. Hana went to the children’s section of the hospital but little did she know Kai was following her. Hana walked towards a room with a child lying on the bed with a pulse monitor besides her and the child look extremely pale and sick.

“Ahreum-ah, hi! How are you?” Hana asked while being cheery. Kai always felt shocked when he saw this side of Hana.

“Hana unnie, I am feeling a bit better. Where we you today during the day? I went to your room and you were gone!”

Hana chuckled a bit and began patting Ahreum’s head softly like what a mother does to her daughter. “Ahreum-ah, I have school. I am sorry but at least I came today right?” She gave a smile to Ahreum.

Ahreum nodded, “Unnie, how long were you sick?”

“I have been sick since I was 6. Ahreum-ah, see you can live a long time like me. Don’t worry, you will always have me.”

“Really?” Ahreum jumped out and hugged Hana. Hana enjoyed the hug and cradled the little one in her arms.

“We both have weak hearts, we will both get through surgery safely Ahreum-ah. I promise,” Hana began to tear up while lulling Ahreum to sleep in her arms.

Ahreum’s doctors came into the room and saw Hana. “Hello Hana-sshi, are you visiting little Ahreum?” Hana nodded and smiled. “Her illness is very similar to yours and she will need surgery but her family cannot afford it.” The female doctor tears up a bit.

“She is only 7… Is it possible for me to donate money for Ahreum’s surgery? She is like a little sister to me. She has been in the hospital for two years and I am willing to help,” Hana asked the doctors.

“Hana-sshi, the surgery is extremely expensive and I don’t think you can donate that much money!”

“How much is it?” Hana said while Kai watched from afar smiling. He unconsciously thought, “That is my girl.”

“It will be ₩600 million…”

“I actually have ₩20 billion in my bank accounts Dr. Lee. I am more than happy to donate ₩1 billion to Ahreum for her surgery, hospital fees, and other accessories. Can I pay for it tonight?” The two doctors nodded.




Hana went to her room to fetch her bank books to pay for Ahreum’s surgery and Kai appeared out of nowhere. It frightened Hana a bit when he popped out of nowhere and he gave a goofy smile towards Hana and she couldn’t help but laugh at his awkward face. She was slowly opening up to the idea that this was her soul mate but she had no intentions of telling him.

“That is nice of you to pay for the cute little girl’s surgery,” he said while grinning.

“She is the only this similar to family I have that are not doctors,” Hana walked into her room and opened the room’s safe to obtain her bank books. She walked out and walked towards the hospital’s account office. Kai was trailing her with her knowledge. Hana turned around and waited for Kai to catch up with her. When Kai was next to her, she began walking towards the elevator and she pressed the button.

“Are you not mad?”

“I am not mad Jongin. I am just extremely weak and tired. What do you expect from someone with a heart disease,” the elevator arrived and both entered. Hana pressed the floor of the office.

“I don’t think of you as the girl with the heart disease, Hana. I think of you as Lee Hana, the extremely kind and smart girl who goes to Seungri High with me,” he gave her a cheeky smile.

“Thank you,” the elevator dinged, opened, and then both of the exited the elevator. They both began walking towards the Head Doctor’s office.

            When they entered, a happy middle aged man was sitting on a desk and smiled when he saw Hana. “Hana-ah! What brings you to my office?”

            “I would like to donate money to Ahreum’s surgery and hospital fees. I already talked to her doctors but I would like to be known has anonymous. Please allow me to donate,” Hana stood up and deeply bowed towards the Head Doctor.

            “Of course I will allow you to donate. You and she are the unnie-dongsaeng pair of the hospital but I am not sure if you can pay the fees without being broke…”

            Hana began opening a few account books that were under her name and lied them down in front of the man. “If that isn’t enough, I have a lot more account books under my name,” Hana opened her pouch with the account books, grabbed a few account books, and lifted to show the doctor.

            “How did a young lady like you obtain so much money?”

            “The hospital supplies my hospital fees because they want to research about my illness. The money adds up that isn’t being used for my hospital bills. I also have many dead relative, so I inherited their money and their houses, which I sold. Also, my father paid for my school tuition ahead of time, so the money just sits in the bank and slowly grows.”

            Both Kai and the Head Doctor were astonished by Hana’s response. They didn’t realize that she earned her money through her dead relatives and she doesn’t even use it like how other girls would. Kai smiled knowing that she wasn’t a typical girl. The Head Doctor and Hana began filling out paperwork together. Hana wrote a check to the hospital, specifically for Ahreum for a whopping ₩700 million. Hana called the bank to ask if she could transfer more money into one account to have that much in one account to pay that much. Hana and Kai bowed to the doctor and left.



            “Hana, can I asked you something,” Kai asked once they were in her room watching Running Man.

            Hana simply just nodded because she was too engrossed into the variety show. “Why are you so cold towards me?”

            Hana turned towards Kai, “I don’t want you pity. Imagine if you were in my situation and people knew you were sick with a crazy disease. They would be like ‘Jonging drink this. It is good for you’ or ‘Are you okay? Are you sure you can do this?’ I don’t like that kind of pity and attention. I guess now you know so I can’t do much except either talk to you and befriend you or just ignore you.”

            “You can trust me but from time to time, I can’t help to worry about you Hana. What if your heart stops in the middle of class? What am I suppose to do?” he said and then he thought, “I think I would die right then and there if you heart stops.”

            “Jongin, I think I do want to live pass this surgery… For my new life and to see Ahreum’s new life. I really want to be carefree and happy without this weak heart. The surgery will take 8 hours and I don’t know if I will be alive by the end but for Ahreum’s surgery, she will mostly succeed. She needs a heart transplant and they already found a heart for her,” Hana smiled a bit. “I think they need to fix the muscle and tissues around my heart…”

            “Do you know how they are going to do that?” Kai asked anxiously.

            “Where they are getting the tissue and muscle is pretty amazing but they will open my chest and remove the weak muscle to replace it.”

            Kai chuckled a bit, “Where is the muscle coming from?”

            “It is so interesting! It comes from a 3D printer and they want to see if it will work on a human. They have tested it on rats and other animals…” Hana looked like the cutest child while explaining about the 3D printer.

            Both of them just talked and talked until Hana fell asleep on her bed. Kai looked at Hana and he walked towards her bed. He stared at Hana and he leaned towards her. He kissed her on the forehead.

            “You will make it through this surgery. I will do everything in my power to make you happy again. I think I love you Hana even though I met you a few days ago. I hope in the future you will love me too.”



A/N: OMFG I AM SO HAPPY!!!! Sorry for not updating sooner... I had an essay due yesterday and I was too lazy to update yesterday. GUESS WHAT SUBSCRIBERS!!!! I am going to the B.A.P concert in LA :3 I AM SOO HAPPY!!!!! Time to see my babies and the BABY'S! But I have AP exams that week of the concert.... #YOHOC Enjoy the story~~~


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FrenchHyerin #1
Chapter 4: Kai and Hana are so sweet together. It feel, well to me that is, that they are really soulmates for the moment. And the fact that Kai is already falling for her prooves it~
And Kai being jealous when he saw Hana with Sehun. This guy is surely cute :p
I'm waiting for your next update! ;)
FrenchHyerin #2
Chapter 2: This story is so nice. Sweet but quite sad also...
I hope the surgery will go well but... I can't help but have a doubt about it... ><"
Chapter 2: hi...i love your story..pls update soon....:)
FrenchHyerin #4
This story seems interesting! :)
Can't wait for the first chapter :)