Chapter 2: Seeing Her in Pain

Is Love Fate?

         The next day was a Monday and Kai went to school hoping to see Hana in math class. He sat through all his class waiting for 5th period to see Hana. The time wasn’t on Kai’s side that Monday and it felt like days for 5th period to come around. Kai basically ran upstairs to get to class 203 to see if Hana was there and he was chased by some of his fangirls. As he arrived to class, he set up his materials and sat in Hana’s seat until the bell rang but she never appeared. He sat there wonder why Hana wasn’t at school.

            After school, Kai went to talk to his math teacher, “Mr. Choi, why isn’t Hana in class today? I saw her at the hospital yesterday… She seemed okay enough to go to school.”


            “Do you know why she is in the hospital?” Mr. Choi asked while looking not too concern.


            “She has that rare heart disease…”


            “Oh, good you know, so I can tell you why she is gone. Sorry she told me not to tell anyone who doesn’t know. Hana skips school for short to long intervals of time to be examined for the doctors to obtain information about her one-of-a-kind disease. She will be back next Monday. If you don’t mind me asking, why were you at the hospital?”


            “I was visiting my grandma and she is still there. Do you want me to give anything to Hana?” Kai asked, trying to make an excuse to see Hana one more time.


            “Yes. Can you give her this assignment sheet with some of these worksheets and practice test? I do not want my best student to be behind in the lessons,” he said then chuckled a bit.


            “Best student? Mr. Choi, I always get 100%’s on your test… Aren’t I your best student?” Kai said trying not to be cocky.


            “You are one of the best, Jongin-ah. But Hana gets extra credit on every test and I curve the tests, don’t forget about that. She has gotten 100%’s on every test without the curve. Oh. Please give her this envelope too please,” he handed Kai the envelope.


            “What is this?”


            “Every time she is in the hospital, one of her teachers visit her to give her the assignments she might miss while she is gone. We all write her a nice little note for her and it is my turn to give her the assignment. Then you offered to give her stuff, so you will do it for me!” Mr. Choi began to laugh.


            “I will leave now. Bye Mr. Choi,” Kai said then bowed and walked towards his locker to grab a few items. After that, he walked towards his car with fans trailing behind him.


            “Hyung! Where are you going?” Sehun asked.


            “I am going to the hospital to see my grandma and to give these,” he lifted up Hana’s assignment folder, “to a classmate. What did you need?”


            “Everyone else wants to go eat later and study for the math test tomorrow. Do you think you can make it tonight? D.O hyung really needs help on understanding some of the concepts…”


            “I will text you to see if I can make it because I don’t really understand some things either. If I can’t make it, just ask Baekhyun hyung! He should know how to do calculus, he is in physics and he took calculus last year!” Kai waved at Sehun and went inside of his car. He drove to the hospital.






Kai went to visit his grandma first for an hour and he told her about Hana. His grandma listened to him with all ears open and she told him, “Treat her like a normal person, I know how it feels to be treated as different. I think that is why she hides herself from society. She doesn’t want to be remembered if she dies and if she makes friends, she might leave them sooner or later. Treat her well.”


Kai went to Hana’s room and she sat on the hospital bed with an expressionless face while watching TV. Hana didn’t even noticed that Kai has enter the room until he cleared his throat.


“Hi Hana. I brought your school assignments…” Kai said awkwardly.


“Hi Jongin… Thank you for bringing me my stuff, it must be bothersome. Sorry for wasting your time. I will make it up to you in some way.” Hana said while forcing a smile.


“Are you okay? You look uncomfortable… Does something hurt?” Kai asked carefully.


“It is just… I have chest pains every so often. Did anything interesting happen in Mr. Choi’s math class today?” She asked while trying to change the subject.


“Not much, but can you help me with this concept for math? I heard you are his best student…”


“I don’t think I am… I don’t really listen in class. You are probably a better student. What do you need help on?”


“I don’t understand this,” he opened his math book and flipped to a page about volumes of rotating solids on graphs. (A/N: Sorry if you don’t understand calculus… But they are seniors so they should know calculus!)


“Oh, this isn’t that complicated. Here,” she patted to the space next to her and grabbed the table for the bed, “Sit. Let me show you.” She opened the book to the page about the topic he didn’t understand. “Okay so first you want to find which method is better to use. You will use either the disc method, washer method, or shell method to find the volume. They give you the generic integral on page 358. Then you see what applies best for each graph…”


She taught him everything about the subject and he listened to her carefully. He took notes while listening to her that both of them lost track of time and it was 6:30pm by the time Hana finished teaching him calculus.


“Wow you are good at math Hana. How do you know all this stuff? We just learned shells today…”


“I have nothing to do in the hospital so for the mornings I do school work and the afternoons I sleep or either watch TV. It is already 6:30pm. Don’t you need to go home?”


“No… I live with my grandparents when my parents are on business trips and it happens that my grandma is sick so I am staying at the hospital. Oh! Give me a second. I have to text my friend. Excuse me.”


Kai walked out of the room to call Sehun and tell him that he couldn’t make it to the study dinner meeting. He felt bad but he felt happy when spending time with Hana. After his call with Sehun, he walked into Hana’s room and found her laying on the bed muffling. He saw the monitor beating at an irregular pattern and heard some of Hana’s cries. Without hesitating, he ran to the closest doctor to tell him about Hana’s current condition.


The doctor ran to Hana’s room and began injecting stuff into her IV. He kept taking notes about Hana’s condition. Then the doctor asked Hana a series of questions to see if she was okay. “Hmm… I think you should do the surgery earlier than three weeks Hana. I really care for you and I have watched you grow up. I think your parents would want this surgery to happen soon for you Hana. I think we should do it next weekend… What do you think? You can go to school on Friday and tell your teachers that you might miss the whole week of your surgery to have the operation and to recover.”


“I think the sooner the better too Doctor Park. It has been 12 years since I have suffered with this and I really want to be a normal teenager. Doctor Park… before you leave can I asked you something?”


Doctor Park looked towards Kai who looked a bit sad seeing Hana in pain and he smiled a bit before nodded to Hana’s question.


“If I die during the surgery… What should I do with all my inheritance? I have no one to give it to… Do you think the hospital will allow me to donate money to it?” This threw Kai off for a bit and he really didn’t think he would meet someone for a few weeks and then she will die.


“I am sure the money will go to the research of you disease but I don’t think you will die Hana. There is a 60% success rate. I shall be going now Hana. I will visit you when I am free later. Bye!” He waved at Hana and she waved back, then he left.


Kai thought “She might die and I just began being attached to her… I don’t feel so empty anymore after meeting her… I think Grandma was right about Hana.”


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FrenchHyerin #1
Chapter 4: Kai and Hana are so sweet together. It feel, well to me that is, that they are really soulmates for the moment. And the fact that Kai is already falling for her prooves it~
And Kai being jealous when he saw Hana with Sehun. This guy is surely cute :p
I'm waiting for your next update! ;)
FrenchHyerin #2
Chapter 2: This story is so nice. Sweet but quite sad also...
I hope the surgery will go well but... I can't help but have a doubt about it... ><"
Chapter 2: hi...i love your story..pls update soon....:)
FrenchHyerin #4
This story seems interesting! :)
Can't wait for the first chapter :)