Chapter 4: Her Illness

Is Love Fate?


The next morning Hana went to get a pre-surgery examination and to see if there was a way for her to go to school for the rest of the week. The doctors took several scans of her body and it was only 6am. The doctors gave Hana an IV that she had to wear with a pound and small machine that would inject the medicine in her body when her heart rate became irregular. Hana wore the machine on a belt around her waist underneath her large shirt. The doctors allowed her to go to school but at night she would have to stay at the hospital.

Hana went to her room and saw Kai waiting for her. Hana tried to gather her school uniform that she packs, just in case the hospital allows her to leave for school, and her school materials without Kai noticing. Kai turned around due to the noise that Hana was making and he just stared at her pack her stuff as quietly as she could. She turned around and jumped a bit when she found Kai staring at her. She smiled sheepishly when she saw that Kai had discovered her trying to get ready for school.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I am getting ready for school…”

“Why? You are sick, you should stay here. The past two nights you had bad chest pains, you have to stay here!” he said worriedly.

“Don’t worry about me. I have it all taken care of and the doctors gave me permission to go to school.”

“You are going to go to school with me then. Go change.”

Hana went into the bath to change and she realized that she had to hide the small machine and her IV needle with her uniform. She secretly thanked the school board with the uniform. It was a button up, long sleeved shirt, a blue bow, a large red cardigan, and a blue and red plaid skirt. Hana put on the knee high socks with her plain black shoes. She pinned her fringe out of her face then walked out of the bathroom.

“Why does your cardigan look bulgy?” Kai asked staring at the bulgy part of her outfit.

“Do you really want to know? But it might scare you a bit…”

“I really do want to know. We are friends now and we should care about each other.”

Hana began to lift her cardigan and shirt to shows the machine that monitored her heart rate and the IV pound. She put down her shirt and cardigan to show Kai her sleeves. She rolled up the sleeves to show him the needle that is in her wrist. “That is it. I also have the suction cup things all over my body to monitor my heart rate,” she said calmly.

“This isn’t the first time you had done this, huh?”

“I wear this machine every few months to school since I was six, so it isn’t a huge deal or problem to me.”

Kai felt a bit sad that he had never notice these things about Hana. He was really sad when she showed him the machine, IV pouch, and then the needle she has to wear all day. Although he hadn’t notice before, he felt glad that now he could help her, even if it would be for two more weeks.

Kai and Hana began walking out towards the lobby to go to school but a doctor stopped them. “Hana-ah! I made you lunch and breakfast. It is good for you to eat this for your body and I also packed you another IV pouch for later. You know how to change it right?” Hana nodded. “Then you should change it around lunch time and if the one you are wearing now isn’t finished by then, just wait for it to be done to change,” the doctor smiled and patted Hana on the head which made her smile.

“Bye Dr. Yoon! I will see you when I come back!” Hana waved back at the doctor.

Kai just watched Hana the whole conversation and how she would smile and it made his heart rate increase by the millisecond. He unconsciously smiled when she would smile. Hana turned around and caught him smiling. She began waving her left hand in front of him and he snapped back into reality. He rubbed his neck awkwardly and gave her an awkward smile.

“Let’s go.”




Kai drove Hana to school early so that his fangirls will not hurt her while exiting his car. While arriving to school, it was practically empty because it was 7am when school started at 7:55. Hana left the car without saying bye to Kai and ran towards her locker. She knew that Kai didn’t know where her locker was and she placed her lunch box and IV pouch in her locker. She grabbed her breakfast with her materials and began walking to her first class. She sat down and began eating the muffins that Dr. Yoon packed her and drank the banana milk. Hana began thinking, “What if Jongin was my soul mate? Should I be happy that he is nice to me and I actually have a friend? Stupid Jaehyung. Why is Kai my soul mate? WHY DO I EVEN HAVE A SOUL MATE?”

Hana ruffled her hair in frustration and a girl in her first class saw her. “Hi, I am Shin Haneul! I just moved here today and I am a bit lost… Is it okay if I sat with you?”

“Yeah, sure. I am Lee Hana,” then Hana went back to eating and thinking about her situation with Kai. Kai happened to pass the classroom and saw Hana sitting and eating her breakfast. He smiled and walked in to sit in the seat in front of her. Hana was too distracted to notice Kai sitting in front of her and he turned around to see if she would notice but she was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t even notice him.

“Hi! I am Shin Haneul, nice to meet you. I am new here,” Haneul said to gain Kai’s attention and it also caught Hana’s attention a bit. Hana glanced pass Kai and looked at Haneul.

“Who are you talking to?” Hana asked blankly.

“There is a guy in front of you…”

Hana turned her head towards Kai and was startled. “When did this guy get here Haneul-sshi?”

“He has been here for a few minutes…” Haneul turned towards Kai, “What is your name?”

“Hi, I am Kai. Hana, can I talk to you outside for a bit? It is only 7:30 so class won’t start for another 25 minutes.”

Hana nodded, stood up, gathered her trash, and then walked outside to throw away her trash. She turned around to talk to Kai and he was leaning against the door frame of the classroom door.

“Why did you run out of the car like that?”

“I didn’t want to bother you,” Hana said while looking down and kicking the ground.

“You won’t be bothersome towards me Hana-ah. We are friends now, right?” Hana nodded. “Then can you tell me where you locker is?”

“Locker nfjelkajfk,” Hana mumbled the last part and it confused Kai but then he understood why she didn’t want him to know.

“I thought we were friends. Do you not trust me?”

Hana sighed and shook her head. “It is just that I don’t want you going to my locker to see me and then your fangirls will kill me. Jongin, I am a wallflower. Please act like you do not know me at school. Sorry,” Hana bowed her head and walked into the classroom.




After 4th period, Hana walked towards her locker to grab the IV pouch and walked to the nurse’s office. EXO-K was walking pass Hana and Kai saw her. He smiled but then his fangirls squished him and pulled him in the opposite direction of Hana.

Hana arrived to the nurse’s office and she walked in. She bowed to the nurse and the nurse knew why Hana came in. Hana took the IV pouch out of her lunch bag, lifted her shirt, and changed the IV pouch.

“Hana, did they figure out a way to cure your disease?” the nurse asked.

Hana nodded, “They told me Sunday night that they can operate a surgery to fix the part of my heart that is causing the disease but it is a risky operation. There is a 60% chance of surviving…”

The nurse stared at Hana with unreadable eyes, “I am sorry, I really hope it is successful. It hurts me to see a sweet girl like you with such a terrible disease.”

Hana smiled and grabbed her things. “Bye, I will visit a lot due to pre-surgery procedures,” Hana bowed and left. Hana started to walk outside to sit under a tree and she sat. She opened her lunch box and found a note.

            “Don’t eat too fast or too slow. Remember to smile every now and then Hana-ah. You look more beautiful while smiling. I really believe that the surgery will go well and I will be one of the doctors operating on you. Love, Dr. Yoon.” This made Hana smile brightly and she began eating her lunch. She saw someone running behind the tree to hide from a huge flock of girls. She turned around and saw Sehun. The flock of girls ran pass the tree and towards the library.

            “Finally I am away from those girls,” Sehun walked towards Hana and sat next to her. “Hi, I am Oh Sehun. I don’t think you would remember me, Hana.” He smiled and waved at Hana.

            “I remember you. We did that huge Chinese project together last year, right?”

            “Yes we did,” he smiled, “Can I sit with you? Those girls are so tiresome and I can’t even eat lunch without them chasing me.”

            Hana stared at her food and saw that she had an extra pair of chopsticks. There was a note from Dr. Yoon that said, “I saw that boy with you last night. Share this with him!” Hana laughed at the note. She grabbed the extra pair of chopsticks and handed it to Sehun. Then she placed her lunch box between her and Sehun.

            “We can share my extremely large lunch, if you don’t mind,” she told him.

            “Thanks. This looks really delicious but you take the first bite.”

            They began eating together with a silence between them and Kai was walking around looking for EXO-K’s extremely popular maknae. He walked outside and saw Hana and Sehun sharing a lunchbox together. He felt jealous and walked towards them. He sat on the other side of Hana.

            “Oh! Hyung, what are you doing here?” Sehun asked. Hana turned around and saw Kai.

            “I was looking for you because I thought you would be hungry… How do you know Hana?” Kai asked Sehun.

            “We were in Chinese together last year together. We had a project together and then Hana and I became friends,” he said while smiling towards Hana. She smiled back to be polite and that made Kai really angry.

            “I see. Sehun-ah, the other hyungs are looking for you.”

            “Hana, I will go now and thank you for sharing your food with me! I will see you later. Bye,” Sehun said then got up to leave.

            “Hana, did you change your IV pouch?”

            Hana nodded and began to feel a bit light headed so she lay down onto the grass. She closed her eyes and felt chest pains. The machine under her shirt began to beep really fast and loud. Hana felt liquids going through her wrist to get her heart rate stabilize and that made her faint.

            “Hana! Hana! Are you okay? Wake up!” Kai looked at her lunch bag and found a note that said, “If you are with Hana and she fainted, she will most likely wake up in a few minutes. Some of the medication is really strong if her heart rate is too fast. Just make sure she is lying down in a comfortable position.”

            Kai looked at Hana and she was on her back, resting for a bit. His hand began to brush her hair out of her face and he began to smile. Kai began singing to Hana and that made her fidget. She woke up and slowly sat up. She brought her knees towards her chest and sighed.

            “I am sorry if I freaked you out. This is a normal thing and I would understand why you wouldn’t want to be friends with me anymore,” Hana began to cry a bit due to the pain in her chest and she hid her face in her knees.

            “I don’t mind. You should always have someone with you if stuff like this happens but in two weeks, when you have that surgery…. You will be fine and healthy again,” Kai said while staring at the sky.

            “I don’t even know if I should live…”

            “Hey! Don’t say that. What will happen to your future husband or soul mate if you died?”

            This scared Hana a bit because she knows that her soul mate was sitting right next to her. “I don’t know, he will love someone else because I am not too different from other girls,” she said while making up an excuse. She knew what will happen if she died. Kai will never be able to love anyone else but Kai hasn’t started to love her, so how was it possible.

            “I think he will be sad that he might never meet you and he cannot love someone like how he should love you.”

            The bell rang and then Hana packed all her stuff to rush to class but it didn’t matter if she was trying to get away from Kai because she had 5th period with him. She ran to her locker to put her stuff away and ran to Mr. Choi’s class. She entered the class and ran into Mr. Choi.

            “Whoa! Hana, don’t run too much. It isn’t good for your heart. Sit, we have a test today and you studied right?” Mr. Choi asked and Hana nodded.

            Right when Kai entered, Mr. Choi was handing out the test and Kai was force to sit and take the test. Everyone began their test and within 40 minutes, Hana finished and gave her test to Mr. Choi. She was the first done and she asked Mr. Choi if she could leave early to go to the nurse. With his permission, she grabbed her stuff quietly and walking out without being noticed. Kai finished his test 15 minutes after Hana and he went to turn it in. He noticed that Hana was missing and he was really confused. Kai decided to just wait for Hana at the hospital after school.

            After school, Hana went to visit Mr. Choi to talk to him because he was the closest teacher to Hana. As she went in she sat in the seat in the first row.    

            “Hello Mr. Choi. Thank you for the nice letter.”

            “Hi Hana-ah. Did they find a cure to your heart disease?”

            “Actually, they did and it involves a surgery… I will be having the surgery soon and I was wondering if you can teach me the lessons I will be missing. I already learned this week’s lesson and I began to study some of next week’s lesson. Can you teach me the week after?” Hana asked.

            “Sure. I was going to ask you if you wanted to retake the test because you were gone. I knew it wouldn’t be fair to other students if I asked you out loud. Then I graded your test first and you got 100%. Good job, Hana-ah.” Then from there Mr. Choi taught Hana the lessons that will be taught when she might recover from the surgery. At 5pm, she finished her lessons from Mr. Choi and left school to go to the hospital.

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FrenchHyerin #1
Chapter 4: Kai and Hana are so sweet together. It feel, well to me that is, that they are really soulmates for the moment. And the fact that Kai is already falling for her prooves it~
And Kai being jealous when he saw Hana with Sehun. This guy is surely cute :p
I'm waiting for your next update! ;)
FrenchHyerin #2
Chapter 2: This story is so nice. Sweet but quite sad also...
I hope the surgery will go well but... I can't help but have a doubt about it... ><"
Chapter 2: hi...i love your story..pls update soon....:)
FrenchHyerin #4
This story seems interesting! :)
Can't wait for the first chapter :)